Black spotting on roses: description, control measures


An adornment of any garden, home or park is the beloved beauty rose. Despite the fact that the flower is not very demanding in care, there are still moments when the queen of flowers requires more attention to herself. This happens when the first signs of the disease appear on the plant.

The decorative appearance of the plant is spoiled by purple-white, and eventually black spots appearing on the leaves. The leaves become gray-brown, curl and fall off. This fungal disease is called black spotting of roses or marsonin.

Symptoms and causes of black spotting

One of the most common diseases, not only leaves suffer, but also other plant tissues. The first characteristic symptom is rounded black spots, sizes range from 5-16 mm. The plant urgently needs to be rescued. Over time, the stain begins to turn brown, turns yellow at the edges, and many more small black spots appear on the sheet. After 1-2 weeks, they merge into one large spot, and the leaf dies.

The infection is transmitted by drip, it can be rain, fog, artificial irrigation. By fall, some of the most vulnerable varieties may be left completely without leaves. There are no fully resistant roses to this disease.

Favorable conditions for the development of the fungus are created in warm, humid weather, usually this is the second half of summer.

The first dark blurry spots begin to appear on the lower leaves, they turn yellow and fall off. So gradually from the bottom up the stem, behind the stem the bush remains bare. With severe lesions on the bushes, there is nothing but buds.

If this disease is not combated, plant damage will occur year after year. The spores of the fungus reproduce well in warm and humid conditions, enough rain and the process can no longer be stopped.

Therefore, if a disease has appeared on the plant, it urgently needs to be treated and not only treated, but also eliminated the causes of this fungus.

  • Even a healthy plant can get sick if it does not receive proper care. Immunity is reduced, and infection is very fast.
  • Planting is of great importance, if they are planted densely, there is practically no ventilation, infection occurs quickly.
  • The presence of weeds contribute to the development of fungal spores.
  • Shading of bushes, high groundwater affect both flowering and the development of the whole plant.
  • Black spotting can occur with excessive application of nitrogen and a lack of potash fertilizers.
  • To reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of the disease, in the fall, from the bushes, all leaves are removed and burned. The fungus hibernates safely in fallen leaves.
  • Rainy, warm summers contribute to the development of microorganisms.
  • Temperature differences can also cause black spotting.

Therefore, in order to prevent the onset of the disease as early as possible, it is necessary to spray, carry out preventive work. And at the first appearance of spotting and therapeutic measures.

Methods for treating black spotting on roses

The well-known fact that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it long and hard is suitable not only for people, but also for plants.

For prevention, in the spring, at the beginning of leaf blooming, chemical treatment is carried out twice.

If the disease still appears, therapeutic measures are applied.

The first step is to collect all the leaves under the bush, cut off the still not fallen, but already affected and burn.

It is treated with a copper-containing composition - a Bordeaux mixture consisting of copper sulfate and lime.

They also use Hom, Kuproksat, Oksikhom.

Apply systemic and systemic contact fungicides at least three times - Topaz, Fundazol, Previkul, Rodomil and many other drugs available on sale in the region of your residence.

Of the biological products, preference is given to Fitosporin-M. It is used in conjunction with Zircon or Siliplant. Spray at least 4 times every 5 days. For greater efficiency between treatments, they are shed under the same plant (in dry weather).

Systemic fungicides penetrate into the plant through tissues, but microorganisms have the ability to get used to chemical compounds. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically change the fungicide, the constant use of the same with time loses its effectiveness.

Folk remedies

Why are we talking about prevention and not about treatment? Because folk remedies are used as in addition to the main drug.

Onion peel has a good effect. It helps to resist infection, and is also a good fertilizer. How to prepare a decoction: Collect a large handful of husk, put in a pan, pour three liters of water, bring to a boil and leave to infuse. You can do in the evening to water the bush in the morning. This composition is used before budding.

They are used as mulch, onion peel has a detrimental effect on the fungus, which may have remained in the root zone of the bush.

Infusion of ash: 1 kg, pour ash into a bucket, pour water at about + 70 ... +80 ° C and leave to insist overnight. In the morning, drain the water and bring its volume to 20 liters. With this infusion in dry weather, water the rose bushes.

Observing the simple recommendations for caring for a rose, your beauty will bloom for a long time and abundantly, filling the air with rich aromas of fragrance.


Watch the video: Symptoms of Rose Rosette Disease (October 2024).