Planting garlic in the fall (before winter), the best time


Garlic is one of the oldest medicinal plants and seasonings. Moreover, he is quite unpretentious. It can be planted in autumn or spring. But the best time is considered autumn, before the onset of frost.

Benefits of Autumn Planting

Garlic is divided into winter and spring. Their difference in landing time. Winter planted in the fall, spring - in the spring. But the first has a number of advantages:

  • In springtime, there are a lot of urgent matters in the garden and in the garden, in contrast to the autumn season, when the entire crop is harvested.
  • Winter is not afraid of freezing, frosty winter. And the tender shoots of spring die when the temperature drops.
  • Spring garlic may dry out due to storage.
  • Winter, as a rule, is not attacked by diseases and pests, unlike spring.
  • Autumn planting does not require careful maintenance, as the soil is quite moist.
  • A plentiful harvest of winter garlic is obtained already in the first summer months, unlike planted in the spring.

Requirements for planting garlic in the winter

Garlic is a medium-demanding plant. But still, some recommendations must be observed when landing.

The timing

They plant it half a month before the onset of freezing. The recommended temperature of the soil is + 10 ° C, lower.

RegionDepth (cm)The timing
Medium (Moscow Region)      5end of September - beginning of October
South      3the beginning of November
Northern (Urals, Siberia)      5September

If you plant garlic to a depth of more than 10 cm, you can increase the time in areas with a cold climate - mid-August-October. This will allow the vegetable to take root and overwinter better.

2018 lunar calendar

The best days for planting garlic for the winter in 2018 are the following:

  • September - 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
  • October - 1, 2, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, from 25 to the end of the month.
  • November - 17, 18, 19, 20, for the Southern regions.

Seed selection

Pick strong, healthy bulbs. Divide them into cloves. Slices should be large and fleshy.

Tip: Do not use garlic grown for food.

Before planting, hold it for 24 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or vitriol. Other drugs can also be used.

When using species that do not shoot, it is necessary to take only the outer cloves.

Location, soil

The place where the garlic will grow must be warm, it requires at least six hours of sunshine a day. We have a bed from north to south.

For garlic, well-loosened, fertilized with humus and slightly sandy soil is suitable. Fresh manure should not be introduced, it can burn the bulbs, and they are more often affected by diseases.

The predecessors of garlic in the beds: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, legumes. Unwanted are potatoes, root vegetables and onions.

Bed preparation

It is better to prepare the landing site a month before the proposed landing:

  • Fertilize the earth. Per square meter - 10 kg of decayed foliage, 250 g of chalk, 500 g of ash, 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate and one superphosphate.
  • Distribute and dig up the bed. Its width should be no more than a meter, and height - 30 cm.
  • In the absence of rain, water, for greater rainfall.
  • For disease prevention - treat the soil with 1% solution of copper sulfate. After closing with foil.
  • The day before planting, distribute urea (a tablespoon per square meter), shed.

When planting directly into the excavated soil, the garlic deepens when the soil settles, the growth time increases, and the yield decreases.

Plant peas, oats, and white mustard near the prepared beds (40 cm). When it is time to plant the garlic, their sprouts will appear, plant it between them. This will help to keep snow on the land, and in the spring moisturize.

Landing technology

  • If the soil is dry before planting, the bed must be watered. Plant the teeth in 10-15 cm, the distance between the rows is 20-25 cm, the depth is 3-5 cm. A deep fit is also possible - 10-15 cm.
  • Cover the ground, level and tamp the soil with a rake.
  • Mulch the bed (peat, leaves, sawdust, spruce branches) for about 5 cm. In the spring, do not forget to free the sprouts from the mulch.

Mr. Dachnik advises: an alternative method of landing

Along with the usual method, there is one more - lazy. It is good in the following situations:

  • the need to save space and time;
  • single plantings to protect strawberries, shrubs, trees and other crops.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Varieties with no more than five slices in the head are taken. The selection must be thorough, the bulbs are solid, without traces of rot and disease.
  • The upper scales are removed, the bottom is cut off from the roots, the stem is left about 5 cm high.
  • The prepared material is soaked for a quarter of an hour in a weak saline solution (half a tablespoon of salt per liter of water).
  • Depth of landing - at least 10 cm, between the heads - about 30 cm.
  • Food is required more plentiful than during a normal landing. Fertilizer is added directly to the wells. Humus mixed with garden diamite (teaspoon).
  • The head is placed on the bottom and slightly pressed down. If the soil is infertile, compost is placed at the top.

Garlic - a plant that protects against pests and diseases

It is recommended to plant this crop next to the planned plantings of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, beets, potatoes. It is also good to place it near wild strawberries. But do not place near legumes and cabbage.


Watch the video: How To Plant Garlic In Fall AND Winter! (October 2024).