Pachistachis: photo, description, home care


Pachistahis has been known since the 19th century, as a tropical plant that can be grown in summer cottages in areas with mild and warm winters and at home. He gained his popularity thanks to a bract resembling a candle, an old candelabrum or a golden lollipop. Translated from Greek as "thick spike", the birthplace of the plant is the tropics of South America, Australia and the subtropics of India.


A perennial plant reaching a height of 1.5 m, forming a kind of spherical bush of thin stiffened stems. The leaves are oval, elongated at the ends, long 10-12 cm, sinewy, dark green.

In late March - early April (and almost until October), yellow or orange candles from bracts appear from the bottom up at the ends of the appendages, which are closely adjacent to the stem. Then soft, about 10 cm long white, orange or pink flowers, in the form of elongated petals of two or four, depending on the species. After one to two weeks, the flowers fade, but the ear itself remains. During flowering, 15 or 20 flowers may appear on the bush.

Pachistachis yellow and other species

In total, 12 varieties of pachistachis are known, but only two or three are found in cultivated life, the rest can be seen in the forests of the tropics or subtropics.

GradeFeaturesLeavesFlower / Bracts
Yellow pachistachis (Pachystachyslutea)The branched shrub reaches a height of 90 to 120 cm. The stems are green, woody closer to the root.The leaves are rounded 15-20 cm, narrowed at the ends, more than 5 cm wide, bright, green, with obvious veins.Yellow ears appear from March to September, then white or cream flowers consisting of an elongated double petal and stamens begin to peep out of the scales.
Red Pachistachis (Pachystachyscoccinea)Spreading bush, about 2 m high.With elongated long dark green leaves (up to 40 cm), sometimes with burgundy stains.In the middle of spring, strong ears of scales appear, then four elongated red petals with yellow stamens in the center, three petals bend down, and one stands like a sail in the wind. Maybe it was for this flower that the red pachistachis was called the "Cardinal's Guard", but the legend says because of the color that resembled a feather on the hat of the guards.
Spike pachistachisIt requires increased care, is rare, forms a bush up to 1 m high.It has long, up to 25 cm dark green curved leaves.In the spring, a candle comes out of green scales, then releases several red flowers with yellow high stamens.

Home Care for Pachistachis

This plant is not too whimsical, but since it came to us from the tropics, it requires some care. Yellow

It is advisable not to put the pot on the sunny side in summer so that there is no burn on the leaves, pachistachis prefers the windowsill from the east or west side.

In summer, the room should not be higher than + 21 ... +25 ° C; in winter, do not bring the temperature to +14 ° C.

In summer, you can put a pot of plants on the street, but not in the sun, spray 3 times a week and water abundantly. The soil in the pot should be constantly 60% moist; you can put cans of water next to the plant. Pachistachis does not like drafts, if the room is ventilated, you need to rearrange it to another place.

In winter, water a week no more than 2 times, after having previously defended tap water, right now the pachistachis begins a dormant period (from the end of October), but the main thing is not to dry the soil, which should be slightly moist.

Fertilize twice a month (Good power, Flower happiness, Agricola), in March before flowering and in the fall, fertilizer should not be dripped on the stems and leaves, burns may appear.

Once a year or two, depending on how the bush grows, it should be transplanted into another pot, larger. Expanded clay is poured down a new pot, you can use the prepared soil for ornamental plants or cook it yourself by mixing humus, peat and sand with clay-soddy soil, the transplanted plant is well watered.

In pachistachis, it is necessary to pinch the tops (trim), on which inflorescences form, then a small bush will bloom more abundantly. The very first pruning of a planted young bush takes place at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground.

Also, the plant is worth rejuvenating. Over time, the leaves from below fall off and stop growing, the bush begins to lose its original appearance. It is better to cut off all the old stems, then new buds will appear in their place or plant cuttings. Red

Reproduction of pachistachis

Carried out by cuttings:

  • Non-woody cuttings are cut in the spring from the upper part of the plant, leaving 1-2 leaves.
  • Put in water, you can add aloe juice to stimulate growth or Kornevin.
  • Pachistachis loves heat, so the temperature should not be less than + 22 ... +25 ºC. When the stalk gives roots in water, it can be planted in a pot.

The second method of reproduction:

  • Plant several cuttings in the pot, then the bush will be more fluffy (pot up to 15 cm).
  • Pre-grease the roots with Kornevin, deepen by 1.5 cm in the ground.
  • Be sure to cover the pot with a jar, bag or plastic bottle.
  • Once a day, remove the jar, creating aeration of the plant, after a month, you can finally remove the bag or bottle.
  • When the first leaves appear, they should be clipped for better growth.
  • Next spring, you can transplant seedlings into larger pots.

Improper care

SymptomsCausesRepair methods
The foliage has become lifeless, dries and twistsNot enough moisture or the room is too dry.Water and spray more often. The plant came to us from the rainforests, it needs water constantly.
Opal leavesIn the room where the plant is located, the temperature is too low or the dry earth in the pot.Water the flower more often, pour it into a pan of water and transfer it to another warmer place. Pachistachis does not like cold, drafts; he prefers humidity and warmth.
Plant goes upNot enough daylight.Change the location of the pot, you can also cut the plant again, and plant the cuttings.
The trunk of the plant below is completely bareIt's time to rejuvenate the plant.Plant cuttings and trim.
Cuttings do not rootYou need to cut the leaves on the cuttings.Cover the pot with a bag, a jar.
The root rots, leaves fallCut rotting roots, transplant into new soil, adding ash.Pachistachis does not like cold and drafts, the earth should not freeze in a pot.


With proper care, the plant rarely gets sick.

SymptomsCausesRepair methods
On the leaves of the plant, as well as on the stems, a sticky white coating appears, then the leaves can be black-coated, and the stems are like fluffy, covered with aphids.
Every day you need to wash the leaves and stems with warm water. If aphid is not immediately found, it is better to treat the leaves and stems 1 time per week with Fitoverm or Intavir, you can make a normal soap solution.Aphids do not like wet leaves and stems, it is recommended to spray the plant, and so that it does not spread to other indoor flowers, it is advisable to put the new ones away from others for the first time.
Leaves become sticky, wet.
On candles and on the inside of the leaf oval hard spots of brown color are visible.It should be transferred to a warmer room and treated with soapy water, and pour plenty of water.
Powdery Mildew
The plant begins to drop leaves.
On the leaves on both sides, white areas with a fluff are clearly visible, which then darken and condense. If this has been noticed recently, then it is worth spraying the plant for three weeks in a row (1 time) with Topaz or make a tincture of garlic (insist a day in a dark place, washed garlic (30 g) in a liter of water).Powdery mildew settles only on frail flowers, prevention - to feed and water the plant.
Spider mite.
A barely noticeable web appears on the plant, if you look closely, you can see small ticks.
It is necessary to make once treatment by Ftover or Taurus.The tick does not like water, you need to constantly spray the plant, put the pot on a tray with water, you can put expanded clay.

With proper care, the pachistachis will always delight with its flowering, perfectly fitting into any interior of both the house and the verandas, and balconies. No wonder it is popular among gardeners, not only due to its flowers, but also as a bloom in the form of a bright ear.


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