Kalanchoe Kalandiva Calandiva - care and reproduction


The presence of fresh flowers in the house is a sign of comfort. They delight, purify the air in the room, but also bring positive energy. A popular plant is considered Kalanchoe Kalandiva. This is an easy-to-care flower, for which many gardeners love it.

Appearance and History

The plant has a wonderful decorative look, while maintaining Kalanchive Kalanchoe at home is simple. This is a succulent that accumulates a lot of moisture in itself. The homeland is the island of Madagascar. From there, the plant began to spread to many countries.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is considered a wonderful plant for home.

Note! The Kalandiva variety does not grow in the natural environment, it was obtained by artificial breeding.

The length of the flower is not more than 35 cm. The leaves are at the base, have an ovoid shape. The stems are straight and leafless. A feature is long flowering. In a favorable environment, it lasts 4-6 months. Kalanchoe has beautiful inflorescences in the form of brushes that attract with the richness of colors. Flowers are pink, red, white. Like the Blossfeld variety, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is recognized as a highly decorative plant, it is not used in treatment, although it has a weak therapeutic effect.

Flower care

Kalanchoe Calandiva is considered an undemanding flower unlike other species. But still there are care rules that must be followed. So there will be a long and beautiful flowering.

Illumination and temperature

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The plant needs diffused bright lighting. It is better to install a container on a window that faces the eastern or western part. If over a long period it was cloudy or there is no possibility of creating natural lighting, install phytolamps. They are turned off at night, as Kalanchoe requires a short daylight hours. If the windows are southern, placing plants there is undesirable, because there is a danger of burns. In shady conditions, the development of the flower is suspended.

Important! Calandiva variety needs a temperature of 20-30 ℃ above zero. In winter, it is lowered to 15-17 ℃. Reduced temperature conditions are required for the appearance of buds, otherwise there will not be abundant flowering.

Watering rules and humidity

Watering a plant does not have to be frequent; it tends to accumulate a lot of water and nutrients. In summer, this is done once a week, and in winter - every 2 weeks. It’s best not to look at the calendar, but at the state of the soil. If the earth has dried out even a little, it needs watering. Sluggish leaves indicate a lack of moisture.

Water the plant with water at room temperature. The liquid is prepared in advance: it is allowed to infuse throughout the day. Cold water from the tap can cause harm.

Note! Kalanchoe is considered a succulent, so it is able to develop normally in low humidity.

When heating appliances, additional humidification is not necessary. But still periodically spray the leaves. The procedure is hygienic.

Top dressing and soil quality

Fertilize Kalanchoe with mineral and organic components. They should be alternated. Succulents are also used. Feeding is done every 2 weeks.

Kalanchoe requires special soil. It should be intended for cacti or succulents. You can prepare the soil on your own by mixing:

  • universal soil - 4 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

This composition is ideal for growing flowers. To prevent mold, mulching the soil.

Flower Tank Size

The size of the pot for large Kalanchoe should be appropriate - with a diameter of 12-18 cm. Next time, choose a container 1-2 cm larger. Fine crushed stone and sand are laid out at the bottom. The thickness of the drainage should be 1-2 cm or more.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva planted in a pot with a diameter of up to 18 cm

On a note! Although plastic flower pots are in demand, it is advisable to use clay or ceramic. These materials provide excellent "breathing" of the earth and the plant itself.

Features of plant transplantation after purchase

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The transplant is performed after the acquisition of the flower, and then repeated every year. The procedure is carried out on the basis of a simple scheme:

  1. Pre-moisturize the soil. This will help to remove the plant from the earthen lump pot.
  2. Engage in a new pot. Organize a drainage system. Working material - expanded clay, polystyrene.
  3. Kalanchoe is placed in a new container, covered with fresh soil.

After transplanting, the succulent needs rest for several days. To do this, it is left in a dark place. It is advisable to mulch the soil, as it helps to retain moisture in the summer for a long time.

Flowering and dormancy

To achieve the colorful flowering of Kalanchoe, special care is required. The flower pleases with its beautiful view for about 8 months a year. Terry inflorescences are presented in the form of balls. Diameter of flowers is 1.5 cm. Petals have bright shades. When flowering, Kalanchoe is like a mini rose with densely placed terry buds.

Kalanchoe reproduction: options and methods at home

Kalanchoe Kalandiva has different shades. The palette has colors such as red, raspberry, pink. Some are original. Among them are yellow and white inflorescences.

Additional Information! The dissolution of the buds occurs in the winter. It is required in advance to create the necessary conditions for lush flowering: put in a room where the temperature is moderately low and appropriate lighting.

During rest, watering should be moderate. In November, pinching the bush is carried out. Then the buds are shown. If in November there was no budding and flowering, preparatory measures are repeated in March. After that, Kalanchoe Kalandiva rests - 1.5-2 months. The flower must be put in partial shade. It is important to reduce watering, lower the temperature to 14-16 ℃.

Breeding Kalanchoe

This plant variety is not propagated by seed. A vegetative method is applied using the tops, stem cuttings or individual leaves. Before planting the cuttings, they are dried for several hours. Then planted in wet sand.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva propagated by cuttings

Cuttings are placed in sandy soil and covered with a transparent container. Rooting takes place over 4-6 weeks.

Note! To accelerate, you need a temperature in the range of 20-24 ℃.

Growing problems

With insufficient care, pests adversely affect the flowering and decorative properties of the plant. Problems may occur:

  • Rot. The reason is a strong moistening of the earth, low temperature in the room. It requires transplanting into new soil, trimming damaged shoots, processing sections of cuts with activated charcoal, and reducing irrigation.
  • Brown patches on the leaves. The problem arises with a lack of watering, depletion of the plant. An increase in moisture is required.
  • Yellow plaque of leaves occurs when there is a lack of sun light. The capacity is put in a lit place, they use a phytolamp.
  • Black spots of foliage are a symptom of a fungal infection. We need a single treatment with an antifungal agent, a transplant into a disinfected new earth.
  • Wrinkled leaves indicate low humidity, lack of watering. The calendaring should be sprayed with a spray gun. It is also required to increase the amount of moisture.
  • The appearance of a whitish coating is associated with powdery mildew. Eliminate the disease will allow Bordeaux fluid or Oxychom.
  • Aphids are removed with a solution of laundry soap.

Thanks to timely disposal of the problem, the flower continues to develop. Gentle care of Kalanchoe Kalandiva will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the plant for a long time.


Watch the video: Kalanşo Kalanchoe çiçeğinin bakımı, sulanması ve çiçek açtırması. Care of Kalanchoe flower (October 2024).