We grow grapes Platovsky: practical recommendations for planting, pruning and care


The cultivation of grapes has long ceased to be a privilege of the inhabitants of the southern regions. New varieties regularly appear that are capable of producing a decent harvest, even under extreme farming conditions. Grapes Platovsky - one of the best technical varieties, it is intended for processing. Resistant to frost and disease, early ripening vines are successfully cultivated on personal plots in regions with different climatic conditions.

The history of growing grapes Platovsky

This variety was created by Novocherkassk breeders in VNIIViV named after Y. I. Potapenko for technical purposes. Scientists used the Ukrainian grape Gift of Magarach and the Hungarian Zaladende as "parents".

Grapes Gift of Magarach (left) and Zaladende (right)

The frost-resistant variety Zaladende is resistant to fungal diseases, its berries have a light muscat taste. Unpretentious early-ripening grapes The gift of Magarach was bred on the basis of the Rkatsiteli variety, it has delicious berries with a harmonious taste.

Platovsky grape is suitable for cultivation throughout the Russian Federation, this variety is cultivated in Ukraine and Belarus. Grapes are grown on an industrial scale for the preparation of table and dessert wines. Gardeners make it homemade wine, it is also suitable for fresh consumption.

Wine made from grapes Platovsky

The company Fanagoria in 2016 created a semi-dry white wine "Bio Logic Platovsky-Riesling Fanagoria" from grapes of the Platovsky and Riesling varieties grown on the Taman Peninsula. Soft wine with a citrus aftertaste has a light grassy aroma.

Description of grape variety Platovsky

In this unpretentious frost-resistant variety, also known as Early Dawn, in the middle lane the berries ripen in the first half of August. In most regions, it does not need shelter, it can be used to decorate arbors and terraces. Harvest can be obtained in the second year after planting. Rounded small berries are "packed" in neat clusters in the shape of a cylinder or cone.

Bunches of grapes Platovsky

Fruits of a greenish-yellow color in the sun acquire a pinkish color. The skin is dense and thin, the flesh is juicy and dense, with seeds. The taste of unripe grapes is slightly grassy, ​​"solanaceous". Ripe berries have a harmonious taste. Fruits are able to hang on the bush for a month after ripening, without losing their consumer properties. 5-6 kg of berries are removed from one bush.

To taste, ripe grapes are divided into 4 groups: with an ordinary taste, nutmeg, solanaceous (grassy) and isabella. Ordinary taste - a combination of acid and sweetness in various combinations, in this group there are varieties with a harmonious, rich, taste and simple, neutral.

Video: grade description

Characteristics of the grape variety Platovsky

The variety was bred for cultivation in different climatic conditions. It is unpretentious, not affected by pests and annually brings a stable crop. Specifications:

  • Resistant to frost, tolerates frosts up to -29 ° C without shelter.
  • Uncovered.
  • Resistant to oidium, mildew, phylloxera, gray rot.
  • It prefers neutral and slightly acidic soils.
  • Early variety, vegetation period 110 - 115 days.
  • Srednerosly.
  • Annual shoots ripen by 80%.
  • Bisexual flowers.
  • The weight of the bunch is 120 grams.
  • Berries weighing from 2 to 4 grams.
  • The sugar content is 20.2%.
  • Acidity 8.9 g / l.
  • Technical grade.

Grapes Platovsky - one of the best technical varieties. Its delicious berries are also consumed fresh.

Berries can be enjoyed from the bush for a month after ripening

Resistance to fungal diseases and pests allows the cultivation of this variety to do without chemicals and apply organic farming methods. From an environmentally friendly product get biovino, biological wine.

Features of planting and growing grape varieties Platovsky

Grapes are a plastic culture that easily adapts to the most severe conditions. The unpretentious Platovsky variety does not require much effort to care for it. It is easily propagated by cuttings that take root quickly. During the ripening period of the berries, large leaves should be cut off, obscuring the clusters, so that the berries gain sugar faster.

The dense peel of wasp berries cannot be bitten. But if the birds bite the fruits, predatory insects can destroy the entire crop. Protect clusters from birds and wasps.


Choose a sunny, sheltered from the wind place. If you live in an area where winter snow is thick, you can not resort to a deep landing. In spring, the top layer of the earth warms up faster, and in winter, a layer of snow protects the roots from freezing.

In the northern regions, grapes are planted without deepening the root heel.

The root heel is the place of development of the main roots. It should be placed in soil layers provided with moisture and the least subjected to freezing.

Take your landing seriously. You can purchase a healthy zoned seedling, but if you plant it incorrectly, you will doom the plant to death. First of all, we will decide which hole we will dig, and whether it is necessary to plant a seedling in our hole in our conditions. The roots of the grapes are very plastic, they can penetrate to a great depth, up to 4 meters, if they do not have enough water. Rock expansion, saline soils or groundwater can inhibit their expansion. In cold regions, roots tend closer to the surface, mastering no more than 40 cm of the thickness of the soil layer. In a warm climate, they are comfortably placed in a fertile layer at a depth of 60 cm to one and a half meters. The roots of grapes love warmth. They develop well at temperatures from +10 to 28 ° C. The roots of the grapes do not tolerate flooding. Based on these statements, we conclude that in northern regions with clay poorly heated soil it makes no sense to deepen the root heel by half a meter in the ground, it is enough to place it in a shallow hole. This is exactly the method offered by the winegrower from the Moscow Region V. Deryugin. There are both supporters and opponents of this method. It is necessary to listen to the advice of more experienced comrades, but to rethink them creatively. A shallow landing requires mandatory pre-winter warming of the near-shrub space with a diameter of one meter. If groundwater comes close to you, grapes can only be planted on a loose hill.

Video: Landing Practices


Grapes are a drought tolerant culture; overflow is very dangerous for it. Often we water the seedling after planting and the first two weeks. In the future, it is necessary to resort to irrigation only when the soil dries up.

Top dressing

Grapes respond well to top dressing with organic potassium (ash, rotted manure, lake silt). We do the first feeding in early spring, before the leaves bloom. The second - when the fruits are tied.


The variety is resistant to disease. It is enough twice a year, in the spring and summer, to carry out preventive spraying with a 3% solution of Bordeaux fluid.

At the initial signs of illness with mildew and oidium, the entire plant should be sprayed with a solution of soda (75 g per 10 l), a solution of potassium permanganate (6 g per 10 l) or a solution of iodine (3 g per 10 l). Soda also helps cope with rotting. After processing, berries can be immediately eaten by washing them with water.

In order not to create a comfortable environment for pests, remove old leaves and exfoliated bark. Helping the trunk with iron sulfate and spraying with Fufanon, Tiovit will help.


For this grade, short pruning is recommended, leaving 3 to 4 eyes. In the autumn, in September - October, after the first frosts, old, dried up vines are removed. In spring, in April, actively growing excess shoots are cut off.

In the north, it is recommended to grow grapes in a fanless fanless form. A fan shaped bush is easier to harbor for the winter. The medium-sized variety Platovsky is formed in two sleeves.

Schemes for pruning and sheltering grapes for the winter

Pruning is carried out according to the Guillot type, leaving on each sleeve a knot of substitution and a knot of fruiting. On the knot of substitution leave 4 eyes, two of them are spare.

Video: form the sleeves


In regions with prolonged cold weather, it is recommended to remove the vine from the support, lay it on a spruce ring and cover with a heater. As a heater, you can use the substrate under the laminate.

Two concepts should be distinguished, frost resistance and winter hardiness. Frost resistance is characterized by the resistance of grapes to negative temperatures, winter hardiness - the ability to withstand the bad conditions of winter. Winter hardiness can be improved through the use of shelter.

Video: getting ready to winter

We grow grapes in a barrel

Grapes do not like waterlogging. In cooler regions where it often rains, it is recommended to breed it in greenhouses. An interesting option - growing grapes in barrels.

Expanded clay, broken brick, slag are poured into the bottom of a barrel with a capacity of 65 liters. The rest of the space is filled with fertile soil. In the bottom make 40 - 50 holes (D = 1 cm). For the winter, barrels with a trimmed vine are dug in the garden, arranged horizontally. They are covered with earth from the sides and covered with slate.

Photo gallery: grapes in a barrel

In early spring, in April, barrels are brought into the greenhouse. Grapes quickly starts growing and begins to bloom. After the cessation of frost, in June, barrels are placed in the garden on the south side of the house. Watered once a week. In July, the barrel is shaded so that the root system does not overheat. For a period of prolonged rains, a barrel can be brought into the greenhouse.

Grapes in barrels can grow for 8 - 10 years, subject to regular top dressing and adding soil. After this period, it is recommended to cut the barrel and plant the plant in open ground.

Video: practical guidelines for growing grapes


I initially counted on Platovsky, but I'm getting rid of it. In my conditions, before he is in good condition, the berries are damaged by wasps and / or rot.

Vitaly Kholkin


And Platovsky me just pleases me this season. True, I have only two bushes, there will be a second fruiting. In April last year, fell under a significant spring frost, recovered, but worse than the neighboring Crystal. As a result, there were only about a dozen brushes. This spring it grows very powerful, has already outgrown the upper wire (220 cm). A bush with young reddish shoots looks very beautiful. I didn’t count the shoots, but a lot, I bloomed well, on each shoot an average of 2 brushes. Of course, I did not make wine out of it, but to eat it tastes good, with high sugar accumulation. The variety is very early.

Yuri Semenov (Bolkhov, Oryol Oblast)


I have a Platovsky bush for three years. Wintered from the very first year on the trellis. Preservation of the kidneys is almost 100%. I survived the April frosts of 2014 well. Last season I gave the first crop after the signal. Of course, I did not make any wine out of him, I just ate it. It seemed very pleasant to taste, refreshing somehow. Planted for trying to make cognac. I have above average growth power (well, this is my subjective assessment of this). It grows on my L-shaped trellis, the vertical part of which is 2.5 m high. The shoulder on the first wire (50 cm from the ground), the sleeves on the second wire (40 cm from the first). In the third year of life, annual shoots grew over the entire length of the vertical trellis, on a visor (about 50 cm) and still drooped, that is, more than two meters. But the perennial vine is thin. Something like that. Yes, it doesn’t get sick, even last summer it was absolutely clean.

Tatyana A. (Stavropol Territory)


About the taste ... there was never a nutmeg in sight, but what is felt, I would rather call it a light nightshade flavor. but not muscat unambiguously.

Grandson of Michurin (Michurinsk)


... I eat only one Platovsky (although he has an unusual taste for me - strong, if not to say that a little bit, unpleasant).

Eugene (Tula region)


When I took it, they also said that it was early. I agree on stability, I have never been sick with anything. Last season, the vineyard was not processed at all. There was not a single spot on Platovsky. But I’m not like the harvest, I didn’t see the signaling on it. If there are no inflorescences this spring, then I will definitely remove 4 Platovsky bushes. Maybe my land doesn’t suit him. I have clay all over. For two bayonets, a shovel is brown, then two meters something like fireclay, then the gray one goes. It takes a very long time to warm up, but, of course, there is no question of breathability in general. He put everything in a hole according to Deryugin. There is no deeper meaning, it is even cold there in summer.

Yurasov (Kolomna MO)


... I have near Nizhny Novgorod Platovsky the earliest, stable, for the third year in late July, we begin to consume it. Weak, he is true, but the vine decently ripens.

qwaspol (Nizhny Novgorod)


Two bushes of Platovsky planted in the spring of 2014. Wintered this year well. If everything goes well, I expect a small harvest this season. On almost every shoot there are three ovaries, which, in my opinion, there are a lot of young bushes, normalization is necessary.

Garmashov Victor (Belgorod)


Platovsky in my exhaust gas. About 5 years to the bush, above 1m 80cm did not rise on the trellis But even in this season the berry scored 16 BRIX and this taking into account that the bush is shaded from the east by a neighbor's bath!

Sergey Sakharov (Nizhny Novgorod Region)


In May 2015, he purchased a seedling in a container from under 1.5 liters of a bottle with a thin shoot, transplanted it into a bucket, and put it on a garden bed in a greenhouse. About a month the seedling did not give growth, but by autumn there was a ripened shoot up to 1.5 m. In October, planted it in a greenhouse. In 2016, he grew two shoots (sleeves), there were two signaling, left 12 berries each, ripened, seemed tasty. In 2017, he left 10 shoots with bunches and 2 fat shoots. Shoots slowed down in development, earthen ants in the area of ​​the stem made several clutches, partially dug up the root, removed parasites. Due to poor development, he removed 4 shoots with bunches. At the exit: one bunch satisfying the eye, and five toys (70-80 gr.). The taste of berries is mediocre. Until the spring of 2018, he left 8 ripened uncircumcised shoots. If you compare with the Sharov Riddle (seedlings purchased at the same time, the same care), then Platovsky bush in its development slows down, looks like a suffocate. Maybe in the greenhouse he is worse than it would be in the exhaust gas? I'll see another year. (Exhaust gas in 2017 SAT 1600 deg.)

Eugene-Yar (Yaroslavl)


Early Platovsky grapes are unpretentious and regularly bear fruit. It makes good wine, sweet berries with a pleasant taste are consumed fresh. Resistance to diseases allows you to abandon the use of aggressive chemical protection. Despite the high frost resistance, in areas with severe winters the Platovsky variety should be considered conditionally non-covering.


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