Indoor primrose: description, types, care


Primrose (Primrose) is a genus of perennial herbaceous flowering plants of the Primrose family. The distribution range of the temperate climate zone in Europe, Asia, North America, China, prefers moist soil near the water.

The name is translated from Latin as the first, primrose. This is no coincidence, as he is one of the first to bloom and is considered a harbinger of spring.

Description of Primrose

It grows from 10 to 25 cm. The leaves are dark green rounded, wrinkled, fleecy, collected in a basal rosette. The flowers are regular five-petalled, of different shades, located on a small peduncle. Depending on the species, solitary or collected in inflorescences.

Types of primrose for home breeding

A variety of varieties of primrose is divided into garden and indoor. Although the former can be grown as home.

The following varieties are popular for keeping on the windowsill:




The period of their dissolution

Obconica (Reverse Conical)Height - 20 cm.
May cause allergies when touching parts of the plant.
Elliptical with serrated serrated edges.

Lavender, blue, red, salmon, purple, pink (7 cm). They smell good.


Year-round (with good care).

Soft leaved


Grows to 30 cm.Elongated light green indented along the edge, the base in the form of a heart.

White, lilac, blue, scarlet, pink, two-color terry (4 cm).


February-March, lasts 3-5 months.

StemlessDoes not exceed 20 cm.Long emerald, in the middle a bright vein. The surface is wrinkled.

Pale yellow, but there may be other shades, single (2-4 cm).

April - July.

Home primrose care at home

If you properly maintain the plant, you can achieve from it year-round flowering.

During floweringAfter flowering
Location / LightingWest or northwest window.Cool place. Does not tolerate direct sun, shade.
Keep in a cool room, but without drafts.
Temperature+ 12 ... +15 ° C. At higher values, the buds fall.+ 15 ... +18 ° C.
WateringMoisturize slightly.When the top layer dries.
Use soft water at room temperature. Do not allow waterlogging. They bring it in from below or along the edge, without falling on the foliage.
Humidity60-70%. Do not spray, put in a pan with wet expanded clay, moisten around the flower.
Top dressing1 time 2 weeks with complex mineral fertilizers for flowering (0.5 dose).Not necessary.
The soilPeat, leaf, turf, sand in equal proportions.


Transplanted primrose every year in the autumn period (October) to stimulate flowering.

Adult plant - after 2-3 years.

  • The pot is chosen wide shallow, more than the previous one by no more than 1.5 cm.
  • Drainage (pebbles, broken ceramics) must be laid out at the bottom.
  • The process is carried out carefully by transshipment to prevent damage to the root system.
  • The socket is not deepened, left on the surface.


New plants are obtained by seed and dividing the bush.


Sowing of planting material is carried out in July:

  • Take a wide shallow capacity, pour peat and sand in equal amounts.
  • Distribute them on the surface without deepening, sprinkle lightly with a substrate.
  • Cover with glass or film.
  • Keep temperature + 16 ... +18 ° C. Moisturize periodically.
  • After the emergence of seedlings and their sufficient rooting (1.5 months) are planted.

Bush division

When transplanting primrose over 3 years old in the fall, the following manipulations are performed:

  • They clean the roots by gently brushing off the soil from them.
  • Young shoots with a growth point are separated from the root system.
  • The mother plant is planted in a prepared pot, and the children are placed in wet sand and covered with a film.
  • When outlets appear, they are seated in separate containers.

Diseases and pests of primrose

In case of errors in care: improper lighting, sharp temperature changes, excess or lack of moisture, a home beauty may get sick. It is necessary to notice and take action in time.

External manifestations on leaves and other parts of the plantCauseRepair methods
  • Excess moisture.
  • Overdried air.
  • Too high temperature.
  • Overfeeding.
  • Hard water.
  • Normalize watering.
  • Increase humidity (put in a pan with wet pebbles, use humidifiers).
  • Move to a cool place.
  • Revise the feeding regimen.
  • Select the right water for irrigation.
Falling colors.
  • Lack of moisture.
  • Dryness.
  • Fever.
Observe the conditions of detention.
Gray plaque. Softening, become wet.
  • Waterlogging of air or soil.
  • A sharp change in climate from roast to raw.
  • Lower humidity.
    Allow the soil to dry before the next watering.
  • Affected leaves are pruned.
    Sprayed with Fitosporin, Fundazole, Topaz.

Web. Blanching, yellowing and drying.

Spider mite.
  • Remove damaged parts.
  • Reduce temperature and increase humidity.
  • It is treated with a soapy solution.
  • If the problem remains, spray with Actellik, Antikleschem.
The appearance of stickiness. Twisting, yellowing.Aphid.
  • Apply dissolved soap, removing insects with it.
  • With severe infection, Actellik, Fitoferm are used.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: primrose - an assistant for vitamin deficiency

Primrose is appreciated not only for its beauty, but also for its healing properties. Its foliage contains large amounts of ascorbic acid and carotene. Roots - glycosides, saponins, essential oils. It can make up for the lack of vitamins in the spring. Sheets are used for the preparation of salads, soups, main dishes. With their help heal wounds, cuts.

Other properties of primrose:

  • painkiller (rheumatism, migraine, headaches);
  • diuretic (bladder, kidneys);
  • expectorant (bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, whooping cough);
  • sedative (insomnia, neurosis).

Infusion of leaves and flowers of primrose - a drink of vigor and health.


Watch the video: Primrose Care! Primulas! (October 2024).