Hamedorea: home care


Hamedorea (chamaedorea) is a dioecious plant of the palm family. It was first discovered on the wooded slopes of the mountains of South America. Under natural conditions, the height of the palm tree is 2-3 meters, it has thin bamboo-like stems, so it is sometimes called a bamboo palm.

At home, unopened inflorescences of chamedorea are used as food. In translation, its name means a gift located close to the ground, which indicates its small size and the availability of fruits.

Description of Hamedorea

At home, the bamboo palm grows very slowly and rarely reaches a height of one and a half meters. Each stem has only one apical bud, the death of which cannot be prevented. The leaves are whole or dissected from light green to emerald, there are species with blue-green foliage. Flowers are collected in panicles.

The plant is unpretentious, prefers partial shade to the bright sun, has small sizes, decorative foliage serves as an original decoration, helps to clean the air.

Types of chamedorea for indoor cultivation

Hamedorea Elegans (Neantha)Suitable for beginner growers. Leaves are located on long petioles.
SeifritsNot demanding on watering. The stalks look like bamboo.
Ernest AugustusThe difference between this palm is solid leaves with denticles along the edges.
MetalBeautiful metallic tint of leaves.
One colorGreen long dissected leaves.

Home Care

SeasonLocation, temperature and lightingHumidity and wateringTop dressing
SpringWarm place, + 16 ... + 20 ° C, ambient lighting and partial shade, it can be placed near the window.Watering and spraying once a week. Water should be warm.Granular fertilizer twice a month.
SummerCan be placed on the balcony or in the garden in partial shade, + 20 ... + 25 ° C.Abundant watering and spraying twice a day.
AutumnWarm place, without drafts, + 16 ... + 22 ° C, partial shade.Spraying and watering once a week.Top dressing cut.
WinterWarm place, without drafts, + 15 ... + 18 ° C, but not lower than + 12 ° C, diffused lighting.Spraying and watering are moderate.Refuse feeding (from October to February).

Choice of capacity, soil, transplant

The main condition for the transplantation of chamedorea is the complete filling of the pot volume with the roots. If this does not happen, you can pour a little earth into the pot.

It is better to transplant a chamedorea in the spring. The pot should be several centimeters higher than the previous one. So that the roots do not decay, good drainage (pebbles, expanded clay, tiles) is necessary. It is good if the pot is stable and made of ceramic.

The soil for the plant should be light. Its composition (2: 1: 2: 2):

  1. Peat.
  2. Sand.
  3. Sheet earth.
  4. Humus.
  5. Vermiculite, coconut powder to lighten the soil.

Leafy soil and humus must be disinfected.

Propagation of Hamedorrhea

There are three ways to propagate a plant.


This is one of the longest and most laborious ways. It is important to observe several conditions: seeds must be freshly harvested, stratification is necessary (partial destruction of the upper shell of the seed, this can be done with a sharp object), and chamedorea will thank for good care at home.

Pre-soaked palm seeds need to be placed in plastic two hundred gram containers with nutrient soil, a little deepening (1-2 centimeters), it is not necessary to sprinkle with earth, it is necessary to cover with glass or film.

It is required to ensure that the earth does not dry out. Remove glass or film daily for air.

After 5-6 months, chamedorrhea will give the first shoots, which must be planted as they grow.

Bush division

Well-grown adult chamedorea plants are suitable for this method. You need to carefully get the palm tree out of the pot, undo the roots. For separation, processes with three, four well-developed roots are suitable. Plant them 5-6 pieces in one pot, cover with a film, providing comfortable conditions. Do not forget about watering and spraying.

Propagation by root processes

A well-developed adult plant is suitable for this method. Carefully separate the shoot with the formed roots from the mother plant, move it into a pot with good drainage and nutritious soil, cover with a film, leave it in a warm, bright place, ensuring timely watering. It is better to do this in early spring.

Mistakes in care and their elimination

Hamedorea is unpretentious and easy to care for, even a beginner grower can grow it. If you follow the rules of growing it at home and take preventative measures in a timely manner, then many problems can be avoided.

Visible damageCausesElimination
The tips of the leaves dry out.Inadequate watering or hard water.Water only with soft water, increase its volume.
The appearance of bright spots on the leaves.Lack of trace elements.Add magnesium and potassium to the water.
Small foliage.Lack of light and fertilizer.Rearrange in a bright place, add fertilizer to the water.
The color of the leaves is light yellow.Direct sunlight, lack of iron.Rearrange the palm in a shaded place, water with fertilizers containing iron.

Diseases and pests, the fight against them

Diseases and pests weaken the plant, interfere with normal growth, and reduce decorative effect. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, and in case of a developed disease, immediately take measures to eliminate it.

Disease / pestSymptoms (on the leaves)Prevention and treatment
Spider mite.Web.Spray more often. In case of severe damage, use acaricides and insectoacaricides.
Mealybug.Sticky discharge, they themselves are pale green.Wash off the pests with water with soap, in severe cases, treat the chamedorrhea drug Vertimek.
Thrips.Black drops.Use insecticides Actara and Confidor.
Root rot.Fall off.Transplant the plant. Watered with solutions of Khometsin and Kuprozan for 10 days.
Rot stems.White coating.Destroy the plant and pot with a strong infection.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: chamedorea - a charge of vigor and optimism

Bamboo palm is a beautiful elegant plant, with careful and careful care, it is able to harmonize the environment, delight with elegant foliage, while making the air in the house cleaner.

According to popular beliefs, chamedorea eliminates negative energy in the house. Where it is located, unfriendly people do not linger, less noise and fuss. Palm tree promotes concentration, raises mood and vitality.

In the room where chamedorrhea grows, it is easy to breathe and works fruitfully. If in the house or office there are these bamboo palm trees, then all the started work will be completed on time.


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