Hypocytosis: description, types, home care


Hypocirr is an exotic houseplant, known recently. In America, Great Britain it is called the "goldfish". From Greek is translated "thickened from below."

Grown as ampelous and bush flower. According to popular superstitions, Nemanthus is the second name, has wonderful properties, brings happiness, prosperity, cleans the house. When the plant looks healthy and well-groomed, the hosts are in a good mood.

Description of hypocytes

Hypocirrhosis native to tropical places of Brazil, Paraguay. Belongs to plants - semi-epiphytes, Gesneriev family. In nature, found on tree branches of rainforests. Their long aerial roots reach the ground to get nourishment. Nemanthus grows up to 25 cm, some varieties up to 60 cm. The root system is thin, superficial, branched. The stalk is creeping, thick.

The leaves are dark green shiny oval, round or diamond-shaped. Their lower part is in lilac stains. Blooming tubular buds look like a jug with a narrow neck and bent edges, or lips that are folded for a kiss. Hypocirrt blooms up to 4 months - from mid-spring to early autumn. In warmth and adequate lighting, they can bloom in winter. The color of the petals is orange-red, yellow or pink, depending on the variety.

Types of Hypocytes

There are more than 30 species of plants. The florists are popular Monetnaya and Naked.

CoinDrop-down straight stalk without lateral processes with light green, pubescent leaves. The flowers are bright red, with yellow stains and a black throat. Discards leaves after flowering.
Naked (Glabra)Epiphyte, lives on other plants, uses them as a support. Shoots in the form of a bush. The leaves are small, elongated, waxy. The color is bright orange.
TropicanaUpright stem, bright leaves, located rhomboid. Terracotta petals, blooms all summer.
GregariusSoft, creeping shoots. Oval, pointed, waxy leaves. Red or yellow flowers.
KolumneyaSemi-standing stem, bright green, pointed leaves, scarlet petals.
Variegated (variegated)Two-tone leaves, with a white border around the edge or in the middle.
FritschaTop green and red bottom large leaves, a thin, pubescent stem, light pink flowers.
VetsteinSmall, elliptical, dark, waxy leaves, orange-colored petals, characterized by abundant flowering.
RiverineLarge leaves, two-tone, lemon-colored flowers.
Santa Teresa (Albus)White, pubescent petals, with a citrus aroma.

Hypocyte care at home

The content of the non-mantus in the room differs in some features.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location, lightingSouthwest, east windows or a hanging cache-pot without drafts. Bright, diffused, protected from direct sunlight.Bright enough, with additional illumination.
Temperature+ 20 ... 25 ° ะก, without drops.+ 12 ... 16 ° C, depending on the variety.
HumidityMore than 50%, frequent spraying of air during the period of growth and flowering. To do this, put on a pallet with moistened pebbles, moss.Not required during rest.
WateringAbundant, soft, settled water at room temperature.Moderate in autumn and rare in winter.
Top dressingMineral for blooming from April to August every week.Need not.


In the spring, every 2-3 years, the plant is transplanted into a small pot, 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The substrate is selected light, loose: sheet soil, peat (3: 1) and river sand with an admixture of charcoal or purchase a ready-made mixture for senpolia. Expanded clay, pebble drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot to avoid rotting of the roots. Capacity, soil and drainage are disinfected. Transplanted by transshipment without touching the root system.

Rest period

From October to the end of February, the plant has a dormant period. Before him, the flower is cut off by 1/3, this leads to the active growth of young shoots in the spring.


The flower propagates in several ways.

Cuttings - in an adult plant, a lateral shoot of 8-10 cm is cut. The lower leaves are removed. Put in water, it is possible in a mixture of sand and peat. Cover the top with a film. When the root appears, planted in a prepared container.

To create a lush bush, several cuttings are placed in the pot. This method is propagated in the spring, in the first decade of summer.

Seeds - they are distributed in moist soil from peat and sand. Cover with a film, glass. Watered through the pan. When shoots appear, the film is removed. Dive in two weeks. They are waiting for flowering for the next season.

Hypocyte Care Mistakes, Diseases and Pests

In case of non-observance of the standards for the care of hypocyte, problems, diseases, pests appear.

ManifestationsCausesRemedial measures
Leaves curl, turn yellow.The sun is too bright.Rearrange the flower or shade.
Does not bloom.
  • The big pot.
  • Little light.
  • Inadequate watering.
  • Fertilizer deficiency.
  • Do not cut the plant or the flower is not rested during the dormant period.
Choose the appropriate container and adhere to all care rules.
Leaves and buds fall off.
  • Wet ground and low temperature.
  • Dry soil and air.
  • Move the pot to heat or transplant into new soil.
  • Water and spray regularly.
Brown spots on the plant.Burns due to spraying.Do not splash water on leaves or leave in bright sunshine.
Hypocytosis fades.The plant was overfed.Do not violate the dosage, feed once every ten days.
Grooves in the leaves.Irrigation mode violated.Prevent overdrying and waterlogging of the soil.
The plant withers, the leaves turn yellow.Root rot.Remove the flower from the pot, remove the affected roots, dry and transplant, water with Carbendazim (Carboxin)
Fluffy mold on a flower.Gray rot.Remove the diseased parts, change the soil. Treat with fundazole.
White plaque on the plant.Powdery MildewTrim the affected areas, treat with Fitosporin. Ventilate the room for prevention.
Light yellow spots, sometimes a web is visible.Spider mite.To process with Actellik, Fitoverm.
Shoots twist, insects are visible on the plant.Aphid.Spray with special means from aphids - Inta-vir, Decis.
Hypocytosis does not grow, flowers are deformed, leaves in silver streaks.Thrips.To process Akarin, Actellik.
White, cotton-like plaque on the shoots.Mealybug.Spray with Commander, Vermitek.


Watch the video: How to say "hypocytosis"! High Quality Voices (October 2024).