Rose Bonica (Bonica) - what kind of floribunda is it


The rose of Floribunda Bonica is known for its beauty and long flowering. Each gardener is pleased when a dark green bush with luxurious pink flowers decorates his flowerbed. This variety is known for its undemanding care. For cultivation, you need to pay him a little attention and he will thank the owner with luxurious flowering.

Rosa Bonica

This variety was created in 1981. The authorship belongs to breeder Meyyan.

Immediately after its creation, the rose Bonica began to gain wide popularity in Russia. It is in demand for home growing, and for use in landscaping.

Bonica Rose Flower

Short description, characteristic

Rosa Bonica belongs to the Floribund group. All the flowers included in it are known as blooming long and magnificent. Another characteristic feature of these plants is their resistance to low temperature.

The growth of the bush is 0.8-1.2 m. When it begins its growth, the lower level of the branches becomes basic. He throws broad shoots strewn with magnificent pink flowers. As a result of pruning, as it grows, the shape of the bush becomes spherical.

For reference! Bonica has a small amount of leaves. They have a dark green color.

Inflorescences in diameter are 5 cm. When the flower opens, its petals gradually turn white.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of the variety are:

  • exquisite pink flowers;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • long and plentiful flowering;
  • undemanding care.

As a disadvantage, the Bonica rose is almost devoid of aroma.

Use in landscape design

This variety is popular because of its flowering and growth characteristics. When grown on flowerbeds, it delights viewers with the exquisite appearance of a flower, plentiful and long flowering.

Bonika is able to easily tolerate winter frosts. It is undemanding in care, can be used as a scrub.

Bonika variety looks great as part of flower arrangements and when grown separately.

For reference! The official Latin name for the variety given by the breeder is Rosa Bonica 82.

Flower growing

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When planting Bonica 82 rose seedlings, certain rules must be followed. Further, they are described in more detail.

The plant is planted in the form of seedlings. When choosing the right planting material, you must ensure that it has at least three shoots.

It is necessary to plant this rose in the spring. This can be done immediately after the sun has sufficiently warmed the soil.

Location selection

When choosing a site for planting a ground cover Bonica rose, an important role is played by sunlight. With enough light, lush blooms can be expected. In the shade, the plant will not dry out, but it will grow poorly.

It is necessary that the blowing of the flower be ensured. With air stagnation, black spots may appear. If the boom is not aired, you need to remove part of the interfering shoots.

Bonika loves when the soil is neutral or slightly acidic. The fertile layer should not be thinner than 0.6 m.

Bushes of roses

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Rosa floribunda Bonica 82 is undemanding to preliminary soil preparation. For planting, it is enough to remove debris and weeds from the site. It is recommended to dig the ground before landing.

Landing procedure step by step

Planting seedlings is as follows:

  1. To plant a Bonica rose in the soil, you need to prepare a suitable hole. It should have a depth of 0.5 m. Length and width should be equal to 0.5 m.
  2. At the bottom you need to put fertilizer for roses, then you need to sprinkle it with a little earth.
  3. Before removing it from the pot, the seedling should be abundantly watered to prevent damage to the roots.
  4. Landing is done carefully. At the same time, they try not to damage the fragile roots.

Between neighboring plants, the distance, according to the description, should not be less than 0.8 m.

Plant care

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This plant is undemanding to care. If you follow several rules of cultivation, it will delight the owner with luxurious flowering.

Bonika inflorescence

Watering rules and humidity

Each plant for normal development in a week should receive at least 10 liters of water. The volume must be increased during the formation of buds and flowering.

When the weather is hot, the frequency of watering should also be increased.

Important!The plant does not like stagnation of water in the soil. Watering should provide humidity, but should not be excessive.

Top dressing and soil quality

Chicken droppings, compost or manure are used as organic top dressing. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall. In the spring of rose, complex mineral supplements are needed. They will contribute to the growth, development and flowering of the bush.

After each watering it is necessary to carry out loosening of the soil. The depth of cultivation should be at least 10 cm.

Pruning and transplanting

With the onset of spring, pruning is mandatory. Usually cut a third of the bush or half.

This is necessary for the gradual formation of a spherical shape. During the procedure, old and diseased branches must be removed.

Attention! There should not be shoots that grow towards the center of the bush - they also need to be cut.

Features of wintering a flower

This bush can withstand up to 30 degrees of frost. However, shelter in the cold season will help to recover faster with the advent of spring.

It is necessary to cut the buds in the autumn, shorten the shoots and remove the leaves. The bush is watered, then spud. The shoots are pressed to the ground and covered using non-woven material.

Boniki bushes

Flowering roses

Bonica is known for its luxurious flowering. If her care is carried out in compliance with the necessary rules, the rose will delight the audience with beautiful pink inflorescences.

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Flowering begins in early summer and lasts several months. The rest period begins in autumn and ends in early spring.

Important!It is necessary to increase watering during the formation of buds and during flowering. At this time, fertilize with potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

This happens if you violate the rules of care.

Possible causes: insufficient lighting, stagnation of air, lack of nutrients in the soil. If normal care is restored, it will help Bonica regain her former health.

Flower propagation

Cultivation is carried out by grafting or grafting. The second option is more preferred. Seeds for growing plants are not used.

Reproduction of the bush should be carried out in early spring. This is done in order to provide more time for rooting. This can be done later, but not too close to the beginning of winter.

Cuttings are the main method of reproduction. You can start it only after the stems are lignified. The upper cut is made straight, the lower one at an angle equal to 45 degrees.

For germination, pits are made with a depth of 15 cm at a distance of 30 cm from each other and covered with a film. Cuttings need to be fed, watered and aired. They are planted in a permanent place after three years.

Winter preparations


Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

In rainy weather, black spotting is likely. It can be found upon examination in the form of black dots on the leaves. For treatment, the infected greens are first removed and burned. As prophylaxis, pruning shoots can help in order to increase air access to the plant.

Rose Bonica is susceptible to attack by aphids. If these insects are found, it is recommended that the plant shower and wash the pests from the leaves. Spraying with liquid soap on alcohol will help prevent a re-attack of pests. In case of a serious aphid infestation, insecticides are allowed.

This luxurious rose bush has gained wide popularity. Beautiful roses do not require too complicated care. Subject to the rules of cultivation, Bonica rose will delight the owner with its flowering.


Watch the video: Rose (October 2024).