Open radish planting and further cultivation


Radish is a widely used vegetable that contains large amounts of P, Ca and Fe. Eating it positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and helps in the fight against certain diseases.

The best varieties for sowing

Radish is a root crop that will be one of the first to hit the table in spring. An early crop is obtained by planting varieties with a short ripening period or with an elongated fruit shape in order to simplify the planting procedure (no need to plant 1 pc.). In summer planting, on the contrary, late-ripening varieties are used.

How to plant radish in open ground

Radish is a cold-resistant plant. He is not afraid of spring night frosts. You do not need to use a separate garden bed, but plant the radish first, harvest it, and then use the site for other crops. Radish for ripening is quite a short spring day (10-12 hours). Its increase (13-14 hours) and a rise in temperature to +25 ° C will lead to the ejection of the arrow and flowering - the reproduction phase will begin. This is taken into account during summer sowing.

Compliance with all necessary conditions allows you to collect a good harvest:

  • choose a site that takes into account all the features;
  • drop off correctly;
  • water regularly;
  • protect from pests;
  • remove the formed root crops in time.

Lunar calendar landing dates in 2019 by region

Any gardener can grow radishes. Determining the period of sowing, take into account that:

  • sprouts will appear in 1-2 weeks at a temperature of + 0 ... +10 ° C;
  • during the week if + 10 ... +15 ° С;
  • seedlings will be noticeable in 3-4 days + 15 ... +20 ° С - the best option;
  • lowering to -4 ° C is not scary;
  • more than + 15 ... +20 ° C is not desirable, because leaves will grow, not root crops.

If there is a desire to extend the harvest, then sown every 2 weeks from the start of planting.

The earliest harvest is obtained by growing radishes in greenhouses. Planted in open soil, waiting for the snow to melt and lightly warm it up. These dates depend on the climate of a particular region. Summer planting is carried out only using a dark covering material that protects the plants from the sun and prevents the arrow from forming. Without it, it makes no sense to plant.

Varieties are chosen weakly arrowed and growing with a long daylight hours. The specific landing dates are determined by the lunar calendar.


Spring sowingSummer sowing
Auspicious daysUnfavorableAuspicious days


South of Russia (Krasnodar Territory)March: 15-17, 23-25, 27-30March: 6, 7, 21—August: 15, 16, 30, 31
Central European part of Russia (Moscow region)April: 24-27, 29, 30April: 5, 19—July: 17
Ural region, Western and Eastern Siberia, North-WestApril: 24-27, 29, 30April: 19June: 9-11, 18-20June: 3, 4, 17
May: 1-4May: 5July: 25-31July: 2, 3, 16-18.

Forbidden Landing Days: New Moon and Full Disc.

Presowing and seed treatment

It is recommended that seeds be purchased in stores, sorted and sorted by size. Leave a size of 3 cm. They give good germination and a large root crop. You can dip the seeds in a salt solution (10 g per 200 ml), the pop-ups are not used. Before landing they are treated:

  • can withstand a day in water or on wet matter;
  • dipped for 20 minutes in a hot liquid - protection from disease;
  • immersed in solutions of growth stimulants - enrichment with microelements;
  • carefully dried.

Choosing a place for landing and preparation of beds

The landing site should be fully illuminated for 4-5 hours (before or after lunch), protected from the wind. Radish prefers light soils with an acidity of pH 6.5-8. The place is prepared in the fall.

Before digging to the depth of the shovel, a bucket of decomposed compost (fresh do not use) is added per m2 and inorganic fertilizers: 30-40 g of phosphate and 20-30 g with potassium sulfide. If the site is dug in the spring, then add 10-15 g of urea. Sand is added to clay soil. Before sowing, about a half a month, the earth is loosened to provide air access. The surface is leveled and covered with a white film to warm up.

Crop rotation and crop neighborhood rules

The radish belongs to the cruciferous, so it is planted after any crops, except for one family with it (all types of cabbage, lettuce, radish, etc.). They have the same diseases and pests. It grows well on joint beds with greens (parsley, salad). Can be placed next to onions, nightshade, legumes, pumpkin crops (tomato, pumpkin, cucumbers). To protect against cruciferous fleas, growing near the lettuce is beneficial. Bush beans help to improve taste.

Different radish planting methods

There are several ways to plant radishes. Each gardener chooses the best for himself, taking into account the site, the available opportunities and personal wishes.

Especially common: in rows in grooves to a depth of 1-3 cm, leaving between them 10-15 cm. Grooves can be formed with a special plane cutter, which plants are then sprinkled with. The bottom is watered abundantly, after the water is absorbed, the prepared seeds are laid out (4-5 cm between them). If they were not processed, then thicker. The grooves fall asleep and slightly tamped. The bed is covered with a film to retain heat and allow a crust to form on the surface.

The second way: suitable for those who have little space for landing. Sown with a solid cloth, using egg cartridges or making recesses with some kind of peg. Before that, all weeds are carefully removed from the site, then it will be difficult to do. The rest is in the same order:

  • watered;
  • lay the seeds in the holes of the cassette cells or in the prepared holes;
  • fall asleep with earth;
  • crush the soil.

Seedlings are grown by experienced gardeners and quite rarely.

Further radish care: open field cultivation rules

Caring for a vegetable is simple if the following rules are followed:

  • Maintain a certain soil moisture for active growth and development. Moisturize the soil every day so that the surface is not dry. It is better to carry out watering in the morning or in the evening.
  • Thin out on the 5th day after emergence, leaving 5 cm between them and removing the weakest.
  • Loosen the soil gently without damaging the root system. After each watering, to allow moisture to absorb, and to prevent the development of diseases.
  • They apply organic fertilizers and mulch the soil so that all substances are absorbed, weeds do not grow and retain moisture.
  • They carry out preventive measures against diseases and pests. For this, the plants are inspected, the affected are identified. If they find infected, then prescribe the necessary treatment.

Diseases and Pests

To preserve the crop, you need to timely identify the ailment and take all necessary measures to eliminate it.

ProblemManifestationsRemedial measures
KilaLeaves turn yellow and fade. Swelling, growths are formed on the root crop.Sick plants are removed. Slaked lime is poured onto the site. Radishes have not been planted here for 4 years.
Powdery mildewA white coating is visible on the top of the tops, which later turns brown.Processed by special means. Then plants resistant to this disease are planted.
BacteriosisLeaves turn yellow. The fruits are covered with mucus and have the smell of rot.Spray with a mixture of a solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime.
Cruciferous fleaSmall beetle feeding on tops. Lays eggs, from which very gluttonous larvae appear.They are treated with special insecticides. You can use folk remedies.
BeliankaThe caterpillar makes holes in the foliage.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: the secrets of growing radishes

Each gardener should know some rules. They are respected so as not to lose crop:

  • Do not plant seeds densely. Do not allow drying of the soil. Undesirable strong decrease (below -5 ° С), seeds will die, and increase in temperature (above +30 ° С). This will trigger an outbreak of the arrow and the beginning of flowering, the root crop will not form.
  • Do not feed with fresh manure, only rotted organic matter. Radish becomes hollow inside.
  • Do not thin out so as not to damage the roots. Seeds are planted at some distance from each other.
  • Do not use chemicals. May fall into the root crop. Apply folk remedies.

Harvesting and storing radishes

Harvested gradually for 2-3 times. First, large root crops are harvested, then grown in a week, finally - in two. This technique will ensure the formation of fruits. First, the earth in the garden is moistened, and then they pull out the radish without any problems. Root crops are cleaned of foliage and cut off their tip. For several days, you can store it in a plastic bag by putting it in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.


Watch the video: Radishes sowing to harvest (September 2024).