Monstera flower - effect on a person in an apartment


Monstera Flower (Monstera) - an evergreen ornamental and deciduous plant native to Brazil, Panama and Mexico. Huge leaves with slits scared the South African tribes, so they preferred to bypass the plant. In fact, these slots are extremely necessary for vines in nature and in indoor conditions. The flower has a multi-tiered structure, and through holes in the leaves, water and sunlight fall on the lower tiers, which is extremely necessary for their growth and nutrition.

Monstera Flower: Human Impact

This plant is very popular and is often cultivated not only at home, but also in workrooms. Even the fact that in captivity a flower can grow up to four meters in height does not stop those who want to buy it. All because the plant brings many benefits:

  • Large leaves of the monstera in the apartment produce oxygen abundantly, increasing air humidity and creating a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  • The plant actively filters the air, absorbing formaldehydes and harmful electromagnetic radiation to humans.
  • Monstera in the house is able to predict the weather. For example, if the scorching sun is outside the window all day, but small droplets of moisture appear on the leaves of the plant, then it will rain soon.
  • The plant strengthens the human immune system.
  • Monstera is able to destroy and decompose fungal deposits, mold and various bacteria, so it can often be found in hospital wards.

Monstera Sheet

Can a flower do harm

Monstera - why you can not keep at home and its impact on humans

The monstera flower arrived in Europe about three hundred years ago, and notoriety accompanied him everywhere. Travelers who brought the plant said that they found a lot of human remains near the vine, and that supposedly air roots and flower leaves sprouted through them. And, despite the fact that many modern people clearly understand that the cause of the natives' death in the jungle was clearly not a monstera, some still try to stay away from the flower.

The situation with a poor reputation of the flower is aggravated by the theory that monstera leaves so actively absorb oxygen in the room that they produce a lot of carbon dioxide. And the excessive content of this substance in the air can cause suffocation of people and animals. But! This theory has no scientific and official confirmation.

Large Monstera Leaves

People about to buy a flower are often worried by another question: is the monstera poisonous or not? This plant does not belong to the class of poisonous, however, contact with its juice can cause some harm to a person.

Important! Drops of juice on the mucous membrane or wounds can cause severe irritation or an acute allergic reaction. If the juice enters the body, it can cause gastric bleeding. This means that a flower pot is best placed away from small children and pets.

Signs and myths associated with the monster

Delicious Monstera (Deliciosa) - poisonous plant or not

Most signs and myths related to the monster are negative. Here are the most common ones:

  • The monstera flower in the house acts on a person as an energy vampire, that is, it allegedly sucks energy and strength from people and animals. This myth was born in Russia, since superstitious ladies translated the name of the flower as "monster", but in Latin it means "curiosity."
  • A houseplant by the bed can cause nightmares, asthma attacks and even death. This statement is also a myth. Liana not only does not abound in the release of carbon dioxide, but, on the contrary, absorbs negative energy and the energy of electromagnetic waves. Therefore, the flower is often placed near computers and televisions.
  • Monstera can poison the life of spouses, affect reproduction. According to ancient popular beliefs, a long stay of a flower in a house can cause divorces even of strong families.
  • The flowers of a monstera in the house of an unmarried girl can have a negative impact on her personal happiness, since the plant scares off all men and negatively affects them.
  • Plants with large leaves can bring wealth and prosperity to the house. This was always believed by folk sages, and monstera was just a large-leafed culture.

Monstera Flower

Is it possible to keep a monster at home

Where monstera grows in nature - the birthplace of the plant

Having considered all the pros and cons of the plant, it's time to finally decide whether it is possible to keep and grow a monster in the house. Indeed, on the one hand there are terrible rumors about liana that are completely unsubstantiated by arguments, and on the other, only one leaf of a plant can bring much benefit to the house in which the flower grows.

Interesting! In China, this flower, although they call it differently in the Celestial Empire, is given to the newlyweds after exchanging the ring, and then they can put it in the room where the wedding night will take place. The British believe that if one family wants to demonstrate their hostility towards another family, then it will certainly present a foe to the monster.

Many of the positive properties of the flower are beyond doubt, and speculation, myths and beliefs have no evidence base. Therefore, thinking about buying a monstera plant, is it possible to keep this vine at home, each person must decide the question himself.

What will happen if you place a monster in the bedroom

The functions of a liana, like a flower, do not depend on the room in which it is located. If the bedroom is also a workplace where there are many gadgets and a TV, then the monstera will gladly take on part of the electromagnetic radiation and ionize the air for a comfortable life.

In addition, if a sick person spends most of the time in bed in the bedroom, the plant will come to the rescue again. It will increase air humidity and at the same time fight against pathogenic microbes, provided that doctors put the flower pot in the right place.

Note! If children or pets often look into the bedroom, it is better to put the flower on the upper shelves. So you can protect them from accidental ingress of plant parts into the body.

Where is the best place to hold a flower?

If you start from the characteristics of the flower, its size and nature of flowering, then the best place for a monstera is a corridor or a hall. The plant is very malleable to care, do not be afraid that it will quickly become dirty or dusty in the room. It is enough to wipe the leaves once a week with a slightly damp cloth, and it will again be able to breathe freely, take care of homework and "work" for the good. Monstera in the hallway or hall will bring additional comfort to these rooms, make them visually larger and fresher.

Monstera in the interior


If the fear that the monstera is dangerous in some way, and may harm household members, is still left in someone’s head, you can simply choose another flower. But to find another plant that can bring so much benefit to the house is extremely difficult.


Watch the video: Planting with Jewelyn: Plant shopping for first time plant dad + haul. MAY 2018. ILOVEJEWELYN (October 2024).