Variety raspberries Kirzhach: description of the variety and tips for growing


This traditional raspberry, which does not shine with modern delicacies, can be found in the North Caucasus, in the Volga-Vyatka region, in the north-west of the country and in its center, in Ukraine and Belarus. Wherever winters are not very harsh, the variety Kirzhach grows and pleases gardeners with generous harvests of berries.

From the history of the variety Kirzhach

Raspberry Kirzhach, named after the city and river in the Vladimir region, was created at WSTISP by crossing the Carnival and Malling Promise varieties popular in the second half of the last century. The work was carried out under the guidance of a well-known breeder of fruit and berry crops, Doctor of Biological Sciences and Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor Victor Kichina.

Famous breeder of fruit and berry crops, Doctor of Biological Sciences and Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor Viktor Kichina

Since 1979, the variety was studied by the State Commission of the Russian Federation for the testing and protection of breeding achievements, and in 1994 it replenished the state registry.

Description of raspberries Kirzhach

Bushes of raspberries Kirzhach grow well on soils of any type. Shoots are tall, erect, of medium diameter. On young shoots and in the shade, their bark turns green, and in good sunlight turns into bright red. It has a thick waxy coating and a few rare weak spikes that have a purple color.

The slightly pubescent Kirzhach berries have a blunt cone shape traditional for these fruits and are painted in a natural raspberry color. They grow on last year's shoots. The berries consist of medium-sized drupes firmly connected to the fruit bed. The bones are of medium size, the flesh is a dessert good taste, reminiscent of wild raspberries, and of medium intensity aroma. Berries do not crumple during transportation.

Universal berries - raspberries Kirzhach

This raspberry variety is characterized by the formation of a large number of shoots. Kirzhach tolerates winter frosts well and is not afraid of thaws. It resists infection with anthracnose, a raspberry and a spider mite, but the raspberry beetle, sprouting and root cancer are very dangerous for it. Productivity is consistently high.

Brief description of the variety - table

The purpose of the varietyuniversal
Bush height2-2.5 meters
Shoot densitymore than 25 per meter2
Flowering timesince mid-June *
Maturationfriendly, since mid-July *
Berry weight2.2-3 g
Tasting rating4.3 points
Yield per hectare6.7-10 tons
Productivity of a running meter of a rowfrom 2.5-3 kg
Landing pattern0.4x0.5 m
Frost resistanceaverage

* For the Russian regions and Belarus, in Ukraine comes earlier.

Features of planting and care

When planting raspberries, preference is given to the spring, but planting is possible in the fall after the end of sap flow in regions with not very severe winters. If raspberry varieties Kirzhach are planted in one row, it is recommended to leave a distance of 0.4 meters between the bushes. With a multi-row landing, the distance between the rows is 0.5 meters, and for the passage between them, 0.9 meters is left (see diagram below).

It is recommended to observe such significant distances between plants due to the susceptibility of this type of raspberry to root cancer

It is recommended to observe such significant distances between plants due to the susceptibility of this type of raspberry to root cancer. In addition, it will facilitate the care of the densely growing shoots of raspberries.

When planting raspberries, you should ensure that all its roots are immersed in the ground by at least three centimeters.

When planting raspberries, you should ensure that all its roots are immersed in the ground by at least three centimeters

After planting, it will be very useful to mulch the soil with humus, sawdust or straw.

The upright shoots of Kirzhach do not dwell, but with a length of more than two meters, they are significantly bent. It is very easy to care for raspberries with a single or double row trellis, along which the shoots of the plant are fixed. Wherein:

  • ventilation of foliage is improved, which reduces the likelihood of diseases;
  • the ripening conditions of the berries improve, as their light exposure to the sun increases, and thereby the quality of the crop increases.

In order to have a greater branching of the bush with the formation of fruitful organs, when the branch reaches a growth of 0.9-1 meter, pinch it. The timing of this operation depends on the climate and weather conditions of a particular year (the beginning of the growing season).

The lushly growing bushes of Kirzhach are standardized, leaving no more than ten branches per meter of row for growth and fruiting. Thawed branches are removed after harvesting. For wintering, they leave a slightly larger number of shoots than 10 per linear meter of row in order to select the most powerful and strong ones in spring.

For the first time in a season, raspberries can be fed with fertilizers containing nitrogen (urea, nitroammophosk, and others), in accordance with the instructions on their packaging, even with melting snow. Water will carry useful elements deep into the soil. Thus, the active growth of the plant and its root system will be stimulated.

Before flowering, with the formation of ovaries and the beginning of the development of fruits, raspberries will be useful for foliar dressing as one of the complex fertilizers, which include calcium, potassium, a little nitrogen and trace elements. You can choose a drug in a garden store, use it in accordance with the instructions for use. The juiciness, sweetness and density of the berries is largely dependent on such processing. Such top dressing can be used for the same purposes and for other berry crops.

The juiciness, sweetness and density of berries is largely dependent on foliar top dressing.

In places where winter temperatures can drop to -32-35 ºС, it is better to cover Kirzhach with agrofabric. For regions with milder winters, raspberries winter well under snow cover.

Raspberries are watered depending on the weather, but in such a way as to saturate the plant roots with it, that is, the ground should be saturated to a depth of 35 cm.

Raspberries are watered depending on the weather, but in such a way as to saturate the roots of the plant with water, that is, the ground should be saturated to a depth of 35 cm

In the period from late May to mid-June, when the root system of the plant is actively developing, it is especially important to prevent the earth from drying out. Otherwise, in search of moisture, raspberries will begin to increase the number of shoots to soak it with leaves from the air. Normal watering of 20 liters per meter of raspberry row will prevent this from happening. It is better to water raspberries at regular intervals from mid-May to the end of August.

After absorbing water, the earth must be loosened, ensuring normal respiration of the roots of plants.

Gardeners reviews

The weight of the Kirzhach berry is only 2.5-3g. The variety is winter hardy. As Seed correctly said, this is an ordinary raspberry that fits into general standards. The choice is simple, if you want to amaze the imagination with size, nothing will work without additional hassle. Want a hassle-free variety, with a typical raspberry flavor and size, plant Kirzhach, Kuzmin News, etc. How many times have you heard that forest raspberries are sweeter and more fragrant than garden raspberries with the same size of berries. The standards of taste were laid down by nature itself.



Good afternoon, only yesterday I finally received raspberries from Tomsk by mail. I ordered 2 bushes: Kirzhach, Mishutka, Bell. Varieties selected according to the description on the site Bakchar. Everything came of course in moss, oks. Sticks of 30-40 cm - should I cut off when planting? I can’t imagine how to plant it now. The first snow is already near St. Petersburg. Our good nurseries in St. Petersburg begin to sell raspberries with ACS no earlier than October 1, so everything is fine. The earth is not frozen, you can plant. I advise planting for the winter to insulate with dry foliage with a layer of 10-15 cm, in order to protect from November snowless frosts.

Tamara St. Petersburg


Kirzhach is a good berry, but now it is very few. I have a personal plot, not a plantation.

South Palmyra


The unpretentious and productive raspberries of the Kirzhach variety are an excellent solution for beginner gardeners and for lovers of the traditional taste of these berries. According to the reviews of the owners of small plots, with a little work, they grow it even near St. Petersburg for their own consumption.


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