Pink hydrangea - how to care for pink hydrangea in the garden


Hydrangea is an elegant shrub that has gained wide popularity in the temperate climate zone. Its characteristic feature is inflorescences in the form of bright hats covering flower-bearing stems. This ornamental plant will be a wonderful decoration of any garden. There are two main types of hydrangea: tree-like and panicled. The first caps-umbrellas have a rounded flat shape. In panicled species, inflorescences resemble panicles that bloom for a long time.

Origin and description

Both varieties of pink hydrangea are worthy to be planted in the garden, but recently the tree-like has been most often cultivated.

Pink hydrangea - an incredibly beautiful shrub

A key feature of pink hydrangea is the ability to change the color of flowers depending on the fertilizer used and the acidity of the soil. The plant contains anthocyanins, which make the inflorescences blue in acidic soil, but when the reaction decreases to a slightly alkaline color, it turns pink.

This deciduous shrub hails from North America. Under good conditions, its height can reach 1 m. The characteristic features of the bush are direct basal shoots, oval-shaped leaves with a pointed end.

Pink hydrangea tree

Large pink hydrangea can be grown both independently and in combination with other ornamental plants, and stands out against their background. It looks great as the border of a road or hedge. Compact shrub, this is one of the reasons for its popularity.

Flowers are connected in large umbrella-like inflorescences. The beginning of flowering is mid-summer and until a significant cooling. In the center are small flowers, in a circle - large. The first can form fruits.

The most beautiful varieties of pink hydrangeas

Garden pink hydrangea is such a popular plant that many varieties have been bred.

Invincible beauty

Panicled hydrangea white, red, pink - the best winter-hardy varieties

This is a large variety with large spherical inflorescences of 15-20 centimeters in size. The flowers themselves do not form fruits. Hue can vary from ashen pink to deep pink. The variety feels best in the sun, but it can also be grown in partial shade.

Important! In one season, the plant can bloom 2-3 times.

The first flowers begin to appear in June, finish - in September. The plant does not tolerate winter well. The maximum height of the bush is 1.2 meters, the crown width is one and a half meters. Growing hydrangea pink is possible. Invincible beauty in a container. Deciduous plant.

Red baron

A beautiful flowering shrub of bright raspberry color. The variety is four-petalled. As soon as the Red Baron opens, its center is green. But after a while she turns pale. Ideal soil acidity is neutral. It is stable from winter, but it is necessary to mulch in order to preserve soil moisture and ensure resistance to frost.

Important! The plant is perennial, in the first year it is able to form flowers of only white color.

Matt pink

Hydrangea of ​​this species is similar to lilac. Its inflorescences amaze with its large size and its majesty. This variety should ideally be planted in the sun, but the dull pink hydrangea also feels good in partial shade. It can be planted both as a single bush, and together with other plants or varieties.

Beautiful pink inflorescences bloom on last year's shoots and on those that appeared this year. This provides a beautiful lush flowering. The optimum soil is acidic. The plant is resistant to winter, so it does not need to be hidden in a warm place.


A beautiful winter-hardy shrub with stunning terry flowers. The plant is small. Its maximum height does not exceed 80 cm. The shape of the flowers resembles a rose, and the color similarity is visible to the naked eye. It blooms magnificently, as last year's shoots also bloom. To achieve maximum decorativeness, plants need shelter for the winter.

Pink hydrangea flower

Pink diamond

This is a variety of panicled hydrangea with the ability to regenerate. If you inflict mechanical damage on the flowers, they will be able to recover. In this case, constant and plentiful watering is required, since the root system is shallow underground. A characteristic advantage of the variety is its immunity to car exhaust. Therefore, the plant is well grown along the road near the city.

The plant tolerates the cold season well, so at home it does not require special care. At the same time, hydrangea does not like wind, it should be grown directly in the sun.

Important! Recommended for growing a plant such as pink hydrangea (planting and care in the open field will be most effective with the correct reaction of the soil) soil acidity is moderate.

Vanilla freeze

Why is this street variety so called? It can be literally translated as "vanilla frost." Based on the name, it becomes clear that this variety has exceptional frost resistance. It is able to withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees. Therefore, shelter for the winter is not required. Even if some branches freeze, the flower will be able to quickly recover.

It has a fairly impressive size. The height of this variety of hydrangea can reach 2 m, and in a fairly short time. Blossom begins in July. Inflorescences are the same as the rest of the hydrangeas: pyramidal in shape, and the flowers are barren. But they have a very interesting color. On one bush there can be both white and bright red flowers. Over time, a pink fringe appears on them, and near the end of flowering, they turn a crimson color. Thus, you can see the whole palette of hydrangea colors.

Open transplant

Hydrangea garden - planting and care in the open ground

It is necessary to grow hydrangea in the soil, giving an acidic or slightly acidic reaction. Some varieties like neutral soil, but less often.

Beautiful pink hydrangea

Hydrangea should plant in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The plant will not die if it is in the sun, but will lose its decorative qualities. Its flowers will become small, and the inflorescences will become loose. In addition, the sun quickly dries the soil, so hydrangea will have to be watered more often. Given that the plant loves moisture, exposure to the sun only exacerbates the effect.

Planting time is spring, but if it was previously grown in a container, then you can transplant throughout the growing season.

Important! In pink hydrangea, the roots are at the top of the soil, and they develop in width. Therefore, it is not necessary to dig a large hole, but it must be made wide.

Propagation of pink hydrangeas

Blue or blue hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

All hydrangeas propagate by cuttings, layering and seeds. Rthe variety considered in this article is no exception:

  1. Cuttings. Young tops of a bush with two to three nodes of leaves are cut off from the plant, leaving 2-3 cm of a bare stem below. The slice is made at an oblique angle. The first knot needs to be completely rid of the leaves, in the rest, cut off half. It is strongly recommended that you leave the leaves in cuttings, as they carry out photosynthesis. With this approach, the roots will grow faster. You also need to cut off the top of the handle, but here you need to make a right angle. Bad soil or sand is poured into the container, the stalk is lowered 3 centimeters there. Then it must be sprinkled with water and covered with something. The container is hiding in a place that only partially transmits light. After rooting, you can plant in a larger pot.
  2. Layering. This method is best practiced in spring or early summer, because the plant must take root before the onset of cold. It is necessary to dig out a small hole, up to 5 centimeters wide, and lower there last year's escape with unopened kidneys. It must be covered with earth and fixed. This is done so that the plant does not rise. Growing vertical shoots layering will need to spud. In the fall, he will release the root. This means that layers can be separated from the parent plant and planted in the ground.
  3. The seeds. The hardest way. Seeds are in small boxes, which serve as a kind of analogue of the fruit. They need to be planted at the same time as they appear.

The most common method is propagation by cuttings.

Pink Hydrangea Care

Watering mode

Watering is the main component of plant care from the first days after it has been planted in the ground. Each bush should get 20-25 liters of water. Before watering once a month, it is necessary to loosen the soil.

Top dressing

It is recommended to mulch the earth to avoid drying out of the roots. To do this, mix freshly cut grass, needles, half-rotten leaves and wood shavings.

Hydrangea pink inflorescences

Top dressing is carried out in the spring, when the temperature rises above + 10 ° С. Shoots grow quickly: in a season they can reach half a meter. It is recommended to fertilize the plant with nitrogen fertilizers. They are done this way: 1 tablespoon of calcium nitrate is diluted in 10 liters of water. With this mixture you need to water the plant.

Litter, superphosphate, urea and potassium nitrate are also used for fertilizer. First, the frequency of feeding the plant is every two weeks, then you can reduce the fertilizer regularity to once every three weeks until the end of July.

Flowering Care

It is very important to actively hydrange hydrangea during flowering. Also at this time it is necessary to fertilize the soil with a weak solution. In this case, you can not overdo it, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow, and the plant will become sick.

Important! During dormancy, the plant is not so dependent on watering. It is enough to occasionally provide hydrangea with water so that the shoots do not dry out.

Winter preparations

For the winter, hydrangea must be transplanted into tubs and transferred to a cool room. But this does not apply to frost-resistant varieties.

Thus, pink large-leaved hydrangea is a wonderful plant that can be grown both independently and in an ensemble with others. It is not very difficult to care for her, although she blooms incredibly beautifully.



Watch the video: All About Blue or Pink Hydrangeas - Hydrangea Macrophylla - Bigleaf Hydrangeas (October 2024).