Campsis liana (Campsis) - rooted, large-flowered, hybrid species


Campsis liana is a beautiful, fast-growing plant that has been used since the 17th century to decorate the outer walls of houses, arbors and gardens. Branching shoots at the time of flowering are covered with bright flowers of large sizes. Popularly, the plant is known as tekoma.

Campisis Features

Campsis is a perennial flower with a well-developed rhizome, which grows not only in depth, but also grows on the sides, covering a vast territory.

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Additional Information! Campsis is unusual in that it is attached to vertical surfaces by aerial roots. Shoots are actively spreading, creating dense thickets on the walls and fences. Because of this feature, the liana was called the orange aggressor.

Which family belongs to

Tekoma campsys belongs to the Bignonius family.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

There is no exact data on how the liana appeared. The birthplace of the plant is China and North America.

Plant characteristics

Campsis flower has the following description:

  • shoots - long, covered with smooth bark, as the plants grow older they become woody and acquire a burgundy brown hue;
  • internodes have aerial roots and several leaves;
  • seedlings have from 7 to 11 oval or ovoid leaf plates;
  • leaves are green, with serrated edges, the surface is glossy on the front side, the reverse side is covered with a thick small fluff;
  • inflorescences are numerous, on each peduncle from 2 to 8 flowers;
  • flowers have a tubular shape, diameter up to 8 cm;
  • the corolla consists of 5 petals fused at the base, the edges are bent, the color is diverse - golden, raspberry, pink.

The color of the petals depends on the variety of vines.

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Campisis Classification

Campusis genus is not numerous, it includes only 3 species of vines.

Rooted Campsis (Campsis radicans), or Rooted Bignonia (Bignonia radicans)

Clerodendrum creeper - varieties and varieties

It is one of the most common. The rooting campsis winter hardiness is high, for which it enjoys special honor among gardeners. Specifications:

  • shoots from 7 to 9 m long;
  • petiole contains from 9 to 11 leaf blades; pubescence on the reverse side is rare;
  • flowers with a diameter of 6 cm;
  • the tube is brightly copper; on the limb, the petals are painted red.

Attention! Despite the fact that this type of vine can tolerate frosts down to -20 ℃, the plant prefers a temperate climate.

Campsis grandiflora, or Campsis chinese, or Chinese bignonia (Bignonia grandiflora)

This is a kind of flexible creeper, which in a short time and densely braids the support. On the back of the leaves is completely absent fluff. The diameter of the narrow flower is about 6 cm. The color is richly copper.

Large-flowered Campsis is characterized by a modest shoot length, grows like a sloping bush. Prefers moderate temperatures with plentiful diffused lighting.

Campsis hybrida (Campsis hybrida)

A young species of creeper, which is distinguished by large flowers. The shoots are long, reach from 4 to 6 m. The plant has high resistance to frost and excellent decorative characteristics.

Varieties in great demand among gardeners

Hydrangea Petiole or climbing, climbing vine

Each species has several varieties, but only some of them are actively used in landscape design.


Campsis Judy has small burgundy golden flowers. The diameter of the inflorescences is from 6 to 8 cm. The leaves are covered on the back with a plentiful and dense fluff. The maximum height of campsis radicans is 10 m.


The vine reaches a length of 5 m. The plant blooms in the period from July to October. The color of the flamenco petals is bright burgundy.


Flowering from July to October, the shade of bluebells is light yellow.

"Sunny" shade of flowers looks especially attractive and gentle


The variety is different in that it weakly curls. In appearance, it is more like a shrub. The stems are long and thin. The color tint is copper.


Blossoms in a delicate golden color.


Blossom begins in June. The flowers are large, light burgundy.

Dark purple

The color of the petals is a scarlet shade with a purple tint.

Campsis propagation methods

Campsis reproduction is easy. It is planted with seeds, cuttings, cuttings and root shoots.

Seed cultivation

Large-flowered Selenicereus - home care

Planting material is collected in the fall, after flowering. The fruits are long seed pods.


Harvesting of seed is carried out in the period from June to July.

Attention! There should not be buds on the shoots.

How to propagate root shoots

The root shoot of a flower is spreading rapidly, which is why it is used to propagate the flower. The shoots are dug up together with the roots and planted in fertile soil in the spring. A few years after planting, the plant will begin to bloom.

Propagation by layering

Before deciding how to propagate campsis by layering, it must be borne in mind that this method is not necessary, since the plant gives a large amount of quality shoots.

Planting by seedlings in seedlings

The seed method is rarely used, because after such a planting, flowering does not occur earlier than after 5-7 years.

Time for landing

Planting seeds in the ground is carried out in early spring, in early March.

Capacity selection

A shallow wooden box is selected, into which fertile soil is poured.

Soil and seed preparation

The soil for seeds should be loose, with a neutral indicator of acidity. The soil is well moisturized. Seeds of preliminary preparation for planting do not require. Sowing material is buried no more than 5 mm; it is covered with a thin layer of earth on top.

A box with seeds is exposed in the sun, and kept in a warm room at night. Humidification of the soil is carried out as the earth dries.

Seedling Care

Seedlings appear after about 20-30 days. Watering - as needed. The soil must be kept slightly moist, but not overfilled, otherwise the young roots will begin to rot. When 5-6 leaves appear on the shoots, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Additional Information! Planting a vine in a seed way is recommended only if it is not possible to use other methods of propagating the flower. Seeds do not convey all the characteristics of the mother flower, and the flowering of a new plant is too long to wait.

Campsis seeds are rarely used for planting


Young shoots ready for transplantation are carefully removed from the soil. It is important to maintain a lump of earth around the roots so that the plant can tolerate the transplant easier. A hole is prepared of such a depth that the root system will fully enter. The earth must first be fed with complex fertilizers. Seedlings are put in the hole, sprinkled with earth and lightly compacted and watered.

Features of non-seedling planting in open ground

Experienced gardeners recommend the use of cut shoots with their further rooting. Young branches are cut, which can be divided into parts of at least 10 cm in length. They need to be put into water for several hours with the addition of a growth stimulant, and then planted in fertile soil.

Features of gardening

Campsis care and landing in the open ground which is not difficult, does not require the creation of specific conditions.

What conditions do capsis like?

He loves the plant well-lit places, without drafts and strong winds.

What is the plant afraid of?

Despite the fact that the vine can tolerate drought, a prolonged lack of watering will adversely affect the decorative properties of the plant. Frequent overflow is also detrimental to the flower, it can provoke decay of the root system.

Campsis - a common flower in landscape design

Note! Afraid of campsys root overheating. To avoid it, the bush must be mulched. It is important to avoid stagnation of water in the ground.


Watering the vine should be moderate, as the soil dries. When the leaves fall, watering must be reduced to a minimum. During the summer heat, you need to water the plant often, at least 1 time per week.


Mulching is necessary to maintain optimal soil moisture, preventing it from drying out. Helps mulching to avoid root overheating. Sawdust is used.


Slightly loosen the earth after each watering. This measure will provide the roots with the necessary aeration, which will help the young flower to take root.

Top dressing

Kampsis planting and care for which even a beginner gardener is capable of, does not need fertilizers. To ensure abundant and prolonged flowering, it is recommended to feed the vine with fertilizer with nitrogen and phosphorus in the composition.

When and how it blooms:

Each creeper has its own flowering period. Depends on the beginning of the appearance of flowers and the duration of flowering from climate and weather. Kampsis in the Urals, the cultivation of which is not difficult, blooms later due to the cold spring weather. In a zone with a temperate and warm climate, flowering begins in June and July.

Types of flowers

Depending on the variety, the flowers can be small, with a diameter of not more than 5 cm, and large, up to 8 cm.

Additional Information! Campsis is not a poisonous flower; it can be planted without fear on a site near the house.

Flower shapes

The flower consists of several, mainly 5 petals, which are connected at the base, the edges are bent to the sides.

Flowering period

A tree liana blooms all season.

Changes in care during the flowering period

It is easy to take care of the liana during its flowering - just increase the watering. As the flowers wilt, they need to be removed.

Care after flowering

When the plant ceases to bloom, watering is reduced, forming and purifying pruning is carried out.


Pruning is carried out in the spring, until the moment when the buds appear. Dry and damaged branches are removed. Dry shoots are cut off - the development of the vine is very rapid, and therefore the plant can spread so much in a year that it loses its decorative properties.

One of the reasons why campsis does not bloom is the presence of a large number of old shoots. They need to be removed, forcing the plant to start new branches. Flowers appear only on young branches.

Preparing for wintering

Sanitary pruning is carried out not only in the spring, but also before wintering.

On a note! In areas with a temperate climate, where frosts are mild or short-lived, there is no need to prepare the vine for winter. In severe and prolonged frosts, the bush must be covered with non-woven material, and a hill of land should be planted on the roots.

Wrapping creepers will help protect branches from freezing

Dive preparation

If kampsis home, in a pot, it needs to be transplanted every year with an increase in the volume of the pot. Dive in spring. A week before the transplant, watering stops. The new flowerpot is preparing fertile soil.

Possible problems in growing:

Liana is a completely unpretentious plant, but sometimes the gardener has to deal with some difficulties. These are diseases, pests, lack of flowering or slow development.


Liana is interesting only to aphids, which periodically attacks flowers. To get rid of the parasite, the plant must be treated with insecticides. For prevention, these funds are used in June.


Due to excessive watering and constantly high humidity, root rot may appear. To restore the plant, it is necessary to remove the damaged parts of the root system and normalize watering.

Additional Information! The flowers of the creeper have practically no smell, and the bees are attracted by very sweet nectar.

Signs of improper care

The lack of mulching, due to which the roots overheat, excessive watering or lack of moisture - all this leads to the fact that the vine grows poorly. She rarely shoots, they are very weak. Flowering is weak and short, the shade of the flowers is faded. Leaves fade, wither.

Campsis is a beautiful liana that is loved for its active stretching of shoots and bright, long and abundant flowering. Caring for it is not at all complicated, and therefore even a novice gardener can use it to decorate the walls of the house, arbors, and verandas.


Watch the video: वइन क कलम स कस लगऐCutting propagation of flame vine. (October 2024).