Cyperus flower - home care, primer


Cyperus flower is an unpretentious and hardy culture. It is often used to decorate certain sections of interiors that need decoration.

What does cyperus look like to which family

Cyperus papyrus are synonymous names for the same flower. The plant is a representative of herbaceous perennials belonging to the sedge family. Under natural conditions, it grows to 3 m in length, at home - it does not have an impressive size.

Appearance of Cyperus

The stems of the culture are erect, trihedral, umbellar whorls are localized on them. Long and thin foliage may have a different color, some species are characterized by colorful flowers.

Common varieties

A list of common house plants is provided:

  • Elegant cyperus - dwarf subspecies, up to 30 cm in height. They are decorated with small rooms.
  • Cyperus variegate - with narrow, spiky, long and curved foliage. Strips are scattered across the surface of the sheet plates.
  • Cyperus papyrus - in nature grows in Egyptian and Ethiopian swamps. Huge leaves hanging from whorls. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, located in the deciduous sinuses.
  • Spreading cyperus - grows to 0.9 m, differs in a small number of stems. Numerous narrow and curved foliage is located in the basal region. There are dwarf types, whose growth does not exceed 40 cm.
  • Tsiperus Zumula - a favorite treat of cats. The plant claims moisture and watering, can grow in a regular pot or home pond.

Important! A plant cannot live without water. Cyperus Helfer adorns the rear walls of aquariums.

Cyperus papyrus

Healing properties

The cyperus houseplant has a positive effect on vision and blood circulation in the brain. Its content is recommended for people with problems with insomnia, headache attacks, distraction.

Important! Culture should not be found among those who are not self-confident, suffer from aggression or are indecisive.

Features of home flower care

Ciperus - home care and reproduction

Ciperus home care requires knowledge of the rules of cultivation. Otherwise, he will not please his owners with bright foliage, will begin to discard it and gradually dry out.

Cyperus Helfer


The plant requires in the summer to maintain a temperature regime of 18-24 ℃ above zero. In the winter months, +14 ℃ is enough for him.


Indoor flower requires diffused light. The feature is associated with the possibility of burns on the leaves with prolonged exposure to the sun.

Important! If the flower box is constantly located on the south windowsill, then in the daytime it needs to be shaded.


The plant does not tolerate waterlogging in a box, but also quickly dies in excessively dry soil. Florists are advised to water through the pan - it is easier to control the volume of liquid and remove unused residues.


Spray foliage regularly. The list also includes water procedures by which the green part is freed from accumulated dust and pollution.

Water treatments


The plant needs 70% moisture. To maintain it, a glass of water, a decorative fountain or an aquarium are placed next to the box.

Additional Information! In winter, wet rags are hung on central heating radiators next to cyperus.


The culture needs neutral or slightly acidic soil, the composition of which is represented by:

  • turf;
  • humus;
  • silt;
  • sand;
  • leafy ground.

Important! Florists recommend not to engage in amateur performances, but to purchase ready-made mixtures for palm trees. In it you need to add river sand in a ratio of 1: 1.

Suitable pot

Top dressing

The complex mineral solution is introduced in spring days. Subsequent procedures are carried out every two weeks or once a month.

Features of winter care, rest period

Spathiphyllum domino flower - home care

In winter, the next-leaf indoor flower of Cyperus needs additional lighting. The number of irrigations is reduced by 2 times. In the cold season, top dressing is carried out several times.


Clivia Flower - Home Care and Growing

Care for variegated cyperus involves the timely removal of green shoots. If you ignore the recommendations, the plant will become the same color over time. Old, yellowed or weak shoots will wilt.

How to propagate cyperus

Reproduction of cyperus is possible in several ways. Each grower selects the most practical option.

Seed germination

Ciperus from seeds is germinated according to the following scheme:

  1. The seed material is planted in a sand-peat mixture.
  2. The surface of the earth is slightly tamped.
  3. Spend her moisturizing using a spray gun.
  4. The container is covered with plastic wrap or parchment - to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  5. Boxes are periodically aired and watered.
  6. After the appearance of sprouts with two leaves, young individuals are planted in separate pots.

Important! After transplanting, the glasses are sent to a well-lit room. The soil in them is moistened as the upper layers of grass dry.

Seed cultivation

Rooting cuttings

Cuttings include pruning young shoots, dividing them into small parts. The cuttings located in a glass of water quickly take root, after which they are seated in boxes.

Air lay

The raw materials are young outlets that are formed in the central part of the old. When pruning, they capture part of the stem, landing "upside down". The umbrella should look down. After a while, the plants begin to multiply and you can wait for the appearance of new sprouts.

Reproduction by rosettes

Other options

When transplanting adults, tuber division is carried out. The resulting independent plants are planted in different containers. During the procedure, the cut points are sprinkled with activated carbon or charcoal powder.


Young growth needs an annual transplant, adult plants every 3 years, as needed. You can plant a plant at any time of the year, there are no special requirements in this case.

A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the box. Culture should occupy a quarter of the total capacity. Because of the superficial root system, shallow but wide boxes are chosen.

Important! The soil for transplanting cyperus is bought at a flower shop - this is a special mixture for home palms or the preparation of soil mixtures with a neutral reaction is carried out.

Possible problems in growing and disease

Most diseases occur due to the fault of the grower or during attacks by insect pests.

Discards buds and leaves

Problems with the blooming of the cyperus palm and loss of foliage are often associated with inadequate watering. The issue is solved by increasing the frequency of watering.

Leaves turn pale

A change in the color tone of the sheet plates is triggered by a lack of lighting or pest attacks. In the first version, the culture is transferred to the sunny windowsill, in the second - insecticides are used.

The tips dry on the leaves

Drying of foliage is caused by reduced air humidity. The treatment consists in spraying the culture and the space near it from the spray gun at least twice a day. In addition, humidifiers are used, a glass of water is exposed or the container is transferred closer to the aquarium.

Lower leaves fall off

Unreasonable loss of foliage is associated with low temperatures - a plant needs a regime of +15 ℃ or higher. The box should be moved to a warm room, and damaged leaves and stems should be removed.


The culture is attacked by a spider mite, mealybug, thrips, whiteflies. The main symptoms of parasite damage are presented:

  • punctures on the edge of the sheet plates;
  • a white web located in the internode and under the leaves;
  • deformation and yellowing of the green part;
  • sticky coating and whitish spots.

Important! Treatment consists in mechanically removing pests and treating the specimen with insecticides.

Whitefly is one of the main pests of cyperus


Other problems

Slow plant growth is associated with a deficiency of nutrients in the earth. The problem is solved by replacing the upper layers with fertile soil or replanting.

If new stems do not appear, the lack of sunlight becomes the source. The box is transferred to the eastern or southern windowsill, not forgetting to shade the culture, protecting from burns.

Signs and superstitions

There are beliefs that culture can be used not only to decorate a house, but also to receive positive energy. The plant is able to care for households and protect all family members from troubles:

  • cheating;
  • bad intentions of strangers and loved ones;
  • development of depressive states.

Tsiperus (not to be confused with cereus) refers to plants that do not require special supervision and special conditions of existence. Timely watering, top dressing and pruning will help to grow a beautiful and healthy culture.


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