How to transplant dracaena, and is it possible to prune dracaena roots when transplanting


Tropical palm trees have long ceased to be exotic in domestic homes. But novice growers continue to confuse apparently similar plants.

When the question arises of how to transplant and care for dracaena, some are guided by recommendations regarding yucca. In order not to harm the tree, they approach the process competently.

When do I need a transplant?

All houseplants periodically need a transplant. A young dragon tree is moved from container to container every spring to stimulate growth. In the future, the plant can be kept in the same pot for several years.

Tropical beauty

Sometimes there are times when an unplanned movement is required:

  • waterlogging led to rotting of the roots;
  • pests attack dracaena;
  • the plant withers due to a poor substrate;
  • the palm managed to grow earlier than planned, and the roots climbed out.

A dracaena transplant is also carried out after a new bush is brought home. There are many reasons for the procedure, the rules for its implementation are one.

There is another situation when the trunk or its top is accidentally broken off. It is a pity to lose a beautiful plant, so it is planted in a new container. The technology here is somewhat different.

Transplant at home

How to crop Dracaena at home

The adult palm is moved to a new container every 3-4 years. The older she gets, the harder it is to do it. When dracaena turns into a real tree, then transplantation is used in extreme cases. Usually they add fresh soil on top to cover the roots.

Moving to a new, more spacious container stimulates the indoor plant to develop. Transplanting a young flower, adhere to such rules:

  • taking into account biological features, planting is carried out in the spring; when forced to move in the autumn-winter period, it is more difficult for a dracaena to adapt in another pot;
  • before extraction, the tree is not watered for a couple of days; it is easier to extract the plant from the dried soil without injuring the root;
  • when transferring to another container, they try to keep intact the earthen lump on the roots (if the reason is not a bad substrate);

Removing from an old container

Additional Information. Transfer of dracaena from one container to another together with the substrate is a gentle method of transplantation, which can be used at any time of the year. It is suitable only for healthy plants. In other cases, the soil is better to completely renew.

  • if the soil is old, depleted in trace elements, it is better to completely remove it from the roots with a stream of warm water;
  • the drainage layer should occupy at least 1/8 of the flower pot;
  • adaptation of dracaena depends on the comfort of the transplant conditions:
  1. quality of the soil mixture;
  2. correctly selected pot;
  3. compliance with hygiene standards.

Thinking about how to properly transplant a dracaena, they look at the site of the plant where the trunk goes into the rhizome. The neck is not buried, only slightly sprinkled.

Transplanting a purchased flower

If a new dracaena appears in the house, a transplant at home is carried out immediately. Plants from the flower shop are in containers filled with transport soil. It is characterized by a high peat content.

Such a substrate is able to retain moisture for a long time, but its air permeability is poor. Therefore, for long-term cultivation, this soil is not suitable. Otherwise, the root system will rot and the flower will die.

Dracaena in a temporary container

The container in which the dracaena was purchased is also not suitable. Temporary packaging is not suitable for subsequent palm development. And the material itself, from which the pot is made, can be fragile.

Necessary tools

In order for the plant transplant to follow all the rules, it is important not only to choose a suitable pot, but also to stock up on tools:

  • garden shears (secateurs);
  • knife with a sharp blade;
  • a basin for water;
  • bucket for the substrate;
  • spray;
  • scoop.

With the help of tools and devices, the extraction and movement of dracaena will take place with maximum comfort.

Choosing the right pot

To grow a healthy palm, you need to choose a suitable pot for dracaena. The new tank should not only harmoniously combine with the interior, but also meet the following requirements:

  • diameter 2-3 cm larger than the previous one;

Important! You can not choose too wide a pot - in it the water stagnates, leading to the death of the flower. From an earthen coma to the walls withstand 1.5-2 cm.

  • for a small plant, the shape of the pot does not matter, an adult palm tree (with a trunk diameter of at least 40 cm) is transplanted into a stable glass-like container;
  • for a tall plant exceeding 35 cm, the minimum diameter of the pot is 15 cm;
  • it is better if there are several holes in the bottom; this will avoid excess moisture in the substrate.

Moving to a new pot

The material can be any, but the pot must be strong and stable. Therefore, strong plastic is also suitable - it does not reduce the vital processes occurring in the plant.

Before planting a new pot should be processed. First, it is washed with a warm soapy composition. Then rinse well with clean water.

Soil for dracaena

In order not to "puzzle" what land is needed for dracaena, they get a ready-made balanced substrate in the store. Although experienced flower growers prefer to prepare the soil with their own hands.

Soil for dracaena can be any - the flower in this regard is unpretentious. It is better to grow a palm tree in the correct substrate. The best option is a drained soil containing peat with an acidity of 6.0-6.5 pH. Its composition should be about ½ part. The remaining share falls on:

  • leaf soil and compost - 1 part each;
  • turf land - 2 parts.

Note! Land from the garden is not suitable for dracaena - there are many mineral formations in it.

It is advisable to add a little river fine sand to avoid soil caking. Crushed bricks or expanded clay balls will help strengthen the drainage effect.

Before using the soil for dracaena, it is subjected to disinfection. You can pour it over with boiling water and pour it on a newspaper with a thin layer for natural drying. Or calcine the soil in the oven and let it cool. Before pouring earth into a pot, it is watered. There should be enough water so that the moistened soil easily collects when squeezed into a lump, but when the palm opens, it immediately crumbles.

How to transplant dracaena

When everything necessary for the procedure is prepared, proceed to the main actions. The step-by-step algorithm for transplanting dracaena at home looks like this:

  • newspapers are spread out on the floor or table (as you wish), a basin with water and a container with soil, a bag with drainage are placed;
  • the flower pot is turned over at an angle above the newspapers and, patting the bottom, carefully remove the dracaena;
  • audit the roots;
  • if damage, rotting is detected, these roots should be trimmed;
  • places of cuts are treated with charcoal powder to avoid infection, or the roots are lowered for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • then the rhizome is sprayed with water from a spray;
  • a drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot;
  • pour some earth and plant a dracaena in the center;
  • holding the trunk with one hand, take a scoop in the second and gradually sprinkle the roots with earth.

So that the substrate is evenly placed between the roots and compacted, the container is shaken from time to time.

The dracaena transplant process


Do not fill the pot with earth to the top. If you leave a small side, this will facilitate watering. After transplantation, the substrate is immediately moistened.

Features of a young plant transplant

Connoisseurs advise the dracaena of the first 3 years of life to transplant annually. This will quickly increase leaf mass. The landing technology does not differ from that described, but a number of features should be taken into account:

  • a flower pot is filled with soil mixture to half;
  • they remove the ornamental plant from the previous container with extreme care, trying not to break the fragile roots;
  • setting the dracaena in the center of the new pot, the roots are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil.

After that, carefully fill the pot with fresh substrate. In order not to damage the young roots, do not tamp the soil.

If the dracaena breaks down

If the trunk of a plant has broken, it cannot immediately be planted in the ground without roots. In this case, it is recommended to cut off the top, divide the stem into cuttings 20 cm long. Stem pieces need to be planted in a substrate, deepened in a horizontal or vertical position.

Rooting Broken Apex


The top is first placed in water so that roots can grow from it, follow these rules:

  • the liquid in the container is changed for 2-3 days (to avoid the development of bacteria);
  • You can protect the plant from infection if you add a couple of tablets of activated carbon to the water;
  • when the roots appear, you should not immediately plant the top in the soil - use slightly moistened vermiculite or sand;
  • put closer to sunlight, but not under direct rays of it;
  • a container with a top is placed in a polyethylene greenhouse, which is aired daily;
  • to raise the immunity of rooted dracaena, a little fertilizer for palm is bred in water and the leaves are sprayed with this compound.

Every day, the airing time increases so that the dracaena gradually gets used to the home climate. Then it remains to make the tree transplanted into a permanent pot.

In the described manner, a diseased plant whose roots are rotted is also transplanted. The trunk is cut with a sharp knife at some distance from the soil surface, choosing a healthy, without damage site.

Dracaena care after transplantation

What indoor flowers can be taken outside in the summer

After the dracaena was planted, care should be taken about the conditions of adaptation of the palm, providing good care. During this period, the plant will spend all its forces on the formation of new roots.

Agricultural technology after transplantation

Watering· Must be plentiful every 2-3 days. Use warm settling water;
· Given the origin of dracaena (from a country with a hot, humid climate), the flower needs intensive spraying of foliage
Temperature· A tropical plant feels comfortable in rooms where a parameter of at least + 25 ° is supported;
· The stale air of a palm tree is harmful - regular ventilation is necessary. At the same time, drafts should not be allowed.
LightingDracaena loves an abundance of light, but direct streams of the sun burn foliage. Therefore, it is better to expose the plants on the eastern or western windows, curtained blinds (to diffuse the light flux)
Top dressingNutrition is brought into the season of active development (beginning of spring - end of autumn). In winter, the fertilizer rate is cut in half and used once a month

To smooth out the stress in which the transplanted plant turned out, it is recommended to add “Zircon” to the water for the first watering, which stimulates root growth. It can also be used as top dressing every 2 weeks.

What problems may arise

Sometimes dracaena does not adapt well in a new pot and begins to hurt. The reasons may lie in violations of the conditions of transplantation, as well as in failure of the regimes of subsequent care.

Errors made during landing:

  1. Often used containers are used for transplanting indoor flowers. If the pot is improperly disinfected, it can cause root damage, which makes dracaena hurt.
  2. Some gardeners immediately create a greenhouse for the transplanted plant. After placing the pot in a plastic bag, forget to ventilate it. As a result, condensate is collected inside, which can provoke a fungal disease.
  3. Inexperienced lovers of indoor flowers believe that rooting in a new pot will go faster if you apply frequent watering. Dracaena belongs to succulents and feels more comfortable in slightly moistened soil.
  4. Drying of the earth is also dangerous - it is difficult for the roots to develop in hard soil. The plant spends all its strength on this process. As a result, the leaves wither, turn yellow and fall.

Usually 2 weeks is enough for plants to adapt. If immediately after transplanting dracaena lowers and even loses foliage, this is a common occurrence. When the situation continues to deteriorate, emergency measures are required:

  • review modes (irrigation, light, temperature);

Watering correctly

  • establish a microclimate in the room, regulating humidity;
  • check if the drainage holes in the pot are clogged (perhaps they prevent excess moisture from leaving);
  • spray the leaves with Zircon growth stimulator (2 drops per glass of water).

If these measures do not give a positive result, repeat the dracaena transplant, taking another pot and fresh soil.

Having found out what kind of soil the dracaena needs, which pot is suitable, how to properly transplant the plant and take care of it, it will be easy to grow a beautiful exotic palm at home. A healthy developed tree will become a real decoration of any interior.

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Watch the video: 3 Ways to Grow Dracaena Plant From Cuttings. How to Propagate Dracaena Tree - Dragon Tree (October 2024).