Do-it-yourself flower beds from bottles: how can I use plastic in the garden?


Throwing away unnecessary, at first glance, things are hard: the hand does not rise. And to throw out a beautiful thing is generally unrealistic. Maybe useful? Over time, beautiful bottles left over from holidays and parties begin to accumulate and spoil life. That's right, the bottles should not be in the apartment, their place in the country. There they will quickly find application. For example, you can make flower beds from plastic bottles, using them as a fence or as containers in which garden plants will grow and bloom.

Using plastic bottles as a fence

To protect the flower beds, it is better to take one and a half liter bottles of the same shape. You can use containers of different colors, but then you have to alternate them in a certain sequence so that the finished flowerbed looks neat. By the way, bottles of different volumes can also be alternated.

Flowerbeds from bottles look very good. Elements of such a fence can be decorated with flowers, which are also cut out of plastic bottles. The shape of the future flower garden does not really matter. It can be a circle, an oval, a rectangle, or any other figure. The main thing is that the structure should have clearly defined borders and a sufficient size.

From plastic bottles, beautiful flowers are obtained that can decorate the fence for the flowerbed: delicate, bright, varied and always striking with novelty

Vertical bottle placement

This use case for plastic bottles is the most simple and obvious:

  • Bottles must be freed from labels, washed and dried well. Now the material for the construction of the fence is ready.
  • For better stability and structural strength, sand or earth can be poured into the bottles.
  • Ready elements of the fence are dug around the perimeter of the flower bed so that the bottle is fixed securely and does not stagger.
  • The next tank is placed close to the previous one: there should be no gaps in the structure. The bottles dug sequentially gradually form the entire fence.

Despite the ease of execution, the result will pleasantly surprise: the flowerbed looks neat and well-groomed.

Vertical fencing is easy and simple: affordable, stable in all weather conditions and quickly erected - it will help to highlight flowerbeds beautifully

There is an interesting video on the topic:

Horizontal bottle placement

It is a little more difficult to make such a flower bed, but it looks very attractive and unusual.

For a flower bed, a flowerpot necessarily needs a base: usually for these purposes half a barrel or even stacked tires stacked perfectly

Work procedure:

  • Such a flower bed flowerpot requires a base. To do this, you can take an old metal barrel, cut in half - already two beds. Even automobile tires stacked in a pile will do. The size of the tank will become crucial for the parameters of the flowerbed itself - this fact must be taken into account.
  • Bottles that are clean, dry and ready to work must be folded close to the container.
  • We will prepare a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 2: 1. We will cover the tank with them sequentially from the bottom up. The solution layer should be sufficient so that the bottleneck is well fixed in it. The container cannot be plastered all at once, because the mortar can freeze before the bottles are immersed in it.
  • Starting from the bottom row, without rushing, but without delay, we fix the bottles with their necks in the solution that is applied to the container. It is important to lay the very first layer correctly, then it will be a support for the next. The staggered bottles will create a spectacular framing of the flowerbed.
  • The work is simple, but it should be treated responsibly. Let the solution set, otherwise everything will have to be started anew.
  • The top layer of the bottles does not look too neat, because the "wrong side" of the work is visible - a cement screed in which the bottlenecks are immersed. It is better to hide this flaw at the moment when the inside of the flower bed is filled with soil. The necks in cement are decorated with moss, pebbles, shells or cones - any material will fit through which this part of the flower bed will not shine through.
  • In the flower bed itself, the filler must be placed in layers. The bottom layer is a drainage, for which small pebbles, expanded clay, brick fragments will fit. Fill fertile soil from above. It is better if the resulting pot does not have a bottom: the water will not stagnate in it and the roots of the planted plants will not sour. If there is a bottom, you just need to remember to make several holes in it.

A flowerbed with a bottom is good for its mobility. If she gets tired in one place, she can always be moved to another.

Look, this flowerpot is a real work of art, and in fact it is based on an old wheel and brown plastic bottles

The advantages of using plastic containers

Plastic fencing has many advantages, of which the first, of course, is its accessibility. We often just throw out the bottles, but here we put them into business, and even wisely. Such an elegant solution to the problem of garbage as filling flower beds with plastic bottles deserves close attention.

Discarded plastic bottles significantly pollute the environment; therefore, their proper use is very important for maintaining ecological balance.

Other advantages of this use of plastic bottles include:

  • Perennials planted on a flower bed will not grow beyond its borders, and the roots of weeds will not overcome the plastic barrier. This fact will greatly facilitate the work of caring for the flowerbed.
  • A kind of plastic fence will not allow the earth to dry out.
  • The fence consists of individual elements, each of which can easily be replaced in case of failure.
  • Plastic containers are a threat to the environment because they do not decompose naturally. This durability of containers used as barriers can no longer be considered a disadvantage, but a virtue.

By the way, you can even make a flower bed from one plastic bottle, if its capacity is large enough. It can simply be used as a flower pot. Just remember to make drainage holes in the bottom.

Two mice or a whole brood of piglets - all these are flowerpots or flower pots, the basis of which are ordinary plastic bottles

Flowerbed "Ladybug" made of plastic

For the flowerbed "Ladybug" you need plastic bottles of red, black and white. Since collecting such a container of the same size is quite problematic, we will focus on transparent bottles that will be painted in the right colors.

Bottle size is important. Using too large capacities, the author of the flower bed will have to increase the size of the composition. This is not good, because it will take up a lot of space and will not be as elegant as we would like. Let us dwell on small bottles.

  • We start by painting the bottles in the right colors. White bottles need only two - these will be the eyes of the insect. For its head and spots on the wings we use black containers, and for the wings themselves - red.
  • The perimeter of the future flowerbed is laid out with a border so that the soil does not wake up outside.
  • Inside the flower bed, pour soil. He needs to give a semicircular shape to the body of a cow.
  • According to the scheme depicted on the ground, depicting an insect, we begin to place the bottles with the stopper down, screwing them into the soil.

In the process of work, we do not forget not only about accuracy, but also about the general idea of ​​work: after all, a ladybug should turn out.

Having this scheme, it is easy to navigate and correctly calculate the need for bottles and paint, the scheme is useful for subsequent placement of bottles

Here is such a wonderful flowerbed that can decorate your garden if you use plastic bottles wisely unnecessary in the household

You can make a flowerbed of bottles with your own hands in a different shape. Using bottles, we can lay out ornaments or images. The principle will be the same as for cross-stitching or knitting a pattern on knitting needles.


Watch the video: 90 Beautiful Garden ideas Using Old Plastic Bottles - DIY Garden Ideas (October 2024).