How to make a house for a well with your own hands: ideas, materials, drawings


The well often does not fit into the landscape design of the site. Therefore, to ennoble its appearance is an important matter. However, it should still be convenient to use. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the design of the gate and the strength of the cover over the well. The latter is especially important if children often visit the cottage.

Let's think about how you can harmoniously fit a well into the design of your territory. Source:

The need for houses over the well

Firstly, it is needed to protect water from dirt. In the absence of a tight-fitting cover, various debris enters the well. Water from such a source is allowed to be used only for technical purposes, for example, for irrigation. The canopy will provide timely removal of precipitation and melt water, which contain impurities.

In addition, a well house is a way to ensure the safety of children and pets. To do this, the design is equipped with locks and heck. To facilitate the process of water collection, carry out the installation of gates and racks. The simplest option for such a device is a rotating log with a handle. Such a "duet" complement the chain.

The appearance of the building is as important as its design. It must match the landscape design. An additional bonus of a well house is ease of care.

Varieties of houses for wells, their pros and cons

All decorative buildings can be divided into two categories: open and closed. The former are considered easier to manufacture. They can be with a pitched or gable roof. The advantages of such structures include the minimum number of building materials, the disadvantages are the inability to use in the winter.

To ensure a regular flow of water after the onset of cold weather, you must:

  • insulate the building with polystyrene foam;
  • overlap the lid and rings with several layers of wood.

The closed house for the well has more impressive dimensions; it is a real house with a door. The advantage of this design is good thermal insulation. Less - the construction is more costly and time consuming.

Well house ideas, materials, drawings, manufacturing

There are various forms of houses, consider the most popular.

Option 1: Open Visor

This option consists of a simple metal or wooden visor on two pillars. To which the gate is attached.

Option 2: Gable House

First draw up a drawing based on a well ring. In the diagram, it is necessary to display all the elements, taking into account their dimensions. The more accurate the drawing, the lower the likelihood of errors when creating a structure.

They buy building materials and prepare tools. The list of the latter includes:

  • electric plane;
  • roulette wheel;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • circular saw;
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • hacksaw;
  • nail clipper;
  • building level.

To create a well house with a gable roof, the following materials will be required:

  • wooden beam (sizes 50x50, 50x100)
  • log for the gate;
  • boards and accessories for the door;
  • edged boards;
  • screws and nails;
  • roofing material or slate.

Do not forget to purchase an antiseptic. It is necessary for the processing of wooden parts. They must be sanded before this.

After everything is prepared, you need to follow the step-by-step assembly algorithm.

It includes several stages:

  • Clear the area around the well, level it, sprinkle and tamp gravel, first larger, then smaller (15-20 cm thick).
  • Frame construction. The base is made of timber (cross-section 50x100 mm). The perimeter of the future design should be larger than the diameter of the well ring. Attach two support posts with the same cross section to the frame with metal plates and connect them with a bar (50x50 mm). Attach on the sides using 4 posts (50x50 mm), cut them at an angle of 45 degrees for a better fit.
  • For strapping, a trim board is used (width 12 cm, thickness 4 cm). The next step is to fill the gaps with boards. Leave the side where the door will be unchanged.
  • Making a gate. To do this, round the beam with a diameter of 20 cm and a width of 4-5 cm less than the gap between the uprights, grind. Make holes in it on both sides with a diameter of 2 cm and a depth of 5 cm. Drill the same but through holes in the uprights and insert metal bushings there. Hang the beam on steel rods with a diameter of 24 mm. Bend the left at a right angle, leave the right in the same form. Thus, it will be convenient to collect water. To prevent the door from distorting, use a metal wire. Attach the chain to which the water tank will hang.

  • Install the assembled system on the frame. Attach the jibs (they play the role of amplifiers), put the crate, lay the roofing material. You can replace the latter with slate.
  • Door leaf installation. For its manufacture, you will need boards (width 20 cm) and screws. Fix the resulting canvas with timber (25x30 mm). After that, it remains to mount the accessories and hang the finished door.
  • Decorate the house as you wish.

Option 3: log cabin

Its construction does not take much time.

In order to get an accurate and multifunctional structure as a result, you need to be guided by the following instructions:

  1. Install the racks, not forgetting to fix them with supports.
  2. Fold the blockhouse using a rounded beam (diameter 10 cm). Gathering them crosswise. The 4 lower ones will be the same, and then with an equal decrease (like a nesting doll).
  3. Make a gate (see above).
  4. The final stage of construction is the installation of the roof, its lathing and coating.

Option 4: Sheet Metal House

The cost of construction depends on the complexity of the design. A well house made of metal sheets fits well into any landscape design. The structure may have an octagonal, hexagonal or triangular shape.

In addition to sheet metal, corrugated board, you will need profiles, metal rods, a lock and door hinges. The procedure is not difficult:

  • Prepare a work surface.
  • Fabricate the frame by soldering metal rods. Remember to leave room for the door.
  • Assemble the roof.
  • Weld it to the base.
  • Install the structure in its place.
  • Hang the door.
  • Cover the building with a protective compound.

Decoration of a well house

To make the building look harmoniously in your yard, choose the decoration that is most suitable for the exterior design of the house. The range of materials that can be used is quite extensive: from art concrete to siding.

Particularly popular are wooden lining, decking, edged boards and block house.

They are environmentally friendly, practical and durable. The building should not stand out with an overly bright color or elaborate design.

The service life is largely dependent on care. For example, wooden structures need regular painting with waterproof compounds and treatment with special antiseptics. Forged parts must be coated with anticorrosive agents, otherwise rusty spots will appear on the surface over time. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made well fence and significantly save time. But choosing this option, you run the risk of buying not what you wanted. Despite the extensive assortment, it is unlikely to find a house that meets all your wishes.

Having decided on independent construction, you can show your imagination, as well as reduce the cost of the finished structure.


Watch the video: 13 DRAWING IDEAS FOR KIDS (October 2024).