Venus flytrap: description, care


Venus flytrap - a predatory insectivorous plant from the genus Dionea family Rosyankovye. Presented in a single form. It is found in the savannah, in peat, marshy areas of the United States.

The peculiarity of the Jefferson plant or Dionaea muscipula (the Latin name is mistakenly translated as the Mousetrap Dionea) in the ability to very quickly capture small insects with its leaves. It has no medicinal value, it is not toxic. At home, it is under threat of extinction and is listed in the Red Book.

Description of Venus Flytrap

Venus flytrap is a perennial carnivorous predator up to 15 cm tall. It has a short underground stem that looks like an onion. Leaves grow from it. They are assembled with a rosette of 4-7 pieces, ranging in size from 3 to 7 cm. Using the wide part of the leaf or base, the process of photosynthesis and nutrition of the root system takes place. The second half - the blade, also called a trap, is colored with pigments to attract the attention of victims. They are connected by the stem. In summer, small white flowers in the shape of stars bloom at a high peduncle.

A trap forms after flowering. It consists of two halves resembling the shells of a mollusk shell. Two rows of denticles, similar to fingers, are located on the edge, along them there are special glands with an aroma that attracts insects. The small hairs inside the traps work like sensors - when you double-touch two different hairs, it closes. At first, the flytrap is not completely closed, but if the victim does not manage to escape, the trap closes tightly. Inside it is the digestion of the insect. On average, the trap is closed for two weeks. After three digestive processes - dies.

Types and varieties of venus flytrap

Based on the species, breeders have bred various varieties. They differ in the pattern - the color of the leaves, the direction of growth and the number of folds.

GradeTrap features
Akai RiuDark red with a green stripe.
Bohemian GarnetWide, bright green, horizontal up to 12 pieces.
Dantein TrapOutwardly green with a red stripe, inside - red 10-12 pieces, vertical.
JainLarge, dark crimson from the light, form quickly.
DraculaGreen externally, red inside with short denticles.
CrocodileOutside are green, inside are pink, horizontal.
TritonElongated, cut, on the one hand, the cloves stick together.
Fanel TrapRed, two different types, with green petioles.
FondueDifferent forms, some without denticles.
Red piranhaRed, with short triangular denticles.
Red DragonIn bright light, red-burgundy.
Low GiantThe largest of all.
Long Red FingersCup-shaped, red, long cloves.
JavsGreen outside, bright red inside with short triangular denticles.
Fice tusRare, thick cloves.
RagyulaAlternating purple and red.

Caring for a Venus Flytrap at Home

The insectivorous predator attracts gardeners. When growing and keeping, there are many features. The plant is planted in suitable soil, creating optimal lighting, humidity, proper watering during the growing season and dormancy. They are grown in flower pots and in glass containers - florariums, aquariums to establish the appropriate humidity.

Location, lighting

Have the flower on the western, eastern windows, do not turn. Provide bright direct sunlight for up to 5 hours, shade at noon. The duration of the entire daylight hours is up to 14 hours. In winter, additional lighting is needed. In summer, the plant is taken out to the balcony or to the garden.

Temperature, humidity

Venus flytrap feels most comfortable at a temperature of + 22 ... 27 ° C, not higher than +35 ° C. Humidity for it needs 40-70%. The room is ventilated without creating drafts. Regularly sprayed. Do not touch traps with your hands. In winter, the temperature is created no higher than +7 ° C.


For predators use only clean distilled or rain water at room temperature. Fresh is poured into the pallet with a layer of 0.5 cm, in the summer two times a day.

They do not allow stagnation and drying of the soil, moss-sphagnum is placed on top of the substrate.


Dionee does not require conventional fertilizers. The plant is fed with flies, bees, spiders, slugs. Small insects, not with a hard shell, are selected so that they fully fit and some do not remain outside, otherwise the trap will not close completely and die. A newly transplanted plant is not fed until it adapts to new conditions. Young give food after regrowth of 3-4 sheets. During the growing season, three feedings per insect are sufficient. When a predator settles in the open air, he finds food himself.

If the plant is sick, it is first treated and then fed. When it refuses to eat, food is removed. Flycatcher responds to insects only during nitrogen deficiency. In winter, meals are not required.

Soil, content capacity

The substrate is selected with a pH of from 3.5 to 4.5. A mixture of peat and quartz sand in a ratio of 2: 2. The pot is not more than 12 cm in diameter, up to 20 cm deep in light color with drainage holes.

Flowering venus flytrap

White small flowers resembling stars appear in late spring - early summer and have a very pleasant smell. Flowering continues for 2 months, while the plant is depleted and its traps cease to develop fully. Therefore, inflorescences are cut off when they are not going to propagate the flower by seeds.

Wintering the Venus flytrap and dormancy

At the end of September, young leaves cease to form in the flycatcher, old ones darken and fall. The socket is reduced in size. These are signs of the beginning of a dormant period. No feeding required. Watered rarely and moderately, make sure that the soil does not dry out. In December, the pot with a flytrap is rearranged to a place where the temperature is not more than +10 ° С. Store the plant in the basement, the lower section of the refrigerator.

Venus flytrap begins to wake up only in February, it is again returned to its original place. Last year’s, old traps are cut, they begin to look after as usual. Active growth is observed in late May.

Flytrap transplant

A venus flytrap is transplanted once every two or three years. The flower is removed from the old pot, carefully freed from the ground and placed in another. Five weeks a predator is necessary for adaptation, so it is put in partial shade.

Pruning is not necessary for the plant, only dried leaves are removed.

After purchase, the insectivore is transplanted immediately, while the roots are washed in boiled or distilled water. Drainage in the form of pebbles or expanded clay is optional. After planting, do not tamp the ground.

Reproduction of a venus flytrap

Venus flytrap is propagated by several methods: dividing the bush, cuttings, seeds.

  • With the method of division, the bulb with developed roots from the maternal disinfected instrument is carefully cut. Place the cut sprinkled with crushed charcoal. Planted in a new dish, put in a greenhouse.
  • Cuttings - cut the sheet without a trap, the place of cut is treated with Kornevin. Planted in moist soil, consisting of peat and sand, then covered with a transparent film or put in a greenhouse. Waiting for the appearance of new leaves for three months.
  • Seeds are formed after flowering in special oval boxes. In order to grow a flycatcher from the seeds, its flowers are pollinated independently. Located plants on the street pollinate insects. Collect seeds and sow for 2 weeks so that they do not lose germination.

Purchased seeds need stratification. They are wrapped in sphagnum, stored for a month in the refrigerator. Then treated (distilled water and 2-3 drops of Topaz).

The prepared seed is scattered on the soil, consisting of sphagnum moss and sand 2: 1, sprayed with soft water. Top cover, creating a greenhouse. Light is created bright, temperature + 24 ... +29 ° С. Seeds are barked in two or three weeks. Then the plant is planted in a small pot, with a diameter of not more than 9 cm. With the advent of two leaves they dive.

Diseases and pests of a venus flytrap

The plant is resistant to ailments, but with improper care is exposed to fungal diseases and pest attacks.

ManifestationsCausesRemedial measures
The leaves are covered with a black coating that forms a crust.Sooty black fungus.Eliminate high humidity, remove the affected parts, remove the topsoil, treat with Fitosporin.
The plant is covered with a gray fluff.Gray rot.The affected areas are removed and sprayed with fungicide.
The leaves are covered with small dots, then turn yellow, fall off. White threads are noticeable.Spider mite.Processed by Actellik, Vermitek.

Humidify air, spray from a spray bottle.

Curvature, deformation of traps, sticky spots.Aphid.They are treated with Neoron, Intavir, Akarin.
Leaves turned yellow, opal.Lack of watering.Water more often and more abundantly.
Leaves are yellow, but do not fall.Watering with hard water.Apply distilled water for irrigation.
Brown spots on the leaves.A burn from the sun or the application of mineral fertilizers.Shade at noon.
Bacterial damage.The plant does not digest the caught prey, it rots.Remove affected parts.


Watch the video: How to Care for the Venus Fly Trap (October 2024).