Freesia - planting and care at home, photo species


Freesia (Freesia) - corms flowering plant from the Iris family. For many years, the stem can grow up to one meter. A flower grown at home is two times lower. Freesia develops intensively. The timing of flowering depends on the planting time of the plant. Bulbs planted in the summer will turn into a lush bouquet for the New Year.

Large flowers can have different colors. In vivo, they are found in different parts of Africa. The homeland of freesia is considered the Cape region of South Africa. Therefore, an elegant plant whose aroma resembles a lily of the valley is called the Cape lily of the valley. For the elegance of half-opened buds, he is called a flower worthy of aristocrats.

Also see how to grow arrowroot and araucaria.

The average rate of development.
It blooms in mid-spring.
The plant is easy to grow. Suitable for a beginner.

Freesia: home care. Briefly

Sometimes freesia makes its demands for home conditions and is in no hurry to bloom. The plant will bloom and conquer any heart, if you create favorable conditions for it:

Temperature modeIn winter - no more than + 23 ° C, in summer - up to + 18 ° C.
Air humidityAbove average, from 60%.
LightingBroken bright; western and eastern windows are suitable.
Wateringduring flowering - about 3 times a week, then the number of watering is reduced.
Freesia palm soilA universal flower substrate or a mixture of equal doses of leafy, humus, sand, soddy ground, peat.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring flowering, once every 15 days with liquid universal fertilizer, diluted in half.
Freesia palm transplantSpend annually; corms are planted from late August to early December.
BreedingBabies of corms or seeds.
Growing FeaturesThe plant has a thin stem, which is difficult to withstand a heavy inflorescence. To help Freesia with dignity to hold the "head", establish a support. The flower feels comfortable in group plantings. Therefore, several corms are planted in one pot at a time.

Freesia: home care. In detail

Freesia is a domestic plant not only at the place of forced growth, but also in essence. The flower reaches for a homely atmosphere, although sometimes it allows itself to be capricious. It is at home that it reveals its best properties, blooms brighter and longer, smells nicer.

Freesia especially tries to prove herself when suitable conditions are created for her.

Landing freesia

Usually, freesia is planted five months before the planned celebration (with an earlier planting, the plant will already have faded by this time; with a late planting, the buds will not have time to open). Before planting, the bulb is treated with a growth stimulator. A drainage layer and a prepared substrate are poured onto the bottom of the tank with a diameter of about 0.15 m.

Watered with diluted potassium - phosphorus fertilizer. Again, a little substrate is poured on top. 4 to 6 corms are planted in one pot, deepening by 50 mm. The flowerpot is transferred to a bright room. The temperature should not exceed + 15 ° C. Future flowers contain without watering until leaves appear. Then the flower begins to be watered and transferred to a warmer place.

Freesia bloom

A sea of ​​vivid emotions gives flowering freesia. An elegant stem is crowned by a racemose inflorescence of 3 to 9 flowers. The diameter of each of them can reach 5 cm, length - 7 cm. Delicate flowers in shape resemble bells. The color of the petals can be different: from white, to different shades of red, yellow, blue, lilac.

Often the pharynx is marked by a small spot of contrasting color. Interestingly, freesia varieties with yellow - red petals grow much faster than others. The plants with snow-white petals smell most of all. Freesia flowers can be double (in this case they are arranged in two rows) or simple (with a single row arrangement).

Freesia after flowering

After flowering, freesia also needs careful care. For 30 to 45 days, the flower continues to be watered. Then dry leaves and stems are removed, corms are dug up and treated with potassium permanganate. They are air dried for three weeks.

Discard damaged bulbs; the rest are stored in a dry room at + 20 ° C until planting. Be sure to take care of humidity, it should be at least 75%. To do this, put an open container of water next to it.

Temperature mode

Relating to heat-loving plants and at home, freesia needs to comply with a special temperature regime. Indoors, it blooms in winter or spring. For flowering to be plentiful, a temperature in the range of + 20 - 22 ° C is needed.

At lower or higher temperatures, the flower is deformed, the buds do not develop. In summer, the plant needs coolness. Freesia is kept at room temperature, which should not exceed + 18 ° C.

They often ventilate the room, but it is necessary to protect the flower from the draft.


The procedure for spraying flowers increases the humidity in the room. The plant likes moist air, but drops of water can damage the buds. To please freesia, at home, humidity is increased in other ways. You can put a flowerpot with a flower on a tray with wet pebbles, turn on the humidifier.


The flower needs diffused bright lighting and a long daylight. To ensure that the lighting is complete, the backlight recommended by the rules for keeping freesia at home is used. Caring for a plant suggests that it will get enough light on a window facing west or east. On the south window, shade at noon is necessary.

Direct rays of the sun shorten the flowering time, buds are smaller.


When freesia blooms, it needs abundant watering about every three days. After flowering is complete, watering begins less frequently. For irrigation take well-defended lukewarm water.

To preserve soil moisture for a long time, a hydrogel or sphagnum is laid out on the trunk circle and periodically wetted. With the onset of the dormant period, the plant is stopped watering.


For freesia, a suitable universal primer for flowers with neutral acidity (pH 6.3 - 7) is suitable. You can prepare the mixture yourself, taking the same amount of turf land, peat, sand, sheet land and humus.

Vermiculite, brick chips or pieces of sphagnum are added. These components will give the substrate greater friability.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Freesia is fed during flowering. Fertilizing and fertilizing should be approached carefully. An excess of trace elements and stimulants leads to weakening of the plant and a deterioration in flowering. The procedure is combined with evening watering.

Once in two weeks they use mineral fertilizer for flowers. The liquid product is diluted with water several times. After the procedure, freesia is shaded for two days. Top dressing should be continued until the leaves turn yellow at all.

Freesia transplant

Freesia transplant is carried out annually. Corms are not left in the container after flowering. They are dug up when the foliage turns yellow, and the substrate is completely dry. Before planting, it is recommended to store planting material in nets to ensure airflow.

After calculating the flowering time, corms are usually planted in the ground from mid-August to the very beginning of December.


Freesia can be proud of the beauty of its bush: everything is harmonious there, there is nothing "superfluous" to trim. But five weeks after flowering, having stopped watering, pruning is carried out, leaving a small "stump" from the plant.

Rest period

After bright vegetation, the plant should rest for 3 to 5 months. The periods of rest of freesia depend on the flowering time. After its completion, it is important to store the dug up corms in order to get a flowering plant in a few months.

Planting material is stored at elevated to 60% humidity and a temperature of + 23 ° C. 15 days before a new planting, corms are moved to a cooler place and kept at + 15 ° C.

Growing freesia from seeds

In mid-April, freesia can be grown from seeds. Aged in a solution of potassium permanganate seeds are planted in the ground. Three weeks later, shoots appear, after which the seedlings are transferred to a warmer place and grow phytolamps in the light, regularly watering and feeding.

For feeding take a liquid preparation containing a complex of elements, primarily potassium, phosphorus. Fertilizer is diluted with water and applied once every 10 days. Growing plants spawn in separate pots. If desired, freesia grown from seeds is planted on a garden flower bed.

Diseases and Pests

Freesia, grown at home, rarely gets sick. But if care is poorly organized, it is affected by disease and pests.

  • Sometimes the plant suffers from fusarium, corm can rot due to frequent watering. The affected bulb is completely eliminated along with the soil. The pot is sterilized. If the corm is slightly affected, it is cleaned of rot and treated with fungicide. It is necessary to process other flowers growing with it in the same container.
  • Onion hardening speaks of defeat by dry rot of gladioli. It is impossible to protect the plant. The bulb is thrown out.

Freesia can be attacked by spider mites, aphids, and thrips. The flower is treated with phytoderm or other insecticides. Despite some of the freaks' whims, they love it for its delicate appearance and delicate aroma. The plant, feeling care, presents bright flowers at the most solemn moment.

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Watch the video: Fressia Growing Guide by GardenersHQ (October 2024).