Long-awaited - grape variety corresponding to its name


The long-awaited grapes are often referred to as raisins, characterized by the absence of seeds. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true, since he has bones, but if they really were not there, it would be the largest raisin. The long-awaited - grapes with continuous advantages are quite suitable for growing in the suburban areas of most regions.

The history of the cultivation of grape varieties Long-awaited

The long-awaited story is relatively short: it appeared already in the current millennium thanks to the efforts of the amateur breeder V. N. Krainov. It sometimes happens that a lot of science is done not only in serious laboratories, but also practically "in the kitchen". Viktor Nikolayevich Krainov, who lived in the city of Novocherkassk, was called a "private" breeder. He created beautiful hybrid forms of grapes without working in any serious research institutes.

As an enthusiast himself said in one of his last interviews, he had been engaged in viticulture since he was 15, from 1953, and his father, a retired colonel, instilled in him this hobby. And since 1986, V.N. Krainov was seriously engaged in breeding in a summer cottage located on the banks of the Tuzla River.

And it was precisely in the conditions of a not very favorable climate (coastal mists, morning dew, frequent frosts) that he developed his wonderful varieties. In total, he bred more than 40 grape varieties, and about half became well-known and widespread.

Berries and bunches of varieties of the collection of V. N. Krainov are called the words "solid, impressive, gigantic, gigantic." The varieties bred by him for 20 years occupy a worthy place in the vineyards of our country. The first in 1998 became known hybrid called NiZina. Then the number of varieties grew rapidly, although they were all bred in different ways from just a few well-known forms. And most of his developments receive only positive reviews.

NiZina - the first grape from the collection of V. N. Krainov, released "in people"

The long-awaited grapes were obtained by hybridization of the varieties Kishmish Luchisty and Talisman, the main advantage of which is the excellent taste of berries. So, the Talisman is recommended for cultivation in many regions of our country, as it keeps up well even in short summers and is resistant to any weather vagaries. Radiant raisins - seedless grapes, has a delicate aroma of muscat, has a unique taste.

Kishmish Radiant - one of the long-awaited parents - gives large berries, but without stones

Having taken all the best from his parents, the Long-awaited grape is a table variety. Its berries have a clear white to amber color and are characterized by a harmonious taste. The variety is famous for solid crops, very early ripening and high frost resistance, which allows it to grow even in harsh regions. The long-awaited - a fine variety of table grapes for homestead and country wine growing.

Description of grape variety Long-awaited

The long-awaited grows in the form of a rather large bush, which requires a lot of space. But at the same time, it cannot be considered a giant, and when planting several bushes between them, a distance of 1.5-2 meters is enough. At this distance, the bushes are intertwined with roots, but do not interfere with each other at all. Actually, they don’t need mutual assistance either: the flowers of the variety are bisexual, therefore, if a large number of berries, for example, for sale, is not required, one plant is enough on the site.

The long-awaited can be grafted onto bushes of other varieties and itself, in turn, is a good stock, which is often used in practice to increase the assortment of grapes in small areas.

It is easily propagated by cuttings: their rooting by specialists is characterized as very high. The bush in all directions grows quite quickly, regardless of what its origin is: grown from its own cuttings or grafted onto another seedling.

The vine ripens well, the shoots have time to lignify almost to the tops, even in the conditions of a short summer. The frost resistance of the bush is up to -23 ° C. The resistance of the variety to damage by fungal diseases is estimated at 3.5 points: a high probability of an oidium disease. At the same time, the long-awaited is immune to ticks. It starts to bring good harvests already 3 years after planting, which is one of the undoubted advantages in both industrial and amateur gardening.

Wasps rarely eat berries. The long-awaited, for unknown reasons, does not attract these striped pests.

The variety is recommended for cultivation in the northern regions, because for active growth and complete ripening it does not require a large amount of sunlight.

The bush can withstand a load of 20-25 shoots. The long-awaited belongs to the varieties of early maturity: from the beginning of the growing season to the full ripening of berries, it takes from 105 to 120 days. Flowering begins in mid-June. Since the flowers are bisexual, there is no threat of incomplete pollination leading to the appearance of very small berries. Already in early August, you can collect very tasty and juicy berries. It cannot be said that the yields of the variety are huge, but they are stable, and up to 10 kg of berries can be obtained from the bush.

The clusters of grapes of the long-awaited cone-shaped and very large grapes: on average about 800 g, but sometimes grow up to 1.5 kg. At the same time, it is gratifying that they reach their maximum sizes already in the second year after the start of fruiting. However, the clusters are not very dense, rather moderately loose: the berries do not "stick" to each other. Their transportability is characterized as very high.

The berries are not very tightly packed in a bunch, but their total mass is very solid

Grapes have a characteristic oblong-nipple shape, very beautiful, their color is considered white. However, fully ripened berries acquire an amber hue and almost perfect transparency in transmitted light. The berries are very large, weighing 10-12 g, length up to 3.5 cm. The peel is medium density, neutral, when consumed, berries are not felt. The flesh is fleshy, firm, with a pleasant taste. Taste bouquet harmonious, saturated, sweet and sour. Sugar content of berries is about 20%, acidity up to 8 g / l. Tolerance is characterized as negligible. Taste on a 5-point scale by professional tasters is estimated at 4.5 points.

The berries are mostly seedless, but some contain 1-2 dense seeds of medium size.

It is impossible to visually distinguish berries with seeds and without them, both of which are found on each cluster.

The preservation of berries both on the bush and already harvested is high. Ripe berries do not crack. Only prolonged heavy rains can disrupt their presentation. Oversaturated with water, the berries burst and rot, and also easily come off the hands. The variety is among the sufficiently transportable. The long-awaited grapes are suitable both for fresh consumption and for winemaking: a combination of sugar content, acidity and harmonious taste completely contributes to the universal use of the crop.

Video: long-awaited grape harvest in the garden

Characteristics of the grape variety Long-awaited

Having become acquainted with table grapes of the Long-awaited variety, you can summarize some of the results by summing up the main advantages and disadvantages of this hybrid. Actually, the shortcomings are practically not described. Both the plant itself and its fruits have advantages: large clusters of delicious berries. The main advantages of the variety are as follows:

  • super early ripening;
  • bisexual flowers;
  • large size of the bunch and each berry;
  • great appearance;
  • high crop mobility and shelf life;
  • harmonious taste and thin, inconspicuous skin;
  • almost complete absence of seeds, which allows the variety to be attributed almost to raisins;
  • stable yield;
  • weak susceptibility to wasps;
  • high frost resistance;
  • full ripening of shoots;
  • compatibility with any stocks and scions;
  • good rooting of cuttings.

Relative disadvantages of the variety:

  • medium resistance to most diseases;
  • instability of the ripened crop to prolonged rains;
  • incomplete bonelessness.

Features of planting and growing grape varieties Long-awaited

From the point of view of agricultural technology, the Long-awaited is the most common classical covering grape, so its planting and care for it practically do not have any significant features. It is easily propagated by cuttings, so it is quite simple to grow a seedling of this grape on your own. Specialists can easily plant it on the finished bush of any other stable grapes: Long-awaited grapes can grow equally well on their own roots, and in the form of grafting.

To grow grape seedlings at home from the cuttings is not a problem: the long-awaited easily rooted

Like any grape, the Long-awaited grows best in sunny places, sheltered from the effects of piercing winds, a special northern direction. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, the best shelter is the wall of the house or a blank fence that protects the bush from drafts. On the side, large trees or shrubs are desirable, and one of the sides should be open to sunlight. Although, compared with many other varieties, the long-awaited need for natural solar radiation is not so high.

Like any grape, this variety loves light soil, but is able to grow on any other than very swampy. It is characterized by high drought tolerance: it does not require abundant watering, of course, except for the season of active cluster growth. He does not like waterlogging, therefore this fact should be taken into account when choosing the location of the bush.

The best landing date in most areas of the country is the end of April. In the south, grapes are planted in the fall - in October, but planted bushes for the winter should be well covered. The preparation of seedlings for planting is usual: the seedlings brought to the garden are soaked in water for 1-2 days. Even better, if you use a solution of urea instead of water (1 tablespoon per bucket of water). Before planting, it will be useful to dip the roots into a mash of clay, mullein and water with the viscosity of liquid sour cream.

The use of talkers for root treatment greatly facilitates the survival of seedlings

Long before planting, they dig up the entire area around the future bush with fertilizers to the depth of the shovel bayonet (the feeding area for the Long-awaited variety will be about 6 m2), so that the main fertilizer grapes enough for the next few seasons. Planting pit for spring planting should be prepared in the fall. They dig a large hole for this grape. And if the depth, as usual, is required not less than 70-80 cm, the diameter of the pit is recommended not less than a meter. A drainage layer about 20 cm thick must be placed at the bottom, especially in the case of clay soils. Drainage is usually gravel, pebbles, coarse river sand. A layer of soil mixed with fertilizers is placed on it (6-7 buckets of manure, half a bucket of ash from a campfire, 500 grams of azofoska), and above is a layer that, when planted, will directly contact the roots: it should be normal fertile soil without fertilizing , especially mineral ones.

They plant the long-awaited deeply, leaving only 2 kidneys above the ground, and even they are sprinkled with earth for the first time. The variety grows in the form of bushes of a size slightly higher than average, so when planting several plants between them, a distance of 1.5-2 meters is sufficient.

In very arid areas, it is recommended to place a vertical inch pipe in the planting hole to water the grapes directly into the root growth zone for the first couple of years.

Adult bushes will rarely need to be watered. The planting technique is simple - you need to straighten the roots well, fill it with fertile soil, press well with your foot and pour a few buckets of water. Mulching around the bush is necessary: ​​it greatly facilitates subsequent care.

In addition to reasonable watering, any grape responds well to top dressing. Those fertilizers that were brought into the planting pit and around it will last for 2-3 years. Then, every year in early spring, in grooves dug out according to the projection of the bush, it is necessary to pour 1-2 buckets of well-rotted manure, and in early June to pour 1-2 liter cans of ash around the bush, lightly planting it in the soil. Before flowering and immediately after it, foliar top dressing with solutions of complex fertilizers is convenient and necessary (by spraying the bush).

During loading berries should not contain nitrogen.

The most difficult event is the correct pruning. In spring, only dead shoots should be cut, and careful pruning should be done before sheltering the bushes for the winter. But, in addition to this pruning, throughout the entire period of plant growth it is necessary to break out still weak, but clearly superfluous young shoots that thicken the bushes. Regular breaking out of stepchildren is also necessary for gaining sugar content, it allows you to remove excess foliage that covers the bunches from the sun. It is especially important to do this in the northern regions, where time for the full ripening of berries may not be enough due to the shortage of sunny days.

Timely implementation of "green" operations on grapes improves the ripening conditions of berries and facilitates autumn pruning

Under the condition of correct operations "on the greenery", by the fall on the bush will remain basically only the necessary vines. It is recommended to shorten them at the Long-awaited one before wintering so that 7-10 eyes remain, although it is also allowed to be shorter. The total number of shoots in the bush should be no more than 20-25.

Unfortunately, extra clusters often have to be cut off, even as they appear. The long-awaited clusters are heavy, because the vines may not withstand the load of ripening berries and simply break. In some cases, this causes the cessation of fruiting, with which it is possible to fight to the best of the careful garter of the vines to the trellises. The support structure must be reliable. The Long-awaited variety is quite resistant to fungal diseases, but for their prevention it is advisable to carry out several sprayings over the summer with fungicide solutions.

In October - early November, grapes must be covered for the winter. The variety is quite frost-resistant, it does not need a serious shelter in the form of digging into the ground even in the northern regions. It will be enough, having removed the grapes from the supports, tie the vines in convenient bunches, spread them on the ground and cover with conifer trees. In areas with reliable snow cover, you can simply cover with flat material, for example, sheets of slate, which will work until the snow falls. Convenient to use for shelter and non-woven materials such as durable spunbond. A slight freezing of the kidneys of the Long-awaited leads to a delay in ripening of berries for about a month, but the overall yield remains high.


Two years ago, we planted a long-awaited root seedling. He took root well and grew actively. By the fall of the ripened vine was already 3-4m. Stability is normal, approximately 3.0 points. I cut in the fall as standard: for 6-8 buds. In 2009, the bush was already well formed and we were waiting for the first decent harvest, but the April frost completely destroyed the fruit buds. Surprisingly, the bush very quickly recovered from the replacement buds, but there were no bunches on them. The vines began to grow rapidly, if not to say, to grow wildly; there was no harm with them. I had to leave my stepsons and give complete freedom. So, on most stepchildren there were clusters that were well pollinated and by September pretty good berries ripened on them: they tasted good: sweet, firm, juicy, with a crunch.The clusters looked elegant, without any peas. Seeds, of course, were present, but the grapes were so delicious that everyone ate with pleasure and did not focus on the fact that this is a raisin.

Fursa I.I.


The long-awaited, in my opinion, is one of Kraynov's undeservedly underestimated forms. In this difficult year, he produced excellent clusters and at the same time the berry is larger than usual! Yes, ripening, like all varieties, was delayed, but not as much as some.

Evgeny Polyanin


In my opinion, it will go for the berry trade: large berry, good taste and, most importantly, very early. The pulp is not liquid, well tolerates transportation. But when trading in seedlings, you must completely forget that this is a raisin. FORGET !!! This is not a racket! And just a great early, large, tasty grape! And there will be no complaints in this regard!

Elena Petrovna


Long-awaited grapes are so good that some experts put it in the top ten modern table varieties. The excellent taste of berries and the attractive appearance of the brushes, coupled with the ease of care, make it one of the most popular varieties for both private households and large vineyards in most regions of the country.


Watch the video: The Science of Good Taste -- Geology, Wine and Food (October 2024).