Interesting Articles 2024

Ahimenez - growing and care at home, photo species

Achimenes (Achimenes) - flowering plant from the Gesneriaceae family. In vivo occurs in the form of a vine or shrub. The homeland of Achimenes is the tropical zones of Central and South America. A flower, accustomed to a hot, humid climate, is afraid of a drop in temperature. This is evidenced even by its name, dating back to the Greek foundations and meaning "afraid of the cold."

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Incarville: description, species, reproduction, care

Incarvillea is a herbaceous plant that is part of the Bignoniaceae family. Distribution area - the central and eastern regions of Asia, the Himalayas. Description of the incarvillea Depending on the species, it is annual, biennial, and perennial, grows up to 2 m. The root system is woody or tuberous, the trunks are erect, branched.

Sanchezia - home care, photo species

Sanchezia (Sanchezia) - decorative - deciduous shrub from the Acanthus family. The perennial plant is of great interest for its juicy emerald leaves with beautiful lemon stripes. The height of sanchezia, even indoors, can reach more than a meter, if you do not trim the top. The bush grows quickly, each year up to 7 new leaves appear on tetrahedral shoots.

Rosa Gloria Dei - description of the climbing variety

Rosa Gloria Day is one of the most striking symbols of floriculture. Many rose lovers are eager to get this variety in their greenhouses. Gloria is rightfully considered one of the best species bred in the last century. Rose Gloria Day (Peace, Gioia, rose Gloria Dei, Madame A. Meilland) - what kind of variety this is, the story of its creation It owes its birth to the French breeder Antoine Mayian from Lyon.

DIY garden bench: six projects for every taste

One of the attributes of a garden or a recreation area on a suburban area is a bench, sitting on which you can read a book alone or, conversely, spend some fun hours with friends. How to make an ordinary shop comfortable and at the same time turn into an element of garden decor? The way out is simple - a DIY bench for a summer residence.

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Usual and unusual time for vaccinating a pear

With the help of fruit tree vaccinations, the possibilities of the garden are greatly expanded even in a small area. After all, one tree is able to "tolerate" several different varieties. And still the vaccination becomes almost the last opportunity to save a tree with healthy roots, but a weak or sick crown. In the end, it is a great moral satisfaction to see and understand that with your own hands it turns out to work a miracle.

How to pinch a petunia for lush flowering

Petunia is loved for its unpretentious care, rapid growth and abundant flowering. A wide selection of bell flowers of various colors also adds only pluses to it. A cherry on the cake is a wonderful aroma, which in the evening becomes only sweeter. Each owner of an exotic beauty needs to know what care and growing petunias should be like.

Koufea - planting and care in the open ground and at home

Koufea is a green shrub plant that blooms in the warmer months. Represents the Derbennikov family. The native land is South and Central America. Description of the Kafei Flower The kafei flower came from the Greek word kyphos, which means "bent over, crooked." The name appeared due to the bent shape of the seeds.

The perfect lawn with a robotic lawnmower: myth or reality?

Spring, it seems, has just begun, and on the eve of the long-awaited summer time! Ahead are hot days outside the city, cozy picnics in the shade of trees, active games with children in the fresh air and romantic “dates” on the porch of the house overlooking the garden ... For gardeners, summer is also a time of active labor, caring for the territory and maintaining the beauty of plants , flower beds and lawn!

Why do the leaves of the money tree fall

There are only a few reasons for the foliage to fly around the common fat. In the natural environment, decay occurs mainly in old leaflets. For indoor species, this phenomenon signals a violation of the rules of care or a flower disease. Monkey tree, Crassula or Crassula - what kind of flower is it? The people's name - the money tree was obtained due to the external similarity of the flower's leaves with coins.

Rosa Claire Austin

Rosa Claire Austin is one of the varieties of spray roses bred by English breeder David Austin. Tall bushes almost all summer and until autumn delight the eye with flowering white inflorescences. In addition, claire austin is a frost-resistant rose, which is why it is excellent for growing in Russian mid-latitudes.

Palm tree washington - home care

Dreaming of the sea somewhere in Miami, a person imagines the deserted coast of the ocean on which palm trees grow. Meanwhile, this tree can be grown at home. An example of this is the palm tree of Washington. Washingtonia is a tree that in its natural habitat grows up to 30 meters tall and has a meter in the circumference of the trunk.

11 plants that can not be planted in an apple tree if you want to get a crop in 2020

Before planting an apple tree in the garden, you need to evaluate its compatibility with other fruit and berry crops. The so-called “residents” of the garden plot may be outwardly absolutely harmless, but due to certain circumstances they will not be able to comfortably coexist on the same territory with the apple tree. There may be several reasons for this: the presence of common diseases and pests, natural inanimacy, or the individual characteristics of plants.

Gladioli planting and growing

Gladiolus, otherwise it is called fennel, is a perennial tuberous bulb plant that is grown in Europe, Asia and Africa. Some species come from Siberia. Due to the characteristic shape of the leaves, the flowers are called "Gladius", which is translated from Latin as "sword". Characteristics of the gladiolus. The first of the tuber buds sprout leaves.

Echmea flower - care and reproduction at home

Ehmeya - a flower that belongs to the Bromeliad family. This genus includes 180 species of crops. In vivo, they most often grow in America. Now this culture has begun to grow at home, because it has a beautiful flowering and unpretentious care. It looks like to which family Echmea belongs. It is an epiphyte that belongs to the Bromeliad family and is the closest relative of pineapple.