All about growing tomatoes in a greenhouse


Tomatoes are quite moody. Before planting, gardeners should pay particular attention to growing conditions. To obtain early ripe fruits, they are grown in greenhouses, hotbeds and in other types of protected soil. To grow a generous harvest, you will have to invest a lot of labor, time and money. The effort will pay off in the fall.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse on their own plot, the summer resident receives vegetables, which do not contain harmful chemical compounds.

Tomatoes are consumed fresh and canned. From the collected fruits make preparations, various salads, tomato juice. They are often added to hot dishes.

Types of Greenhouses

Greenhouses vary in design. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Arched shelters are most suitable for growing tomatoes. They provide good lighting. The material from which the greenhouse is made also matters.

In most cases, it is polycarbonate or film. The first option is more preferable. When choosing a film design, you should focus on the number of layers. There should be two of them. The second is removed after the temperature is established at the level of + 18 ... +20 ° С.

Advantages of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Gardeners who choose this method are guided by the following advantages:

  • Temperature control Tomatoes are sensitive to this factor. It should also be noted that they do not tolerate excessive humidity. Thanks to the film shelter and a well-thought-out ventilation system, the planted crop will not suffer from adverse weather conditions.
  • Increased productivity. Subject to all necessary requirements, it will increase by 2-3 times.
  • Faster ripening of vegetables.
  • Resistance to late blight. This disease rarely affects tomatoes grown in a greenhouse.
  • Improved palatability.

So that the crop obtained at the end of the season does not disappoint, the summer resident will have to take into account many nuances. Caring for tomatoes that have been planted in the greenhouse is rather complicated. In the absence of knowledge and the corresponding risk of death of seedlings is quite large.

Autumn and spring greenhouse preparation

This stage is especially important. It all starts with cleaning the room. It must be carried out at the end of each season.

  • From the greenhouse, you need to remove the remaining fruits and tops. Thus, they reduce the risk of fungal ailments. Pathogens can be found in different parts of the soil, in its upper layers.
  • After removing the residues, the greenhouse should be washed with soapy water.
  • The next step should be the cleaning, priming and painting of damaged areas. This is necessary to prevent corrosion and improve the appearance of the structure.
  • Wooden parts are treated with antibacterial and antifungal agents. Among them, copper sulfate is isolated. Mixtures can be bought at a specialty store or made with your own hands. After using sulfur-containing preparations, the metal frame may become darker in color. This is due to the properties of the specified substance. Therefore, funds with a similar composition will have to be abandoned. Under the circumstances, the structure must be coated with a solution of chlorinated lime. The composition of water and the active ingredient should be infused for 4-5 hours. The greenhouse should be treated with gloves and a respirator.

Before you start digging, you must:

  • remove topsoil;
  • disinfect the soil with a solution of copper sulfate;
  • make mineral and organic fertilizers.

The nutrient mass prepared from organic substances is introduced to a depth of 2-3 cm 14 days before the tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse.

When preparing the soil often use natural green fertilizers. The richest sources of green manure include beans, phacelia, lupine, colza, sweet clover, oats, mustard, alfalfa and barley.

Taking the land from sites where these crops were previously grown, the summer resident will be able to get a good harvest. Cleaning is carried out in the autumn. Other activities can be performed in the spring.

2 weeks before transplanting seedlings, the soil must be loosened, and weeds are harvested. This will provide good aeration. If the soil is not fertile enough, it is fertilized with organic matter. For 1 m², 2-3 kg of organic fertilizer is required. The beds are formed, observing the following parameters:

  • height - 40 cm;
  • width - 90 cm.

Between trenches or holes should be at least 60 cm. Tomatoes need good lighting, so the greenhouse should be located in an open area, from east to west. Even slight shading can lead to lower yields.

Ridges form 10 days before planting seedlings. To insulate the selected area, straw, sawdust or needles are placed under the ground. The layer thickness should be at least 10 cm. After laying compost and earth. In winter, the soil should be covered with snow. He will warn her freezing. An additional bonus is the moistening of the soil in the spring.

Growing seedlings and caring for them

For the greenhouse, hybrid self-pollinated varieties should be chosen. One of the most popular is verlioca.

Preparation of seeds, soil, containers

The first step is preparing the seeds. For their processing, Fitosporin-M is used. This procedure usually takes about 20 minutes. After applying a growth stimulator.

Seeds are strictly forbidden to plant in land that has not been cultivated. To get strong seedlings, follow a certain algorithm:

  • Gather soddy soil on the site.
  • Leave bags on the street or balcony.
  • A month before transplanting, they are brought into a warm room. The soil is sieved, freed from garbage and spilled with clean water.
  • Treated soil is taken out in the cold. This procedure is called freezing. Thus eliminate parasites and pathogens. To enhance the effect, the soil is steamed. To do this, he is kept in a water bath for several hours.
  • Prepared land is mixed with humus and peat. All components are taken in the same proportion. Water, ash, coarse sand and superphosphate are added to the mixture. In the purchased soil do not put additional ingredients. The soil must be loose and nutritious.

Disinfect the container for seedlings, rinse it with running water. The minimum height is 7 cm. Lay out the soil mixture in the selected containers. Spill it. Leave the boxes alone for 10-14 days.

Read more about preparing tomato seedlings at home here.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Tomatoes are sown from February to March. The procedure is quite simple:

  • Humidify soil in boxes.
  • Make grooves, the depth of which does not exceed 1.5 cm.
  • Put seeds in them. Between them you need to leave equal gaps.
  • Sprinkle the seed with soil.
  • Cover the box with clear plastic wrap. It is left until sprouts appear. From time to time, the film is slightly opened for ventilation.
  • Seedling containers are placed in a room where the air temperature is +22 ° C and above. After the appearance of seedlings, this indicator drops to +18 ° C.
  • Sprouts that are grown in cassettes and drawers need a pick. The timely implementation of this procedure will ensure a good development of the root system. The first pick of tomatoes is carried out 7-10 days after the appearance of the leaves. Seedlings should not be watered before starting the procedure.

Plants must be moved to a separate container with extreme care. Otherwise, the root system may be affected. In order for tomatoes to take root faster in the soil, they must be hardened for several weeks before planting. It is allowed to carry out boxes outside if the air temperature is more than +12 ° С.

Also read about the best time for sowing seeds for seedlings according to the Lunar calendar.

We plant seedlings in a greenhouse

Tomatoes are susceptible to cold, so before planting it is necessary to prepare beds of an elevated type. To speed up the heating process, the soil needs to be covered with dark polyethylene. The air temperature inside the greenhouse should be at least +20 ° C. Seedlings are planted according to a thoughtful scheme. It is determined by focusing on a variety of tomatoes. Particular attention should be paid to the distance between the germs:

  • undersized and branched - not less than 40 cm;
  • stunted, forming one stalk - 25 cm;
  • tall - more than 60 cm.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse are planted in a checkerboard pattern. Taking into account all the recommendations, they are guided by the following algorithm:

  • Make holes. Their depth should be greater than the height of the tank.
  • Wells are shed in advance with a prepared solution.
  • Carefully take out each plant along with a lump of "native" soil. If tomatoes were planted in peat pots, then this step can be skipped.
  • Plant tomatoes in the holes. In this case, several important nuances should be taken into account. For overgrown seedlings will have to dig deeper holes. They do not need to be completely filled. Earth should completely cover the root system. After strengthening the latter, fertile soil mixture is added to the hole. Ground level should increase by 12 cm.
    Tomatoes are transplanted in the evening or in the morning. The weather should be cloudy.

The landing date is chosen, taking into account the type of construction and varietal features. Tomatoes are planted in heated greenhouses in late April. If the film shelter is not equipped with an additional insulation system, the transplant is carried out from May 20 to May 25. The optimum soil temperature varies from +12 ° С to +15 ° С. The design will have to be insulated with an additional layer of film for a period that is characterized by sharp temperature changes at night.

Experienced gardeners often plant several varieties at once in the same greenhouse. They are placed in different rows. The first is done near the edge of the structure. In this part, determinant early matrices are usually located. The second row is formed at the inner passage. Here, standard varieties and tall giants are planted.

Regardless of varietal characteristics, the following rules must be observed:

  • The most suitable age for transplantation is from 45 to 50 days. Plants at this stage are resistant to greenhouse conditions.
  • Tomatoes must be well watered before planting.
  • Seedlings, which have grown greatly, should be removed from the lower leaves.
  • To the root system is evenly distributed throughout the hole, the hole should be filled with water.
  • The earth around the plant needs to be compacted and mulched.

Another mandatory step is the prevention of late blight. To do this, you can use a solution of copper and water, as well as Bordeaux liquid. A week after planting, the earth needs to be loosened. This will provide a sufficient supply of oxygen to the rhizome.

If tallness is present in the list of varietal features, devices for tying should be installed near the hole. Otherwise, damage to the roots cannot be avoided.

A summer resident can use one of the following methods:

  • Pegs. They are made from scraps of reinforcement, thin pipes made of plastic, wooden stakes and metal rods. This method is considered the most durable. Pegs drive 25-30 cm into the ground. The stem of medium-sized tomatoes is wrapped with pre-prepared material. These devices drive along a row. They pull on steel wire and a strong twine. The distance between the stakes should be at least 40 cm. Yield increases due to the presence of side shoots.
  • Trellis. They are most often used for garter indeterminate varieties. In favorable conditions, tomatoes reach 5-6 m. Using trellis, you can save space. 1 m² is enough for 3-4 bushes.

Seedlings, the height of which varies from 25 to 35 cm, are grown vertically. When planting it should not bury the stem. Otherwise, additional roots will appear, which will significantly slow down the growth of the plant. Another negative consequence may be the fall of inflorescences from the first brush.

In the greenhouse there should be windows. It is desirable that they are located on top and side. Through them provide thorough ventilation. To attract bees and other insects to the room you need to put a saucer with honey. If the weather is good, windows and doors need to be ajar.

Tomato care in the greenhouse

Productivity depends on how and when necessary agricultural activities will be carried out. Tomatoes are crops that need special care. The list of procedures must include.


The first is carried out 5-10 days after planting. Water should be warm (about +20 ° C). 5 m² of liquid is required per 1 m². With excessive moisture in the soil, the quality of tomatoes will deteriorate greatly.

They will become watery and acidic.

Top dressing

It is done several times a season, focusing on a pre-prepared scheme. It is determined taking into account the initial soil composition and varietal features. The first procedure is carried out 2 weeks after the seedlings are planted. Fertilizers must be in liquid concentration. The solution is made of water, mullein and nitrophos. Under each bush make 1 liter of composition. The second top dressing is carried out 10 days after the first. In this case, dissolved potassium sulfate is used. For 1 m² there are 5 liters. After 14 days, the bushes are shed with a compound that is made from ash and superphosphate. After the fruiting period begins, sodium humate is introduced into the soil.


Through regular ventilation, the summer resident will be able to regulate temperature indicators. This procedure should be carried out 2-3 hours after watering. During the day in the greenhouse should be + 18 ... +26 ° С, at night - from +15 ° С and higher. An efficient ventilation system prevents condensation.


With the help of special devices they prevent damage that can be caused by the dead weight of the fruit and green mass. The stems are tied to stakes and trellises with the help of plastic clips, strips of fabric, twine, twine. The trellis height should be about 2 m.


The procedure is carried out in order to ensure the formation of the stem without side branches. They are called stepchildren. They grow from the leaf sinuses. Due to the large amount of green mass, there is an increase in the ripening time and shading of the bushes. Among the additional disadvantages, the prevalence of fungal diseases is highlighted. With proper care, the risk of their occurrence is almost completely absent.

The processes are removed with two fingers. The length of the lateral processes should not exceed 5 cm. Otherwise, the plant will be sick for a long time. Many summer residents use cut parts to get new bushes. This is true if the varieties are exotic. Stepsons are transplanted into the ground after the roots appear on them.

The processes of tomatoes that are grown in a greenhouse must be removed as they develop. Stepson should not be more than once a week. The height of the columns with proper processing of the plant is 2-3 cm.


Tomatoes are classified as self-pollinating crops. To speed up the process, flower brushes should be gently shaken. The same effect can be achieved by tapping the stalk. The next step is watering. Which is produced with watering cans or with the help of a drip device.

As soon as the fruits are poured, the summer resident should get rid of the lower leaves. This will help to reduce air humidity and efficiently air the green mass.

During the formation of the stem, leave no more than 8 brushes. With a sharp cooling in the greenhouse, you need to put containers with hot water.To enhance the effect, seedlings should be covered. The material must be non-woven.

Mr. Dachnik informs: tips for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

When caring for tomatoes, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • To prevent the occurrence of diseases and negative effects, the bushes are often treated with garlic infusion. It is prepared from 10 liters of water and 40 g of the main ingredient. The latter is pre-crushed.
  • When regulating the temperature regime, the phase of plant development should be taken into account. For example, during filling during the daytime in the greenhouse should be + 24 ... +26 ° С, at night - + 17 ... +18 ° С. The optimum humidity is 60-65%.
  • Tomatoes are recommended to be watered in the early morning with water, which had time to settle.
    When fertilizing tomatoes, you need to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. To increase the concentration of vitamin C, boric acid should be included in the fertilizer.
  • To achieve maximum productivity, after watering the tomatoes, the room needs to be ventilated. Weeding and loosening of the soil should be carried out only the next day.
  • Healthy tomatoes have a bright color. The same can be said about corollas during the flowering period. Daytime leaf blades slightly twist. At night they straighten out.
  • If the fruits have acquired a brownish tint, they must be removed without waiting for ripening. Otherwise, both the appearance and taste will suffer.

Harvesting and storage

Harvest must be harvested until the daytime temperature drops to +8 ° C. To determine the date of collection of tomatoes, you need to take into account the stage of maturity. First, the tomatoes are green, then they turn pink, dairy or brown. At the last stage, the fruits acquire a saturated color. Cleaning is best done in the morning. During this period, tomatoes are more resilient.

Fruits are placed in baskets that are covered with cloth from the inside, or in buckets. After sorting, the tomatoes are placed in wooden boxes. The capacity of the latter is usually 8-12 kg. The shelf life of tomatoes largely depends on the ripeness and color of the peel. For example, bright red and fleshy are stored for only 5-7 days. Brown tomatoes are most often used for harvesting, so it is strictly forbidden to keep them for more than 12-14 days.

If long-term storage is planned, you need to collect the fruits at the initial stage of maturity.
Tomatoes that have not yet ripened are placed in 3 layers. They need to put a few ripe fruits. Tomatoes should be stored at a temperature of + 10 ... +12 ° C. The air humidity should not exceed 80-85%. Otherwise, the tomatoes will begin to rot. The ripening process usually lasts for 2-3 months.

Many summer residents use a rather original way of storage. A week before the first frost, bushes with unripe tomatoes are dug up and hung on nails in the basement. Air temperature varies + 1 ... -5 ° С. On the roots located above, the earth should remain. In this case, the tomatoes begin to sing at the beginning of winter. The ripening period stretches for a week.
Late ripe varieties are stored the longest. To extend the term, in wooden boxes you need to put birch sawdust and peat chips. Each tomato before wrapping in containers should be wrapped in soft paper. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to keep them in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the aroma will suffer. Tomatoes that have already ripened are not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Many gardeners prefer to store harvested tomatoes frozen.

Mistakes in growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

If the summer resident made mistakes, problems may arise when growing a crop. The cause of their appearance is determined based on the accompanying signs.

An excessive amount of organic and nitrogen fertilizers, insufficient lighting and too abundant watering is indicated by accelerated growth. Additional features include a weak flower brush, fatliquoring of the vegetative mass and lack of yield.
To cope with these problems, you should:

  • refuse watering for 7-10 days;
  • change the temperature regime;
  • make top dressing superphosphate.

Particular attention should be paid to pollination of plants. This agrotechnical measure is carried out by hand shaking. It is carried out only under favorable weather conditions.

The falling of flowers and fruits is due to poor ventilation, dry soil, a sharp increase in temperature. To return the plant to life, it is necessary to restore the ventilation system, ensure normal watering, stabilize the temperature regime. Bushes will yield a good crop if they are healthy.

In the absence of large ripe fruits on the lateral hands, you should collect tomatoes that are almost ripe. The next step should be abundant watering. Foliage and side processes are not recommended to be trimmed. The list of effective measures also includes a decrease in temperature by several degrees. To do this, open the doors and windows. If everything is done correctly, the tomatoes formed on the side stems will begin to ripen. Tomatoes removed from the main brush are kept on the windowsill for several days.

Weakened plants are not able to give a good crop. This problem can occur for many reasons. Among them, low light inside the greenhouse is distinguished. Tomatoes love light, therefore, berry bushes and trees cannot be planted near the construction. Ignoring this paragraph is fraught with a sharp decrease in productivity and loss of taste.

Tomatoes cannot be planted in one place for several years in a row. To avoid soil depletion, this culture should be alternated with cucumbers. Many gardeners divide the greenhouse into two parts. The need for this measure can be caused by various agrotechnical requirements. Cucumbers need lower humidity and air temperature. If a summer resident wants to get a plentiful harvest, he will have to create all the necessary conditions.

Due to root rot, the summer resident will have to change the soil annually. At least a surface layer, whose width is about 12 cm. Processing, carried out by means of a special solution, will help to quickly forget the problems with seedlings. A solution for spraying is prepared on the basis of the drug Oksikhom and copper sulfate. To prevent the spread of diseases, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the hands when treating sick and healthy plants. Otherwise, the entire crop will suffer.

If preventive measures were not taken on time, crop loss can be prevented through preparations containing silicon. They are produced both in liquid form and in tablet form. When using them should be guided by the instructions for use. It must be attached to the composition.

To protect the seedlings from the bright spring sun, the glass windows of the greenhouse need to be whitewashed. Thus, overheating of seedlings can be prevented. Otherwise, it will burn under its scorching rays.

When forming tomatoes, the summer resident can choose one of the following options:

  • 2-3 stems - abundant harvest, slowing down the maturity;
  • 2 stems and a process located under the first brush;
  • 3 stems and the most powerful stepson.

When growing tomatoes, you need to use biological methods of protection. Do not forget about organic tillage. Knowing all the subtleties, the summer resident will be able to reduce the complexity of the process. To prevent the occurrence of late blight and other diseases, it is necessary:

  • choose precocious varieties;
  • plant seedlings in a predetermined pattern;
  • to carry out prevention aimed at eliminating the causative agents of the disease.

Experts do not recommend applying fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen to the soil until the ovaries appear on the first brush. With an imbalance of mineral and organic compounds, it may be necessary to adjust. Before drawing up the planting scheme, you need to read the instructions on the package with seeds, familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar. Do not forget about the area of ​​the greenhouse. The deadline for picking tomatoes is September.

Tomatoes are vegetables that no kitchen can do without. Therefore, their landing is unlikely to become an empty pastime. Following fairly simple rules and providing complete care, already in mid-June you can put tomatoes grown on your own site on the table. Moreover, the gardener has a much wider choice than the ordinary buyer. In a specialized store, you can easily pick up a variety that meets all the stated requirements. Under favorable weather conditions, the harvest will not take long.


Watch the video: Greenhouse Gardening Tips For Growing Tomatoes (October 2024).