Ciperus - varieties, planting, reproduction, home care.


Tsiperus is an unpretentious perennial houseplant of the sedge family. Lusty, ready to grow even in an aquarium, in the light or in partial shade. How to provide flower care and propagation at home?

Origin of Cyperus

In nature, cyperus grows in the wetlands of the tropics and subtropics. Most often it can be found in Central America, Africa, on the island of Madagascar, along rivers and on the shores of lakes, where it can reach up to three meters in height.

Tsiperus loves to grow on the banks of rivers and in swamps

Translated from the Egyptian language, Cyperys (syt, rotovar) means - the gift of the river. It was from the variety of cyperus that the first papyrus began to be made, pressing together the stems of the plant and making inscriptions on them. In addition, stems have become an excellent material for weaving mats, baskets, ropes, sandals and even boats.

Egyptians made boats from long five-meter stems of papyrus

Cyperus came to Europe in the middle of the 18th century and quickly gained popularity. In Britain, it was called the "umbrella plant", and, in fact, its leaves are very similar to an open umbrella.

The leaves of cyperus are very reminiscent of a green fountain or umbrella

Varieties table

There are about 600 species of cyperus, but the most common is cypress. It is so unpretentious in leaving that it can be found almost everywhere: in shops, offices, workshops of industrial enterprises, and, of course, on the windows of gardeners. Tsiperus saturates the dry air of rooms with moisture, evaporating it from the surface of the leaves.

Cyperus papyrusThe stems grow up to 3-5 meters in height and end with a dense rosette of narrow leafy plates hanging down.It is grown in pots in humid climates. In indoor floriculture is rare due to the difficulties of reproduction.
Cyperus HelferIt differs in low stems up to half a meter high, grows in water.It is used for landscaping decorative reservoirs and aquariums. Requires acidity of 5-7.5 pH.
Cyperus UmbrellaThe stems are trihedral, up to two meters high with long 30-centimeter linear leaves resembling a belt.Variegata variety with a white stripe on umbrellas has been bred.
CyperusA relatively low species, growing up to 1.5 meters in height. The stems end with an umbrella with leaf blades 1 cm wide.The most common type of cyperus in indoor floriculture, easily propagated by division, umbrellas and seeds.
Cyperus sprawlingThe lowest of all cyperuses, only 40-100 centimeters high. The width of the leaf plate is 1.5 cm. Many leaves are located at the base of the stems, which gives it a magnificent appearance.It is not common in pot culture, but, like all cyperuses in care, is unpretentious.
Tsiperus zoomulaIt is a bit like Helfer's cyperus: the same bunch of blades of grass growing directly from the ground and a few palm-shaped leaves. Very spectacular flower.Well propagated by seeds that can be bought at the store.

Varieties, photo gallery

The appearance of some varieties of cyperus is very unusual.

Growing conditions, table

Tsiperus is unpretentious in care, its main need is moisture in the soil and in the air, which is why some species are planted in the aquarium. In addition, the plant does not have a pronounced dormant period.

ParameterSpring SummerAutumn winter
LightingBright light or partial shade. Prefers east and north windows without midday sun.
HumidityIncreased, requires spraying every day, but also in dry air feels good with heavy watering.
Temperature20-25about C, it is useful to take to the balcony.Preferably 18-200FROM
Top dressingOnce every 2 weeks, fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants with a predominance of nitrogen.Not carried out.
WateringAbundant, water should always stand in the pan.Daily, at a low temperature, drain the water from the pan.

How to plant and transplant correctly at home

Tsiperus does not have a pronounced dormant period, and his flowers do not represent any particular value, so you can transplant the plant at any time of the year. But still, the best time to transplant is the beginning of spring.


The roots of cyperus are quite long, in the water they become vines, therefore it is advisable to take a pot for it high with drainage holes. The width of the pot depends on the capacity of the plant, since cyperus very quickly gives rise to new processes and fills the entire volume of soil.

Cache-pot with a deep pan - ideal for cyperus


Cyperus is undemanding to the soil, but since this plant came to us from swamps and river banks, peat, sand, turf or leafy soil in equal proportions will be the best soil composition, it is very useful to add swamp or river silt. It grows well on loose peat universal soil mixtures. If you are afraid to dry the plant, then when preparing the soil, you can add a soaked hydrogel.

A few grains of dry hydrogel turn into an iron mass

Hydrogel - the know-how for plants. It is made of polymers and has a very high moisture capacity. Several grains of the gel absorb up to 100 ml of water and swell. When adding a prepared hydrogel to the soil, you don’t have to worry about the plant drying out. The roots penetrate the gel and get moisture from there. You can saturate the hydrogel with mineral fertilizers, then you will have to feed the cyperus less often.

Hydrogel is sold in the form of dry grains of yellowish color or colored balls


As a rule, the plant is transferred from a smaller pot to a larger one, without freeing the roots from the old soil. If the bush is very large, then it can be divided into several parts.

  1. In a new pot, pour a layer of expanded clay, up to ¼ pot.

    At the bottom of the pot, pour a layer of expanded clay

  2. Then add a few centimeters of fresh earth.

    For planting cyperus, you can use ready-made soil mixtures

  3. We take the plant out of the old pot and place it in a new one. A few centimeters should remain to the edge.

    We take out Tsiperus from an old pot and put in a new

  4. We fall asleep fresh soil between the walls and a lump of earth.

    Fill the pot with soil

  5. Watering.

Some gardeners do not make drainage holes in the pot and grow cyperus like in a real swamp, when water covers the entire soil. In this case, a specific smell from the plant may appear, and the water will turn green from algae.

Tsiperus can be kept completely in water

Ciperus Helfer is grown mainly in an aquarium and a paludarium.

Cyperus Helfer in the aquarium serves as a refuge for small fish

Other types of cyperus are also planted in the aquarium, but their stems and umbrellas are above the water.

Paludarium combined with an aquarium

Paludarium is a glass tank with water similar to an aquarium, with a semi-aquatic habitat for marsh and coastal plants, whose surface part rises significantly above the water level.


Tsiperus is a very unpretentious plant in care, very fond of watering and it is practically impossible to overfill.

Watering and feeding

Typically, cyperus is watered 1-2 times a day with settled tap water, but it is better to use rain or melt water. If possible, then the flower pot is placed in a deep pan in which water is constantly poured.

With a cool winter content with an air temperature of about 15 degrees, it is better to drain the water from the pan.

With a lack of watering, the leaves of the sazu turn yellow and dry. Therefore, if you need to leave for a few days, then ciperus is put in a deep bucket, a basin or a pot of water.

With a lack of water, the leaves of cyperus quickly turn yellow and die

Since the plant has a strong growth of new shoots, then it must have adequate nutrition. In the warm season (spring and summer), it is absolutely necessary to feed 2 times a month with liquid fertilizers for deciduous plants.

It is better to use liquid fertilizers to feed cyperus

Typically, in winter, cyperus is not fertilized, but if the plant is kept in bright light in a warm room and continues to actively release new umbrellas, then feeding does not stop.

Rest period

Under favorable conditions, cyperus does not have a resting period in winter. But due to the decrease in a sunny day, the color of the leaves may fade, so it is better to illuminate it with lamps until a 16-hour day.


Sometimes in summer you can see the flowering of cyperus. It represents the appearance of small light brown small inflorescences of a light brown color.

Cyperus flowers are inconspicuous, collected in small inflorescences

Care Mistakes - Why Other Problems Dries

Under inappropriate conditions of detention, you may encounter such problems:

The tips of the leaves are dryDry airPeriodically spray and increase humidity near the plant, put the pot in a pan with water or wet expanded clay.
Yellow stems and dying leavesLow temperature in winterKeep cyperus at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees Celsius.
Withering and yellowing of leavesLack of lighting, especially in winterOn the northern windows, light up until 16 o'clock in the afternoon or rearrange to a brighter window.
Mass drying leavesLack of watering, overdrying earthen comaTrim all dried stems and immerse the pot in water.

Sometimes old leaves turn yellow and dry out, this is a normal process characteristic of plants. Cut the stem under the root and new leaves will appear soon.

Diseases and Pests

Ciperus is rarely damaged by diseases and pests.

Disease / pestPreventive measuresTreatment
Green aphidPlant inspectionIf there is a small lesion, flush the plant with water every day, if there are a lot of aphids, spray it with Fitoverm every 7 days until the pests disappear.
Spider miteHigh humidity
ThripsHigh humidity, showerSpraying with Fitoverm (2 ml per 200 ml of water) every 5-7 days.
Root decayDo not contain very humid at temperatures below 15 degreesTransfer to a warm place, or drain the water from the pan after watering.

Cyperus pests, photo gallery

With the right content of cyperus, you are unlikely to see such pests.


Almost all types of cyperus reproduce by dividing the bush, seeds and leaf processes of the whorls.

Bush division

With an annual transplant in spring, a powerful adult plant can be divided into several parts. Pots and soil are selected for transplantation. Ciperus is pulled out of the old pot and neatly divided or cut into several parts, each of which should contain several stems. Then new plants are planted in separate containers.

Something like this divide the cyperus bush into plots, each should have several stems

Plants experience such a transplant very well, but to reduce stress, cyperus can be poured with HB-101 solution (1 drop per liter of water).

Seed propagation

For many gardeners, getting cyperus from seeds is the only way to plant varieties such as papyrus and zumula, as they are rare and do not breed leafy cuttings.

  1. We prepare the soil mixture for seeds acidic, based on peat and sand, in the proportions 1: 1
  2. Choose a wide and shallow pot, you can take disposable dishes

    Such a container with a transparent lid is the best option for growing cyperus from seeds

  3. Fill the pot with soil, moisten well with soft water (melt or rain)
  4. Pour the seeds to the surface and do not plant in the soil

    cyperus seeds are very small and therefore they need light to germinate

  5. We cover it with glass or a transparent film and put it in a warm bright place with a temperature of at least 18 degrees. Seeds germinate on day 14-30.

    Thin little marrows grow from seeds, they need to be protected from drying out

  6. We spray from the spray gun, do not allow the drying of the soil, but we do not swamp either.
  7. Young plants require careful care, it is very important not to dry the delicate bores. It is better to keep them for the first two months under the film, periodically removing it for ventilation.
  8. Cyperus can be planted either one plant per pot or in groups.

    Ziperus zumula grown from seeds

There are not as many varieties of cyperus on the modern market as we would like. Most often found Pharaoh, Papyrus, Zumula. Seeds are very small, like dust, the amount in bags of 3-5 pieces. According to customer reviews, seeds from the Gavrish company germinate very poorly.

Many agricultural companies produce seeds of cyperus, but they have different germination

Reproduction of cyperus by processes (whorls)

The simplest method of reproduction is the rooting of cyperus umbrellas. Unfortunately, papyrus, zumula and cyperus Helfer cannot be propagated in this way.

  1. For the best result, choose an adult large umbrella, preferably with kidneys between the leaves. Often, rooted drying old leaves are taken for rooting.

    For reproduction, it is better to take a cyperus umbrella with prominent kidneys.

  2. From the umbrella, cut the leaves, leaving hemp 2-3 centimeters. The petiole is shortened to 10-15 centimeters.

    Cut the leaves, leaving 2-3 cm of hemp

  3. The resulting whorl is placed in a glass with water, petiole up, umbrella down.

    We submerge a cyperus umbrella in water

  4. You can put the whorl immediately in a very moist ground, cover with a bag to maintain humidity.
  5. When rooting in water after 2-3 weeks, roots and young shoots appear from the kidneys.

    After 2-3 weeks, roots and new shoots appear

  6. When the roots grow to 5 centimeters, transplant the plant into the ground in a permanent place. Soil and pot are selected for transplantation.

    If you put several umbrellas in one pot at once, the bush will be more powerful

  7. Constantly water and spray the cyperus.

Video - rooting of leaf stalk and possible problems

Propagation by sheet layering

Another option for the propagation of cyperus is leaf layering.

  1. From the mother plant, we select several umbrellas and cut the leaf plates without cutting the stem.
  2. We tilt the prepared whorls and immerse them in a glass with water or moist soil.
  3. We fix in this position and wait 2-3 weeks for the appearance of new roots and processes.
  4. Cut off from the mother plant.

This method gives almost 100% result.

In addition, it has been observed that in the warm season leafy cuttings take root much faster and better than in winter.

Ciperus is loved not only by humans, but also by animals, such as cats and parrots. Therefore, if you want to have a beautiful bush, then protect it from pets.

Florist reviews

2 months have passed, not a single seed has sprouted, although fresh, shelf life up to 14 years, the company Gavrish, please tell me which seeds of the company were sown and is it worth it to wait for more seedlings? The seeds sit in a glass in a pan with water, that is, always moist soil, the same seeds were sown in June and there was silence too. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Wanda I'm a regular


They came up from me the second time ... For the first time it was like this - I poured them out into the greenhouse, they swam there for two weeks and didn’t go ale! The second time I took a transport pot from the purchased plant, poured the earth, and put it in a bowl of water. When the earth was all wet, poured out this dust and left it that way, that is, there was no water on top, but just all the time the wet soil from immersion of the first pot in a bowl of water, and from the second approach everything came up in 10 days .... and then I went there poured out the contents of the first unsuccessful experience, and a forest came up from me! :) Now, adult umbrellas are thrown out, transplanted, and so there is a smaller pot in a bowl of water :)

Veterok Regular


Review: Indoor flower "Tsiperus" - Very beautiful flower Advantages: grows very quickly Disadvantages: not found; This flower has been pleasing us for more than ten years. My daughter, while still at school, brought a sprig of cyperus home. Put in the water upside down. And he gave the roots. They planted it in a beautiful pot, watered abundantly every day, and very soon a fluffy bush of cyperus flaunted on the window. Every summer I plant him in the cottage in shade. Over the summer, it grows very much, it turns out very magnificent and beautiful. Also at home I constantly spray the leaves, then the leaves are saturated greener. Tsiperus is very fond of water. You can put it near the aquarium, then it will grow better. Another thing, if you have a cat that does not go outside, then it will definitely eat this flower.



A couple of times I tried to grow this flower. As already noted here, he is completely unpretentious in the care, the main thing for him is that there is always water in the pan, since this is a coastal plant. It grows quite high - about a meter, with beautiful spreading umbrellas at the apex, it looks quite exotic and reproduces very simply - with apical umbrellas, you just need to slightly cut off the leaves of the "umbrella" and put it in the water upward with the stem, since there is a point growth. After a couple of weeks, a sprout appears that can be planted in a pot. Grows fast too. However, in spite of my unpretentiousness, he did not take root with me. And the cat is to blame. This striped thug loves to eat around him! And he knows very well that this can’t be done, so he only robs at night. It is worth turning off the light, after a while there is a rustling and "chrome-chrome." Therefore, the flower could not stand it for a long time - literally in a couple of weeks, only the ends of the stems in the pot remained from it. New sprouts also did not have time to peck, as they instantly gnawed. In general, cats have an irresistible craving for this plant. By the way, it is not toxic and does not cause harm to cats. She just doesn’t have time to grow up. But if you don’t have a cat, I advise you to try to grow it, as the plant is beautiful and problem-free.



Tsiperus is beautiful, decorative, easy to care for. Indispensable in aquariums and the interior of bright bathrooms.
