Clove Shabo: All About Growing and Caring


Clove Shabo - a perennial plant. Belongs to the clove family. Received as a result of crossing. It is difficult to grow. If all the necessary planting and care requirements are met, a rare, special flower appears in the garden.

Description and features of cloves Shabo

In European countries, Garden Shabo is considered a modification of Dutch cloves, but in our country it is known as an independent plant. The first time they found out about her in France. Named after the pharmacist, thanks to whom she appeared. This is a small bush of 40-60 cm, with clumsy stems with a pale tint. They grow leaves, protective color, and large flowers with a delicate smell. Fluffy varieties are distinguished by fantastic-shaped petals, corrugated and cut along the edges. The most diverse color: red, yellow, pinkish, coral, white, purple. Graceful and fragrant flowers are the best for cutting. Look great in bouquets.

The main quality is the ability to bloom many times: all summer and autumn until the first frost. Throughout the year, the formation of buds is observed in the southern regions. You can admire the flower for 5-10 days. If the weather is hot and dry, then the petals instantly fade and lose their charm. The most difficult is the pink and scarlet flowers. Seeds are formed 2-2.5 months after the start of blooming. The fruit is like an elongated box, which has a thin angle at one end. It is quickly revealed. Each bush can give 2.5 g of seeds, which remain suitable for planting for 3-4 years.

In Russia, it grows as an annual plant. It can winter in the soil, if only it is well covered.

Varieties of cloves Shabo

Some familiar and beautiful varieties.

Lejeune D'OnerDark cherry red.
Marie ChabotBright lemon.
Mont BlancThe odorous white.
La FrancePale pink.
GirofleInteresting purple.
Jeanne DionysusLarge snow-white.
ChampagneA little golden.
NeroVelvet red-black, do not fade in the sun.
King of fireBright orange.

Today brought a large number of new species. Until they gained such popularity as the old, classic.

Growing cloves Shabo from seeds

Familiar to all, this flower is bred from purchased seeds. They are quite affordable, they are easy to purchase. Usually, 500 sprouts grow from one gram. The germination rate is 80-95%, persists for 2-3 years, so the seeds are purchased in advance. It is quite difficult to assemble them on our own. For ripening, warm, cloudless weather and no precipitation should be kept for a long time. The duration of this period is 1.5-2 months. To collect all the seeds, the fruits are wrapped with light material and observed. When ripe, they instantly crumble.

In areas with cold autumn, flowers are transferred to receive seeds where appropriate conditions are possible.

Sowing carnations Shabo

The period when it is necessary to plant seeds for seedlings is determined from the beginning of flowering in the summer. Therefore, Shabo is planted in the period from January 10 to February 28. In earlier terms, sowing seedlings do not produce. To grow it, you will need special equipment, which is most often absent. Before planting, you need to prepare: sand is fried for shelter, the seeds are not processed, but sometimes they are moistened with some diluted growth stimulant, the soil is not sieved. Prepared dishes are filled with soil, leveled, watered. Use a light base, for which they take two parts of turf (garden) soil, manure, peat and one sand. The height of the container should be 5-6 cm and have drain holes. Depressions are formed with tools 0.3 cm with a distance between them of 3 cm. Each seed is laid out separately for a segment of 1 cm, covered with sand and covered with glass or a special film. Condensation may occur. Must be deleted.

Caring for Shabo seedlings

It is quite difficult to care for seedlings: it is necessary to provide pleasant humidity, pinch in due time. In addition, be sure to perform the following steps:

  • constantly maintain a temperature of + 12 ... +15 ° C;
  • create better lighting, and include additional hours;
  • carry out ventilation in warm weather;
  • pinch the tops during the formation of the fifth pair of leaves to enhance branching;
  • prevent excessive moisture, watering only to maintain moisture;
  • carry out foliar top dressing with nitrate.

Plants with signs of disease (black stalk, weakening) may appear. It is best to remove such seedlings and treat the soil with a mixture (sand, ash and crushed coal).

Pick and quench the seedlings of cloves Shabo

Cloves need to be dived twice:

  • For the first time - a pair of whole leaves has formed. Transplanted into dishes with a diameter of about 4 cm.
  • Secondly - at the very end of March, when 4 pairs of leaves are formed. Pots are used with a diameter of about 10 cm.

The height of the recess does not change. If the plants have grown strongly, then you can increase it by 2 cm. After the fifth leaf appears, you need to pinch. In case of slow growth or pale color, a weak top dressing is carried out. Hardening begins after all picks. Carried out using various options:

  • Put at night in a cold place, the temperature in which should be lower by 10 ° C.
  • In warm weather, you can use greenhouses. Only if frost is not expected at night.
  • It is allowed to carry to an open place in the daytime, which must be closed from the wind. In the dark they return back.

Planting Shabo cloves in the ground

Landing in open ground is almost always the first of May. Hardened seedlings do not require the onset of special heat, and a short cold temperature of -3 ° C is not terrible for her. It is advisable to choose neutral or slightly alkaline earth. There should be a lot of sun on the site. It can’t grow if you use sandstone or clay for planting. The soil is prepared in advance, in the fall: dig up, add phosphate 45 g, compost or manure 20 kg per m2. In spring, fertilizers are used that contain nitrogen (15 g) and potassium (25 g) per m2. The seedlings are well moistened, then with care they are taken out together with a lump of earth and moved to prepared cavities. The root system is left at the same level. Plants are placed at the rate of 16 pcs. per m2.

After planting, thorough watering is mandatory.

Caring for Shabo

To obtain a beautiful flower will require a lot of effort. Caring for it requires the following actions:

  • regular watering to maintain a little dampness;
  • gentle weeding and loosening;
  • the addition of fertilizers to the soil: first nitrogen (15 g per m2), a week after planting, when ovary appears, ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate (10-15 g per m2);
  • not the use of biological additives;
  • fixing tall plants so that they do not break;
  • constant monitoring of appearance;
  • carry out preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

Planting on the same site for more than 2 years is not recommended. Do not make a frequent landing. To obtain powerful flowers, it is necessary to stepson, breaking down to 6 knots the entire ovary and branches, leaving only the central bud. Timely removal of dried buds will increase flowering time. In cold autumn, development activity decreases, the opening of buds continues at a slow pace.

Pests and diseases

Proper and timely care for Shabo will not allow the development of various diseases or they will affect only occasionally. If it is rainy, a fungus may appear. Affected plants are then removed, the rest is treated with solutions containing copper.

Damage their insects that feed on juice: aphids, ticks, thrips. Characteristic features: developmental delay, modification, appearance - unattractive. These pests can bring viral diseases. To save the plants with a small amount of parasites, they are sprayed with infusion, for which they take onion scales or garlic cloves. You can prepare a solution of soap, which contains fatty acids not more than 72%, or 8-10% of birch tar. Insectoacaricides (Actellica, Actar, Karbofos) are bred and sprayed with them if the number of insects has increased.

Carnation Chabot at home

Shabo is a garden plant that usually does not grow in a room. It can be planted in the fall in any container and moved into the room. Observing the conditions are the same as when growing seedlings (good light, cool content), Shabo will delight with its flowering for some more time. Thus preserved cloves in the spring are used to prepare cuttings.

In an indoor climate, it is better to give preference to such varieties as Chinese, hybrid or Turkish carnations.

Vegetative propagation of clove Shabo

Propagation of a hybrid by seeds is far from perfect. Plants obtained in this way may vary in color, lose their terry. Therefore, for the reproduction of rare varieties, an alternative vegetative option is used.

In autumn, a bush selected for propagation is placed in a pot and taken to a house. The place is chosen well-lit and not very warm + 10 ... +12 ° С. In spring, cuttings are cut from the plant, 3-4 internodes long, placed in water for rooting or in sand, after it has been calcined and moistened. After 1-1.5 months, roots appear, and at the beginning of summer they are planted in the garden.

If you plant and carry out the proper care as expected, then the buds will appear during this year. Some gardeners cut and root cuttings in the fall, in the winter they grow in the house. This is a complex method that requires a lot of effort and cost, so it is used very rarely.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: new Shabo clove hybrids

In addition to the old, well-known varieties, new ones are being bred. To the rather familiar can already be attributed: Picoti, Watercolor, Disco, Giant Terry and Lyon. They are distinguished by a decrease in the time between the moment of the appearance of the first sprouts and the beginning of flowering. You can plant the seeds much later, you do not need to additionally light them. These varieties are still poorly studied, so breeding is recommended for professionals.

Varieties Luminet mixed (high) and Night Series (low) bloom for almost 7 months, 35 flowers appear on one bush. Compact hybrids can decorate balconies and flower beds. There are varieties that are grown in the room. When choosing a flower for planting at the first acquaintance, it is better to give preference to the classics and choose only the color of the bud, because the conditions for caring for them are about the same. Experienced gardeners can experiment with new hybrids and varieties.


Watch the video: Flowers for Johnny - a great gift - seed of cloves Shabo Dianthus caryophyllus chabaud (October 2024).