Haworthia - home care, photo species with names


Haworthia is a low succulent of the Asphodel family. The homeland of haworthia is the hot arid regions of South Africa; it grows there on rocky and sandy slopes in shady places. The genus has up to 150 species of haworthia.

Plant height from 5 to 15 cm, growth rate is very low. Most haworthia species are miniature, but in some varieties the diameter of the outlet can reach 30 cm. Life expectancy is from 5 to 20 years.

Haworthia has almost no stem. The hard fleshy leaves collected in the socket are exclusively decorative. Their shape is unusually diverse: triangular, round, keeled, convex, concave, etc. Leaves are both elongated and short. The color scheme is wide - from light green to brick color. Many types of Haworthia on leaf blades have convex warty growths, and along the edges are denticles or cilia.

In May-June, the rosette throws a long peduncle with small nondescript bell-shaped flowers.

Outwardly haworthia is a bit similar to agave.

But nevertheless, the main value of haworthia is decorative leaves. And in order not to deplete the plant, the peduncle is recommended to break off.

The plant loves bright lighting, but without direct sun. Watering is quite rare: being a typical representative of succulents, haworthia is able to store water in leaves for a long time.

She does not need deep pots, since the root system is superficial. Overgrowing with lateral shoots, children, from which rosettes develop, haworthia in the container grows in breadth.

Growth rate is very low.
In May-June, the rosette throws a long peduncle with small nondescript bell-shaped flowers.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Useful properties of Haworthia

It is generally accepted that biologically active substances released by haworthia into the air improve the air environment of a home. Therefore, the plant helps to reduce physical and mental fatigue.

Haworthia striped. A photo

Home Haworthy Care (briefly)

Haworthia at home grows well, subject to the following requirements:

Temperature modeIn the summer + 20-25 ° С, in the winter + 10-15 ° С.
Air humidityLow
LightingBright diffused, shading is required from the direct rays of the sun.
WateringModerate. In the summer, about once a week, and the soil between the irrigations should dry by a third. In winter, watered 1-2 times a month.
PrimingSpecial prepared soil for succulents with added sand.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom spring to the end of summer, once a month they are fed a weak solution of mineral fertilizer for cacti.
TransferPlants are transplanted every 2-3 years into a flat pot of larger diameter.
BreedingSide rosettes, stem and leaf cuttings.
Growing FeaturesThe plant is very unpretentious. But you must always remember that a lack of moisture for home haworthy is better than excess. Drops of water should be avoided on the leaves and especially in the center of the outlets.

Home care Haworthia (detailed)

Caring for haworthy at home is straightforward. The plant is very unpretentious and hardy.

Flowering haworthia

The fact that the plant has found strength for flowering, suggests that it feels good, and care for it is correct. But haworthia is grown mainly for unusual spectacular leaves and an exotic look.

Small white nondescript flowers on a long stalk do not represent decorative value. The peduncle is cut so that the flowering does not deplete the plant.

Temperature mode

The best summer temperature is around 20 ° C. In warm time, the haworthians are shown an influx of fresh air: airing the premises or taking them to the balcony.

Winter is a dormant period, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 10-12 ° C.


Do not spray haworthia flower at home. On the contrary, during watering, they make sure that water does not accidentally fall into the axils of the leaves.


Light for haworthia requires bright, but diffused, without direct sun. In the wild, she hides from its scorching rays among stones, grass and shrubs. Such lighting is easiest to achieve on the western and eastern windows. Placing on the south windows involves shading.


In warm weather, haworthia is watered once a week. The earth should have time to dry by one third.

In cold weather, the soil is moistened once or twice a month.

Haworthia pot

The root system of haworthia is located in the upper layers of the soil. Therefore, the container is chosen shallow and wide, taking into account the growth of daughter outlets.

Havortia soil

The soil for haworthies is not particularly nutritious, neutral or slightly alkaline. In structure, it should be light, air- and water-permeable. At the bottom of the pot, a third of its volume must be laid drainage.

You can buy "store" soil for succulents and cacti or prepare the substrate yourself. To do this, mix in equal proportions turf, leafy soil and sand. To saturate the soil with air, it is useful to add brick chips.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

In the warm season, haworthia is fed once a month. Watered with a weak solution of fertilizer for succulents or cacti.

Haworthia transplant

Transshipment of overgrown plants in pots of larger diameter is performed every 2-3 years:

  • they carefully dig up the haworthia, trying to save a radical earthen lump;
  • dry and damaged roots are cut, the sections are treated with fungicide;
  • haworthy is lowered into a new container; soil is poured without tamping;
  • if there was a pruning of the roots, in order to avoid decay, the soil is not moistened a week after planting.

During transplantation of the uterine plant, children can be separated from it for breeding.


Haworthia is cut only if necessary, mainly for decorative purposes to give the desired shape.

Rest period

In cold weather, the plant does not grow, it "rests". For the successful wintering of havortia at home, they create a certain environment:

  • lower air temperature
  • at 10-12 ° C water a little once a month.

If it is impossible to create a cool winter, the flower pot is simply cleaned in a bright place away from hot batteries.

Is it possible to leave a haworthy without leaving on vacation?

Due to its biological ability to be without watering for a long time, haworthia can easily tolerate the host's vacation.

Growing haworthia from seeds

Propagation by seeds is always the longest and most energy-intensive process. Usually it is chosen by breeders to breed new varieties. Very enthusiastic flower growers resort to it as well.

A special soil is prepared for sowing seeds: river sand, perlite, vermiculite are mixed, a little soil for succulents and dolomite flour is added. It is advisable to allocate a separate pot to each seed. Seeds are slightly deepened in the prepared substrate, covered with a film and kept at an air temperature of 15-20 ° C. Days through they have to peck.

If seedlings were grown in a common container, young plants aged 6-12 months are planted in a permanent place.

Havortia breeding by children

The easiest and most common method of reproduction. Young baby rosettes are carefully broken off from the mother plant and rooted in a moistened sand-peat substrate.

Children with roots can be separated during transshipment of haworthia into a larger diameter pot.

Propagation of haworthia by cuttings

Haworthia can propagate by leafy cuttings. This method is valuable in that, unlike the seed, it transfers from the mother plant to the daughter to all characteristic varietal characters.

The healthy leaf is carefully removed from the outlet. Damaged tissues are allowed to dry in the open air at room temperature for two to three days, in order to avoid decay upon contact with a moist substrate.

Planting material is rooted in a loose mineral mixture - for example, sand and perlite. The leaves are laid on the surface with the top side up, without burying their base. Succulents do not need high humidity; leafy cuttings can rot from this. Air temperature is about 25 ° C.

Roots appear within 2-3 weeks and penetrate the substrate. After that, small outlets begin to develop. When the rosette forms its own roots, the mother leaf dies. The plantlet can now be planted in a permanent place in ordinary soil for succulents.

Diseases and Pests

Haworthia is not capricious, but some problems can still appear due to improper care. The most common troubles are:

  • Havortia roots rot - Excess watering can lead to this. An urgent transplant into another soil and another pot will be required. Before this, the rotten sections of the roots should be trimmed and treated with a fungicide.
  • Haworthia leaves stretch and turn pale - insufficient lighting or too high air temperature.
  • Young Haworthia leaves fade - lack of nutrients or the container has become too small.
  • Brown spots on haworthia leaves - sunburn of leaf plates.
  • Haworthia bush stretches - lack of food or the pot has become too small.
  • The lower leaves of haworthia have become sluggish, easily come off - excessive watering. Watering should be stopped until the former type of plant is restored.
  • Haworthia leaves turn pale or acquire unusual yellow and red hues - signal of an excess of fertilizers.

Of insect pests, haworthia is most often affected by scabies, spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. When they appear, the plant is treated with insecticidal drugs.

Types of room havortiya with photos and names

The entire large haworthy family is divided into three groups:

  • hard-leaved - in this subgroup, solid leaves of elongated or triangular shape are “decorated” with convex growths;
  • grassy - small leaves of grassy haworthia are equipped with cilia along the edges;
  • "window" - thick leaves of this kind of haworthia have translucent areas ("windows"). This is an adaptive reaction of the plant - the "window" reduces the area of ​​the evaporating surface of the leaf and weaken the effect of solar radiation.

The following species belong to hard-headed haworthia:

Haworthia drawn (Haworthia attenuata)

The haworthia is elongated, or elongated, has long narrow saturated green leaves with whitish convex stripes and tubercles on both sides.

Haworthia striped (Haworthia fasciata)

Haworthia striped appearance resembles drawn Haworthia, but the barbs are only on the underside of the leaf blade, the top of the leaf is smooth.

Haworthia pearl-bearing (Haworthia margaritifera)

Haworthia pearl. A photo

One of the largest haworthias, up to 10 cm high. The rosette consists of pointed, wedge-shaped, fleshy leaves of a bluish tint. The leaf plates on both sides are covered with white tubercles resembling pearls. On the edges of the leaves are soft spikes. The height of the plant reaches about 10 cm.

Haworthia reinwardtii

With good care reaches 25 cm in height. Thick dark green leaves, strewn with large white tubercles-growths, form a spiral and are directed vertically upward. Over time, a beautiful rug of plants is obtained on the surface of the pot. Too high a stalk can begin to bend to the ground.

Haworthia limifolia (Haworthia limifolia)

Hawoltia limonifolia grows up to 10-12 cm in diameter. It has hard leaves of dark green and yellow-green hues. Over the entire surface of the leaves are tuberous wavy stripes. This view is particularly demanding on light.

The "window" varieties of Haworthia include:

Haworthia retusa (Haworthia retusa)

Juicy triangular, with veins on the upper part, Haworthia retusa leaves are translucent. At the ends there are light-transmitting "windows". The leaves are collected in star rosettes up to 10-15 cm in diameter. Their color is from green to brownish-green, in the sun they acquire a purple hue.

Haworthia Cooperi

Haworthia Cooper is one of the most exotic types of African foreigners. Light juicy leaves of an outlandish succulent are like green translucent balls with "windows" on top, through which light penetrates deep into the plant.

Now reading:

  • Aloe agave - growing, home care, photo
  • Dieffenbachia at home, care and reproduction, photo
  • Echeveria - home care, propagation by leaf and sockets, photo species
  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species
  • Eonium - care and reproduction at home, photo species


Watch the video: Types of Succulents to Grow Indoors. Succulents in Seconds (September 2024).