Pelargonium Fischers Appleblossom - Planting and Care


Pelargonium Fischers Appleblossom is a decorative culture, has lush flowers. To grow geraniums successfully, she needs full care. It must be comprehensive.

Pelargonium "Appleblossom" - what kind of flower, which family belongs to

Apple Blossom translates as "Apple Blossom." Thanks to the achievements of breeders, it was possible to obtain not only pink flowers, but also other varieties of geraniums. This culture belongs to the Geranium family.

The culture is characterized by beautiful decorative inflorescences

Brief description, history of origin or selection

Pelargonium Ablebloss Rosebud was brought out by the German company Pelargonium-Fischer. On her account there are approximately 1200 types of flowers.

Plants of this variety of culture are perennials with branched stems, long peduncles and palmate leaves. Even at home, fruit boxes with seeds are formed on the culture.

Varieties of indoor plants with names that look like

Pelargonium Dovepoint - description, landing and care

There are quite a few varieties of culture, each of which has certain characteristics.

  • Fischers Appleblossom. Pelargonium Fisher Apleblossom is a beautiful rose-like variety of geranium. It has pale pink inflorescences with red or peach rims that form lush brushes. Pelargonium Fisher is characterized by abundant flowering from May to August.
  • Ungarisk Appleblossom. This is zonal pelargonium, which has saturated velvety petals with a purple border and a white inside. Inflorescences are lush and dense. They have tall peduncles that look very solemn. The culture has powerful large bushes.
  • Rosebud Westdale Appleblossom. The leaves of this pelargonium have an unusual color. They are characterized by a central zone and a large milk rim. The flowers of the plant have a white color and terry texture. They resemble half-open roses. Pelargonium Appleblossom Rosebud is large.
  • Knight Appleblossom F1. This unpretentious hybrid blooms all year long. The plant has pink-carmine inflorescences with a pink middle. The leaves are distinguished by an unusual color. Their general background is cherry brown, and along the edge there is a bright green border.
  • Exotica Appleblossom. This is a compact plant, which is characterized by dense flowers of pale pink color. The culture is characterized by long flowering.
  • Happy Appleblossom. The variety is very popular. The central zone of the leaves resembles a butterfly. Tall and slender peduncles are decorated with white and pink inflorescences.

Important! Pelargonium Happy Appleblossom needs quality care and systematic watering. Bushes must be formed so that they branch.

How to care for pelargonium Aplebloss at home

In order for the culture to develop normally, it needs to provide proper care.

Illumination and temperature

Pelargonium pelargonium - home care

The plant needs sufficient lighting. It must be placed on a south or southwest window. If this is not possible, use special lighting.

In summer, the optimal temperature regime is at + 20 ... +25 degrees. With the advent of cold weather, this figure should be at least +15 degrees.

Watering rules and humidity

The plant tolerates drought and suffers from excessive soil moisture. Watering the crop should not be very plentiful. This should be done only when the soil is completely dry. In winter, the soil should not be moistened. Culture hardly tolerates spraying.

Important! Pelargonium should be watered gently to avoid moisture getting on the flowers. To do this, you need to use soft defended water.

Culture needs to be moistened in time

Top dressing and soil quality

To feed the plant, you can use ready-made formulations. Mineral remedies or preparations for flowering crops are suitable. However, it is best to use specialized formulations that are suitable for geraniums.

Flower Tank Size

For a flower, a not too big pot is suitable. As the bush develops, it can be moved to a large container.

Pruning and transplanting

The first time you need to cut geraniums after flowering. In this case, only half of the height of the shoots is left. At the end of February, you need to trim the bush again, leaving the stems with 3-4 knots.

Note! Every year, geraniums are transplanted into a freer container. It should not be too big, otherwise the bush will not bloom properly.

Features of flowering plants

Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

The culture is characterized by abundant and lush flowering. To grow a beautiful bush, you need to take good care of it.

Period of activity and rest

Geranium blooms from early spring to mid-autumn. During dormancy, pelargonium must be kept in a cool room and can not be fed.

Types and shape of flowers

The culture has lush inflorescences that resemble roses. They are distinguished by a saturated or delicate pink color.

Pelargonium is characterized by lush flowering


Breeding room geranium with cuttings

Culture is propagated perfectly by cuttings. To do this, you need to soak the tops with 2-3 nodes in a Kornevin solution. Then place them in containers with wet peat or sand. The appearance of fresh leaves indicates the development of roots.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

When breeding geraniums, there is a risk of rot or a viral infection. It may also suffer from pest attacks.

How to deal with them

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to use fungicides - Fitosporin, Fundazol. To prevent insect attacks, insecticides are used - Calypso or Aktaru.

With the development of diseases, leaves become stained


Pelargonium Fischers Appleblossom is very popular with gardeners. In order for the bush to flourish and flourish, it requires full care. It should include the correct watering regime, pruning, feeding.


Watch the video: Pelargonium Appleblossom Rosebud. .20102015 (October 2024).