Interesting Articles 2024

Perennial chrysanthemums - planting and care in the open ground

People grow flowers in gardens and for bouquets. In autumn, the time comes for one of these plants - these are chrysanthemums. To make them happy with their flowering, you need to properly care for them. Many beginner gardeners begin their acquaintance with this flower with confusion: is it a perennial plant or an annual? Meanwhile, the answer is simple - they exist both such and such.

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Trellis for climbing plants: examples of DIY construction

To garden and garden plants pleased with the harvest, watering, fertilizers and conditions for their proper development are needed. Climbing plants, for example, need support: the stem will cling to it when it creeps up. For this purpose, it is most convenient to use a trellis - a special design that will help garden vines grow without sagging, and will be an excellent decorative decoration for any site.

Terry begonia flower at home

Among the variety of indoor plants, terry begonia stands apart. It has attracted the attention of man for several centuries. A variety of combinations of flowers and foliage are very attractive. Terry varieties deserve special attention. Description of the flower The genus Vegonia unites almost 1600 species; 125 species and various varieties of hybrids and varieties are used in indoor and landscape floriculture.

Thespezia - growing and caring at home, photo species

Thespesia plant is a member of the family Malvaceae or Hibiscus. It is often found in collections of gardeners. The birthplace of tespezia is India, Hawaii, almost all the islands in the South Pacific. Over time, this plant spread to the Caribbean islands, the African continent, and two of its species grow in China.

Growing rosemary in the open: gardener's secrets

Many garden plant lovers love to grow unusual and exotic shrubs on their plots. One of the most beloved is rosemary. Some gardeners cautiously decide to grow it, because they believe that in our regions this plant does not take root well. But through trial and error, an instruction was developed, following which you can settle it in your country house and enjoy the unsurpassed aroma.

Hornwort - unpretentious Christmas tree in water

Hornwort - a perennial herb that grows in the water column. It belongs to the hornwort family and is distributed throughout the planet. Hornwort lives in fresh water, mainly with stagnant water (swamps, lakes, slowly flowing stream). In culture, it is grown for landscaping aquariums or home ponds.

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Colchicum - autumn tender flower

Colchicum is a delicate flowering plant from the Colchicum family. In nature, it grows in the Mediterranean, North Africa and Southeast Asia. Although colchicum flowers resemble spring crocuses, they bloom in the fall, when most of the inhabitants of the flower garden have already withered. For this reason, many gardeners happily settle this unusual plant on the site.

Flowerbed with hydrangea - a scheme of planting bushes

A beautiful flowering corner is able to decorate any personal plot, alley, park or pond. It is not surprising that all gardeners, even beginners, strive to create in their garden interesting compositions of flowers, herbaceous ornamental plants, flowering bushes and trees. One of the win-win options that experienced landscape designers and amateur gardeners also use is a flower bed with hydrangea.

Anthurium Scherzer - home care

Anthurium Scherzer - a popular houseplant, which is popularly called "male happiness." Perennial flower mesmerizes with its appearance. The variety is unpretentious in care and undemanding to the conditions of detention. Therefore, it has become widespread. What does the Scherzer Anthurium look like When compared with other Anthuriums, the Scherzer variety is low.

Azalea: rules for home and outdoor care

Azalea belongs to the genus Rhododendrons, the Heather family. From Greek - rosewood. The birthplace of this plant is China, India, the Caucasus. In total there are more than 1000 varieties. Some of them are grown in apartments, gardens. Description of the azalea. The flowers are outwardly similar to overly open rosebuds, bisexual, solitary or collected in inflorescences.

Juniper - a shrub or tree, how to propagate and plant it

Juniper is a variety of coniferous shrubby and tree-like plants belonging to the Cypress family. Veres, as it is often called, has healing properties and is used in medicine. The shrub itself is able to purify the air around it and kill all pathogens. The aroma of juniper has a calming effect on the nervous system, so that people sleep soundly and soundly.


Photo Myrtus (Myrtus) - an evergreen tree plant from the Myrtle family. In vivo occurs on the Azores, in the southern parts of Europe, Crimea and North Africa. The birthplace of myrtle is the Mediterranean. In nature, a decorative-deciduous plant reaches 4 m over many years of life. To grow a tree at home, you will have to make an effort and be patient.

Ampoule petunias - when and how to pinch

For several years, petunia has been a leader in the market of horticultural crops. But not all people know the principles of its cultivation. This flower loves pruning. How to pinch an ampelous petunia is not difficult to understand, you need to trim the tops of the stems in a timely manner and it will start letting out side shoots. After pruning, many new and lush flowers are formed on the bush.

5 beautiful plants for the garden that do not require frequent watering from you

Garden plants that do not require special care and watering can not only decorate flower beds and flower beds, but can also withstand the most unfavorable and arid periods. Heichera Leaves of heichera striking in its variety of colors - from the usual green to brown and gray shades. It does not need frequent watering, but the choice of the place of planting should be taken seriously.

Redcurrant: the main stages in the cultivation and care

Redcurrant is a perennial deciduous shrub with a height of 0.5 to 2 m. It is found in the wild in the forest edges, on the banks of rivers or streams throughout Eurasia. This is the favorite berry of many gardeners, modern varieties with good care are able to produce up to 10-12 kg of juicy sour berries.

Astrantia flower

Astrantia flower is unusual, therefore, it is often decorated with a design of a garden, park or personal landscape. In Russia, the variegated beauty is called a star, comparing her outward resemblance to a star. This is not accidental - the form of inflorescence is close to the constellation or shape of the bright sun. Origin The history of the astrantia plant begins in the 16th century in England.

Palm areca: description, types, home care

Areca refers to palm plants. Now there are almost sixty of its varieties, the main part in the south and east of Asia, in Australia and New Zealand. The archipelagos of the Indian and Pacific Ocean are also rich in them. The plant is called areca by the indigenous people of Hindustan. Description Usually the trunk of a plant is one, but sometimes there are several.

Cactus Gymnocalicium - home care

Cactus hymnocalicium is considered the most common in floriculture. Often this cactus is called "Japanese", although the birthplace of the plant is South America. The breeding varieties have a unique color, which was obtained after the extraction of chlorophyll. It was an attractive appearance that made this plant popular among fans of succulents.