Tamarind - growing and care at home, photo


Tamarindus is a tropical tree from the legume family. In natural conditions it grows up to 25 meters, in a house the height of the plant rarely exceeds 1 meter. It has a very slow growth rate. The leaves of the tamarind paranoid are composed of 10-30 separate thin plates.

Fruits are beans with many dense seeds. The birthplace of tamarind is the eastern regions of Africa. Currently, the tree in the wild is distributed in most tropical countries. There, tamarind spread thanks to cultivation.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants as myrtle and cypress.

Low growth rate.
Indoor tamarind almost does not bloom.
Easy to grow plant. Suitable even for a beginner.

Tamarind Facts

Tamarind is quite an interesting plant. For example, its fruits are widely used in the preparation of a number of Asian dishes. In Asia, it is sold locally, dried, salted, candied and frozen in local markets. In addition, the pulp of tamarind fruit is used to clean brass surfaces.

Dense and strong tamarind wood is known as mahogany. It is used in the furniture industry. Also, parquet and other interior elements are made from it. In India, tamarind trees are planted along roads, creating beautiful, shady alleys.

Tamarind: home care. Briefly

Tamarind at home is grown as a small tree or form a bonsai from it. In doing so, the following requirements must be observed:

Temperature modeIn summer the usual room, in winter not lower than + 10 °.
Air humidityHigh, needs daily spraying.
LightingNeeds a well-lit place, preferably on the south side.
WateringIntense, the substrate should never completely dry out.
Tamarind soilNutritious, loose soil with a little sand.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn the spring and summer, once a week.
Tamarind transplantYoung specimens as they grow, old once every 2-3 years.
BreedingSeeds, layering and stem cuttings.
Growing FeaturesRequires regular spring pruning.

Caring for tamarind at home. In detail

Home care for tamarind should be subject to certain rules. Failure to do so may result in the death of the plant.

Flowering tamarind

Tamarind plant very rarely blooms at home. Its flowering period falls at the beginning of winter.

During it, the tree is covered with inflorescences of the racemose type of yellow or pink color.

Temperature mode

In the spring-summer period, the plant is kept at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​°. Being a native of the tropics, tamarind easily tolerates the summer heat. In winter, it is advisable for him to provide a cool wintering. During it, the plant must be protected from drafts.


Tamarind at home needs high humidity. In the spring-summer period, it is sprayed every day in the morning and in the evening. To increase the humidity level, small containers of water are placed next to the plant.


Homemade tamarind needs intense lighting. Windows of southern orientation are best suited for its placement. Once a week, the pot with the plant is rotated by about a third. This contributes to the symmetrical development of the crown.

Watering tamarind

The substrate in the tamarind pot should never dry completely. For irrigation use warm, soft water.


To grow tamarind, you can use plastic or ceramic pots of the appropriate volume. The main thing is that they have drainage holes.


For the cultivation of tamarind, any universal substrate of industrial production with soil acidity in the range of 5.5-6.5 is suitable.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

When growing tamarind, preference is given to organic fertilizers. They are paid from May to September with a frequency of once a week.


Tamarind transplantation is carried out in spring as it grows. Young, intensively growing specimens are transplanted annually.


Stretched over the winter, tamarind is cut off in early March. Its shoots are shortened by about a third.

Tamarind Bonsai

If necessary, tamarind can be grown as a bonsai. To do this, he is fed with high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. As soon as the plant reaches a height of 50-60 cm, the crown is removed. After that proceed to the formation of the trunk. After another year, all the leaves are removed on the tamarind. As a result, overgrown leaf plates become much smaller.

Rest period

Tamarind does not need to create a dormant period. In winter, to prevent growth, they simply lower the temperature.

Growing tamarind from seeds

Before sowing, a solid tamarind seed skin is pre-filed. After that, they are planted in a mixture of peat and perlite. On top of the seeds close up with a layer of clean river sand half a centimeter thick.

The sowing tank is placed in a warm place with diffused lighting. It takes about 3 weeks for seed germination. All this time they should be watered periodically.

When cirrus leaves appear, seedlings dive into separate containers.

Diseases and Pests

When growing, flower growers may encounter some problems:

  • The roots of tamarind rot. This is observed when the plant is filled and in cool conditions. Check for drainage holes in the pot and improve conditions.
  • Tamarind leaves turn yellow. The problem arises with too poor watering or low humidity. It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of detention and adjust them in accordance with the needs of the plant.
  • Tamarind is slowly growing with a lack of batteries or insufficient lighting. To correct the situation, it is necessary to timely make appropriate dressings, and rearrange the pot with the plant in a well-lit place.

Of the pests, tamarind is most often attacked: spider mite, aphid, mealybug, scale insects.

Now reading:

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Watch the video: इमल कस ऊगए. How to Grow Tamarind from Seed. Care Tips in Hindi (October 2024).