How to propagate azalea at home


Azalea is a gorgeous-looking, but difficult to grow plant. It does not tolerate errors in care or imperfect conditions. That is why, before propagating it, it will be necessary to carefully study the theory.

How to propagate azalea at home

There are five ways in which azalea can be propagated. Each of them is more or less laborious, suitable for a certain season and affects further survival. The method of reproduction is selected depending on the objectives pursued and the number of copies to be obtained.

How is azalea propagated:

  • cuttings. The most popular method, which is carried out only in the vegetative period, that is, in the spring. The procedure is laborious, but gives good results. Material is taken from an adult healthy specimen;
  • seeds. Reproduction by seeds of any plant is not an easy task. Most often used by breeders to breed new varieties or for the simultaneous cultivation of a large number of copies;

How to cut leaves from cuttings

  • dividing the bush. The method is used for adult bushes older than three years. This method is suitable for beginner gardeners, has a high degree of survival. The bush is divided into two or more parts that already have a complete horse system. The key to quick adaptation is the correct composition of the substrate and care;
  • vaccinated. It is rarely used, only when it is impossible to use other methods, in particular, with complex rooting of cuttings. A rootstock (bush to which vaccination will be made) and a stalk about 15 cm long (shoot with an eye) are taken. Oblique sections are made at the junction, scion and stock are attached to each other and fixed with a plastic film;
  • layering. The method shows good results, but is more suitable for garden azaleas. The shoots of the plant are dug into the ground, after some time, roots appear on this place.

You can choose the appropriate breeding method only by evaluating the source data: plant age, growing conditions, goals pursued.

Propagation by cuttings: advantages and disadvantages

Azalea (lat. Azalea) is one of the few plants that has difficulty propagating by cuttings. Among the disadvantages, poor survival rate, whimsicality of the plant are distinguished, from the advantages - the preservation of species characteristics, the ability to get several new copies.

Azalea home care, transplant after purchase

In the first winter, the growth of azaleas must be stimulated, create artificial lighting and heating, while maintaining a high level of humidity. If the plant does not begin to actively develop in the first year of life, then it will be very difficult with it.

How Azalea Roots: Propagation by Cuttings at Home

Cuttings are permissible when the plant is three years old. If you take too young azalea for propagation, the cuttings can wilt before they take root. If you take already a mature, adult plant, then there will be few nutrients in it, which will also negatively affect rooting.

Note! So that young plants branch well and form a lush crown, after 2-3 months, pinch the tops of the shoots. If the azaleas managed to bloom, then the buds are removed, since the plant is still weak.

The second pinching and pruning is carried out next year in March, five new shoots are cut off, young sprouts are transplanted into new pots with a diameter of 10 cm.The substrate is selected acidic or made independently from peat and coniferous soil, a drainage layer is necessarily made at the bottom.

The step-by-step procedure looks like this:

  1. Search and cut suitable cuttings.
  2. Soil preparation and greenhouses.
  3. Digging and watering the substrate.
  4. Soaking cuttings in the root stimulant.
  5. Planting material in the ground.

Finally, the plant will grow stronger and will bloom in about 2-3 years.

How to make cuttings correctly

Last year's cuttings from 8 to 10 cm long with several leaves are suitable for rooting. The stems of this year will also do, the main thing is that they are not lignified.

For your information! Check whether the cuttings are ready for propagation, as follows: break it in half and, if you hear a click - the sound of breaking wood, then the material is suitable.

It's okay if the stalk is used stale. If the material is ordered in the online store, it will calmly transfer several days without water and land. If the seedling has managed to dry, it is first put in water.

Scissors should not be used for cutting, only a sharpened knife or secateurs. The slice is made oblique. The lower leaves are removed, and the upper ones are cut in half. This is done so that the nutrients are not wasted, but directed exclusively to the formation of the root system. The lower section is done under the kidney or under a group of crowded leaves.

Part of the bark is necessarily cut off, it is at this place that the roots will appear. The bare area should be 25% of the remaining bark.

How to cut and cut azalea

What soil is suitable for rooting

Before rooting azalea, the seedling is dipped in the root stimulant for 5 hours. Heteroauxin will come to the rescue, two tablets of which must be diluted in 1 liter of water. You can also use zircon or root.

Indoor rhododendron requires a special soil composition. For reproduction, loose acid soil is used. The processes are deepened by 2 cm at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other or according to the 4 × 4 scheme. Universal soil for propagation and cultivation is not suitable, you need to find a special mixture for azaleas / rhododendrons or poorly decomposed peat.

Moisture during rooting

Rhododendron loves high humidity. Watering is moderate as the soil dries. If you are lucky, in a month the seedlings will take root. The appearance of their own shoots speaks of good survival. If this does not happen, most likely the sprout will die in the near future.

Note! Seedlings of large-leaved evergreen azaleas take root up to four months and simply do not grow for a few more months.

The breeding season of azaleas at home lasts from March to October. It is possible to carry out any manipulations only after the plant fades. For better growth, seedlings are covered with a jar or film, you can spray. Once a week, the greenhouse is removed and the plant is aired.

After rooting, the sprouts are gradually accustomed to the dry air of the apartment. To do this, the film from the seedlings is removed first for 2-3 hours, then for 4-5 hours, etc. After transplanting azaleas into separate pots, they are again covered with film for two weeks, so that they quickly and painlessly take root.

Temperature and lighting

For breeding, the brightest and warmest place in the house is used. For successful rooting, an air temperature of about 25 ° C must be observed. The room should not have drafts, while the air should not stagnate, so the room is periodically ventilated. If possible, the bottom of the pot is heated to 27 ° C.

Cutting Size

Growing from seeds: what is good for this method

Growing azalea from seeds is no less time-consuming process. The method has an advantage over everyone else in that at the same time from scratch you can get any desired number of copies, which is good for production scale. If the seed has sprouted, the seedlings will appear in two weeks. The main condition is fresh quality seeds and suitable growing conditions.

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This method has its own nuances. For example, three seasons should pass before planting in open ground.

How to choose the best seeds

You need to buy azalea seeds in trusted stores that have quality certificates for all commercially available products. Packing should not have defects, tears, bruises.

The following parameters must be indicated on the package:

  • number of seeds;
  • shelf life;
  • manufacturer.

Important! If the seeds are stored in a cool, dry place, they are suitable for use for up to three years. The easiest way to propagate azaleas is from fresh seeds, whose lifespan is up to 90 days.

Seeds can be collected independently. To do this, wait for the end of the flowering period and open the five-leaved box. Seeds are small and have an elongated shape, each length from 0.5 to 2 mm.

The time for collecting material is the end of autumn. Seeds should ripen well, become dark brown in color, while the box remains green. After collecting them for several days, they are wrapped in paper or cardboard until completely dry.

What should be the soil for planting seeds

Seeds are sown in soil with an upper nutrient layer or laid out on peat tablets. The sowing period is March-April. You can start breeding azaleas in February, then additional lighting is required to create a daylight duration of 12 hours.

How to grow lush azalea from seeds? Mandatory conditions for seed germination are sun and moisture. If a greenhouse effect was created above the growing vessel, the glass or film is periodically removed for ventilation. In order not to overmoisten the seeds, it is better to irrigate the soil from a spray using a special composition: dilute 4 g of oxalic acid in 10 l of settled water.

For sowing, any available capacity is used. The bottom of the pot is equipped with drainage holes.

Ready-to-use mixes for rhododendrons are sold in stores. You can do it yourself from the following components:

  • deciduous land;
  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus.

All components are taken in equal proportions and pre-disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, you can add baking powder.

The most important parameters for the soil:

  • water permeability;
  • breathability;
  • saturation with minerals;
  • ease;
  • friability;
  • acidity pH 4-4.5.

Important! The soil must be warm before sowing.


For growing seeds, standard home conditions are suitable: air temperature 20 ° C and bright light. In this situation, the seeds will sprout in 2-4 weeks, sprouts will appear unevenly. To stimulate growth, it is recommended to spray them with a solution of zircon or epin.

Illumination of plants with a phytolamp


Sprouts should be in high humidity, so they are covered with a transparent material to create a greenhouse effect.

For your information! The hardest thing is to adapt the sprouts to new conditions, dry cool air. For hardening of azaleas, they are taken out to a room with a temperature of 10 ° C. This will enhance the immunity of the flower and further protect against many diseases.

In order not to fill the seeds, you can apply the method of lower watering. Thus, the sprouts receive the necessary nutrition, and the root system is stimulated.

How to transplant young azaleas in a separate pot

How to propagate Decembrist at home: examples without roots and leaves

Rhododendron tolerates transplantation well. If young azaleas began to feel bad after changing the pot, most likely the matter is in poor soil or inappropriate external conditions. The leaves turn yellow and fall off if the soil lacks minerals or the soil is not acidic enough.

Azalea transplanted when several real leaves appeared on the sprouts, and then annually. Adult specimens transplant after flowering every three years.

You will need the following inventory:

  • a pot with a diameter of 10 cm for the first planting or a size larger than the previous one for annual;
  • sharp knife (for cutting dried leaves and buds);
  • pine bark, dry moss, baking powder (additive to the substrate);
  • charcoal (for soil neutralization);
  • drainage;
  • pure water;
  • zircon or epin solution to stimulate the growth of the root system.

Particular attention is paid to the roots. To avoid damage, the azalea is transplanted with an earthen lump or transshipment method. There is a special microflora on the roots of azaleas, so the plant will die if it is damaged. You should also be careful with the root of the neck, if it is buried in the soil, the plant will fade.

Azalea before the first transplant

Important! If you transplant azalea in winter, it will negatively affect its flowering.

After transplanting, the soil is watered abundantly, then an interval of four days is maintained.

How to propagate azalea? Light, moisture, acidic soil and patience are what you need to get new rhododendrons at home. Also, a good material is a guarantee of good germination of seeds and rooting of cuttings, so it is better to spend time searching for them, and in a few months the azalea will delight the eye with its magnificent crown.
