Isabella grapes: all about cultivating varieties, crop care recommendations


Isabella is one of the most common grape varieties in the world. By appointment, it is a canteen, that is, universal. It can be consumed fresh, make wine, cook stewed fruit, jam, jelly and so on. Popularity among gardeners, this variety is due to the general undemanding care, high yield, low calorie content, the ability to withstand most diseases typical of the culture.

Description of Isabella Grapes

Isabella (the official name isabella Banska) is a grape variety that appeared spontaneously as a result of natural selection. According to most botanists, this happened as a result of pollination of the noble European vine Vitis Vinifera with the local Vitis Lambrusca. Attempts to grow familiar elite grapes on the new continent have been made repeatedly.

Isabella grapes - one of the old well-deserved varieties, so far not lost popularity

Isabella has been known to gardeners since the 19th century. This grape was first discovered in the United States by breeder William Prince in 1816 in one of New York’s gardens on Long Island. By the way, later it was he who bred Isabella Rozovaya variety, better known in Russia and the CIS countries as Lydia. In honor of the wife of the land owner, George Gibbs, Isabella was named. Most often, South Carolina is called its homeland (even a specific place is mentioned - Dorchester), but there is another point of view according to which this grape "came" to New York from Virginia or Delaware.

Isabella came to Russia (then the USSR) relatively recently, only in the 50s of the last century. But this variety was quickly appreciated by winemakers. Now it is distributed in Georgia, Moldavia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Ukraine. In Russia, it can be grown not only in the warm southern regions, but also in the Moscow region and the Volga region. The "native" climate for Isabella is temperate, bordering on the subtropical. Therefore, it tolerates cold, which is detrimental to many other grape varieties.

Isabella belongs to the category of universal varieties. Grapes can be used for the production of wine, and for eating, as well as raw materials for all kinds of homemade blanks. The variety is late, the growing season is 5-6 months.

Isabella belongs to the category of universal varieties, homemade blanks from it retain the aroma inherent in fresh grapes

Young Isabella vines do not differ at a particular growth rate, but plants older than ten years can add up to 3.5-4 m in length annually. Stepson formed a little. The shoots of young plants are greenish, with raspberry shimmer and thick edge. Then they change color to brown-gray. Leaves are not too large, consisting of three parts or whole. The front side is saturated dark green, the inside is grayish-white.

Isabella's leaves, unlike many other grape varieties, are not very dissected

Brushes of medium size, weighing about 180-250 g, are not very dense. But the yield is high due to the fact that 2-3 brushes are formed on each fruiting shoot. In shape, they resemble a cylinder or an inverted cone. If the weather turned out to be successful in the summer, with proper care, you can grow brushes weighing 2-2.5 kg. In general, the more clusters, the less the mass of each of them. On average, 50-60 kg of grapes are harvested from an adult vine.

Isabella grapes are not too large, but yields do not suffer.

The berries are almost spherical (1.7-2 cm in diameter), black-violet with a thick bloom of gray-gray color. The skin is very dense, durable. Thanks to this feature, Isabella is notable for good transportability. Sugar content at the level of 16-18%. The average weight of the berries is 2.5-3 g. The flesh is sweet and sour, slimy, pale green or greenish-yellow in color, with an easily recognizable flavor resembling garden strawberries. There are few seeds in the berries.

Isabella grapes covered with a continuous layer of bluish plaque

Harvest ripens very late in the first decade of October. To understand that the berries have ripened is very easy by the “nutmeg” aroma distributed by them. The first fruiting can be expected in 3-4 years after the planting of a seedling of grapes in the ground.

Isabella grapes stably pleases the gardener with high productivity

For over a century, Isabella has remained one of the most popular grape varieties not only in the homeland, in the USA, but also in Europe. Having a few vines for the winemaker was considered a tribute to tradition and a sign of good taste. However, in the middle of the 20th century, evidence appeared that during its fermentation toxic substances are produced, including methyl alcohol (80-120 mg / l compared with the norm of 30-40 mg / l), formic acid, formaldehyde. This is due to the high content of pectins in the skin. They can cause serious harm to health, up to the development of liver cirrhosis, multiple sclerosis, chronic kidney diseases, problems with the optic nerve. This feature does not apply to juices and other harvesting from fresh grapes. Therefore, it was forbidden by law to use Isabella for winemaking, which entailed a significant reduction in the area allocated for it.

Even the barren Isabella can find use in the garden

In fairness, it should be noted that subsequently this information was not confirmed. But Isabella’s reputation, declared a “relic of the past,” was significantly damaged. In addition, in other alcoholic beverages (cognac, vodka, brandy, whiskey), the methanol content is significantly higher. But no one has repealed laws yet. Therefore, one can partly consider the point of view according to which all the hype raised was due to protectionism and unwillingness to create competition for European wines in the form of products from the Americas, Australia, because local varieties serve as raw materials for it.

Isabella's health benefits have been scientifically proven. Its berries, in comparison with other grape varieties, are characterized by a high content of phytoncides, therefore, the juice obtained from them has pronounced antibacterial properties. There are many antioxidants in them that slow down the aging process. But due to the high content of fruit acids, undiluted juice is not recommended for use in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Isabella also has a lot of potassium, which prevents the elimination of fluid from the body. Eating it is not recommended for kidney problems and a tendency to edema.

Isabella juice health benefits scientifically proven

Video: Isabella grapes look like

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The undeniable advantages of Isabella grapes include:

  • general unpretentiousness. The Isabella variety is undemanding to fertilizing, soil quality, has good immunity. Even a novice gardener will cope with its cultivation;
  • high frost resistance for grapes. Isabella without much damage to herself suffers cold to -32-35ºС in the presence of shelter. Without it - up to -25-28ºС. This makes it possible to grow such grapes not only in Moldova, Ukraine, southern Russia, but also in regions less suitable for this culture, for example, in the Moscow region, even without winter shelter. If Isabella falls under spring return frosts, new shoots in the place of the victims will form in 2-3 weeks and have time to fully form this season;
  • the presence of immunity against diseases typical of culture. Isabella is extremely rarely affected by such fungal diseases as mildew, oidium, powdery mildew, gray rot, almost does not suffer from phylloxera. The disease does not extend to its vines, even if it affects the growing nearby varieties;
  • ability to tolerate waterlogging of the soil well. Many grape varieties develop rot as a result of frequent and / or heavy watering;
  • ease of reproduction. Cuttings are very easy to take root, care for them is minimal;
  • universality of purpose. The taste unloved by European winemakers is considered quite acceptable in Russia, the USA, Australia, South America, and other countries. Yes, you cannot name high-quality wine from Isabella, but most people who do not understand the intricacies of the bouquet of this drink. Many people like it. But the juice, stewed fruit, and other home-made preparations “nutmeg” aroma gives a light piquancy;
  • low calorie content (only 65 kcal per 100 g). For grapes, this is, in principle, very atypical. Isabella can very well be consumed in order to diversify the diet. Also, despite the rich color of the skin, this variety rarely causes allergies;
  • decorative value. Even if the climate does not allow you to get a grape harvest, Isabella can be used in landscape design for landscaping the garden. She looks very impressive, entwining an arbor, a veranda, a fence. In autumn, the leaves acquire a very beautiful golden yellow hue.

Isabella is not least appreciated for its unpretentiousness and ability to stably and abundantly bear fruit in not the most ideal climatic and weather conditions.

The variety also has some disadvantages:

  • Isabella reacts very negatively even to short droughts. This does not have a positive effect on productivity. Therefore, watering grapes need to be given special attention. Otherwise, the vine may partially or completely discard leaves and brushes. Those berries that still ripen, are very small and acquire a tart aftertaste.
  • The variety is sensitive to the high content of lime in the soil. Hydrated lime for deoxidation of the soil is strongly discouraged. Dolomite flour, sifted wood ash, and egg shells crushed into powder can be added to the bed. Isabella does not like acidic soil, so it is advisable to find out the acid-base balance in advance.
  • The tendency to lose anthracnose. Its prevention must be carried out annually, in spring and autumn.
  • The presence of a characteristic taste, professional winemakers called fox (foxy), which give the berries specific essential oils and acetophenone contained in the skin. It remotely resembles garden strawberries, but not real, but artificial flavor. For winemaking, this is considered a very serious drawback (it is typical for all American varieties and hybrids), causing the appearance of an unpleasant putrefactive smell in a bouquet of wine, noticeable even to lay people, after only three years of storage.

Specialists rate wine from Isabella not too high, but many amateur wine-makers like it very much.

How to plant grapes

The time for planting Isabella seedlings in the soil depends on the climate. In the warm southern regions, the procedure is most often planned at the beginning or middle of September. In a subtropical climate, you can be sure that at least 2.5 months are left before the first frost. During this time, the seedling will have time to acclimatize in a new place.

Landing in spring is the only option for temperate regions. There, winter often comes unexpectedly and not always in accordance with the calendar. And during the summer, grapes planted at the end of May will take root and recover from the stress associated with changing living conditions.

Isabella is not very demanding on soil quality, successfully adapting to both sandy and clay substrates. But the best option for her is fertile, slightly acidic soil. When choosing a place, it should be borne in mind that the vine should be well ventilated (but not subject to regular exposure to sudden gusts of cold wind). Therefore, do not plant grapes next to a solid wall, a fence. The trellis is positioned so that the vines "look" to the south or west. The best place for it is a small hill or a gentle slope.

You can not plant Isabella closer than 5-6 m from any fruit trees. The vine can simply "strangle" their roots, depriving them of food. Especially grapes for some reason do not like apple trees.

In addition to alkaline soil, a salted substrate is not suitable for Isabella. It also negatively relates to close (1.5 m from the soil surface and less) located groundwater. For the same reason, lowlands do not fit - there for a long time stagnates water and damp cold air.

Before planting, the roots of the grape seedling are carefully inspected, all dead and dried parts are cut, the rest is shortened so that they absorb water and nutrients better

Isabella's annual seedlings take root best. The correct plant has at least 20 cm in height and 3-4 roots 10-15 cm long. The bark of the seedling should be clean and uniform, without mechanical damage and stains, resembling traces left by mold and rot. The roots in the section of healthy seedlings are white, the shoots are greenish. You need to purchase planting material in a nursery or a trustworthy private farm. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you will buy exactly what you need.

High-quality planting material is the key to a plentiful harvest in the future

The landing pit should be large enough - about 80 cm in depth and the same in diameter. The root system of grapes is developed, the roots go into the soil at 4-5 m. It is always prepared in advance - in the fall, if planting is planned for the spring, and at least 2-3 weeks, if in the fall. At the bottom, a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 5-7 cm is required. Crushed stone, pebbles, expanded clay, ceramic shards, and other suitable materials can be used. Fertile turf mixed with humus (15-20 l), sifted wood ash (2.5-3 l) is poured on top. The thickness of this layer is about 10 cm. Natural fertilizer can be replaced with potassium sulfate (50-70 g) and simple superphosphate (120-150 g). Sprinkle fertilizer with earth (about 5 cm), and repeat again. As a result, a “pie” is formed of five layers: drainage, nutrient soil, ordinary earth (the latter - two each). It is watered, spending 80-100 liters of water.

The landing pit for Isabella should be deep, a drainage layer is mandatory at the bottom

The landing procedure itself looks like this:

  1. A day before the procedure, cut the roots of the seedling by 3-5 cm and soak in water at room temperature. You can add potassium permanganate crystals to it to a pinkish color (for disinfection) or any biostimulant (to increase immunity). Suitable store products (Epin, Zircon, Heteroauxin), and natural (aloe juice, succinic acid).
  2. Immediately before planting, dip the roots into a mixture of powdered clay and fresh cow manure, reminiscent of thick sour cream in consistency. The mass must be allowed to dry. It usually takes 2-3 hours.
  3. To establish a peg in the center of the landing pit - a support for a seedling about 20-25 cm higher than a plant. Near it, form a small mound from the remaining after the pit was excavated, the earth. Pour abundantly (20-25 L) and wait until the water is absorbed. You can also dig into a hole a piece of a small diameter plastic pipe for watering, but Isabella, unlike many grape varieties, can be watered in the usual way.
  4. Place the seedling on the knoll, gently straightening the roots. Fill the hole with soil, periodically compacting it, so that a 5-7 cm recess is formed. Take care not to deepen the place where the branching of shoots begins. It should rise 3-4 cm above the soil surface. Saplings 25-30 cm high are planted vertically, the rest - at an angle of about 45º.
  5. Trim existing shoots, shortening them by 15-20 cm (upper 5-6 growth buds). Securely fix the seedling by tying it to a support.
  6. Once again, pour plenty of grapes (40-50 l).When the moisture is absorbed, mulch the trunk circle with peat crumb, humus, freshly cut grass.
  7. Cover the seedling with a cut-off plastic bottle for 2-3 weeks. To protect from direct sunlight, cover with a canopy of any white covering material.

Landing Isabella in the ground is a simple procedure, even a beginner gardener will cope with it

When planting several seedlings, a minimum of 1.5 m is left between them. The distance between the rows is 2.5-3 m. When planting is thickened, the vines do not have enough space for food, the yield is greatly reduced. You also need to provide space for trellis. The simplest option is several rows of strong wire stretched between supports at a height of about 80, 120, 170 cm. If an entire plantation is laid, you can dig a solid trench instead of individual holes.

The root system of grapes is developed, so each plant needs enough space for nutrition

Video: grape planting procedure

Crop Care Tips

One of the main advantages of Isabella grapes is their general unpretentiousness. However, it is impossible to receive regularly without minimal care.


Grapes are a moisture-loving plant, but this only applies to young vines under the age of two years. Adult bushes require significantly less water; its excess is even harmful to them. If the soil is clay, Isabella is rarely watered, but abundantly. On the contrary, vines growing in sandy soil require frequent, but moderate watering. Once a month, it is advisable to replace ordinary water with an infusion of fresh cow manure diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10.

Young non-fruiting grape seedlings need abundant watering

Young plants are watered every week, spending 15-20 liters of water. Adults need the same rate every 2-2.5 weeks. They definitely need to moisten the soil when leaf buds swell and immediately after flowering. The best time for the procedure is the evening after sunset.

Starting from the end of August, as soon as the berries begin to acquire a characteristic shade of the variety, watering is completely stopped so that the brushes ripen normally. In autumn, if it is dry and warm, a couple of weeks after the harvest, the so-called moisture-charging irrigation is carried out, spending 70-80 liters per plant.

Watering grapes according to the rules requires the construction of fairly complex structures, but when growing Isabella, you can do with the usual grooves between rows of plantings

When watering, it is very important that drops of water do not fall on the leaves. This also applies to rain, so it is advisable to build a canopy over the trellis. The best way is to moisten the soil with special pipes or drip irrigation. In the absence of technical feasibility, water is poured into the trenches dug between the rows of vines or the circumferential grooves surrounding them.

After each watering, the soil must be mulched. Mulch helps retain moisture in it, does not allow the soil to quickly dry out. For Isabella, this is especially true, this grape variety does not like drought. About half an hour after the procedure, the soil is loosened to improve aeration of the roots.

Fertilizer application

Isabella grapes are enough three feedings per year. Additionally, every 2-3 years, depending on the fertility of the soil, in the spring natural organic matter (humus, rotted compost) is added to the soil at the rate of 15-20 liters per plant.

A well-developed root system of grapes pulls a lot of nutrients out of the ground, therefore, soil fertility must be maintained.

The first top dressing is carried out in the spring, as soon as the soil has thawed sufficiently. It is especially important in regions with an arid climate. Isabella is watered with a solution of any nitrogen-containing fertilizer - urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate (1.5-2 g / l). In addition, 10-12 days before flowering, it is useful for Isabella to pour infusion of bird droppings, nettle leaves or dandelion.

Urea, like other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, stimulates grapes to intensively build green mass

The second time fertilizers are applied when the fruits are tied. At this time, the plant needs potassium and phosphorus. Simple superphosphate (35-40 g), potassium sulfate or kalimagnesia (20-25 g) is dissolved in 10 l of water. An alternative is infusion of wood ash (1 liter can of 3 liters of boiling water).

The last top dressing is a complex fertilizer for grapes. The most popular drugs are Ecoplant, Mortar, Kemira-Lux, Novofert, Florovit, Master. The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Complex fertilizers introduced in the fall help the plant to prepare for winter properly

Like any grape, Isabella is susceptible to magnesium deficiency. To avoid this, plants are sprayed 2-3 times per season with a solution of magnesium sulfate (20-25 g / l).

Video: typical mistakes of a gardener who started growing grapes


Isabella's adult vines are very tall, so pruning for this grape variety is a must. Its main goal is to make the bush grow in breadth, and not in height. The main pruning is carried out in the fall. In spring, the "injured" vine profusely "cries", releasing a lot of juice that fills the "eyes". Because of this, they do not bloom and can rot.

Grape pruning is done only with sharpened and sanitized tools.

In the spring, to the point of growth, all frozen, broken, dried shoots are removed. In the fall, Isabella is pruned in the second decade of October, after fruiting. Be sure to cut off all damaged and weak stepsons. The growth of this season is shortened by about a third, fully lignified shoots - by two-thirds. Each fruiting vine is shortened to 12 growth buds.

During the summer, poorly arranged leaves are removed that interfere with the proper aeration of the grapes, shoots growing down and deep into the bush. The clusters are thinned so that each of them does not touch the neighboring ones. The smaller they are, the larger will be the brush and berries on it. The norm for an adult plant is no more than 35 clusters.

The vines are tied to the trellis so as not to injure the wood

The formation of vines begins with the second season of being in the open ground. On a young vine leave no more than 7-8 shoots. They are tied to the trellis, directing horizontally. The bend should be smooth enough so that the conductive system does not suffer. As soon as the shoots reach the next horizontal wire, they are fixed on it. Tie the vine with a soft cloth or urine so that it does not fray.

Grapes are formed so as to limit the growth of the vine up and make it branch more intensively

Video: grape pruning recommendations

Winter preparations

In the southern regions with a subtropical climate, Isabella does not need shelter, which can not be said about central Russia. There the weather is unpredictable, winter can turn out to be quite mild and abnormally cold.

In principle, Isabella belongs to non-covering grape varieties, but in central Russia it is better to play it safe and protect it from quite possible severe frosts

After fruiting, the vines are removed from the support and laid on the ground. If possible, place shallow trenches dug nearby. Then they are covered with peat, humus or tossed with coniferous branches, leaves of foliage. From above, several layers of any air-passing covering material are drawn in. When snow falls, the vines are thrown at them, creating a snowdrift about 30 cm high. During the winter, it will inevitably settle, so you will have to re-design it several times.

Isabella's young vines, to protect from the cold, can be placed in the trenches dug in the ground

In spring, the shelter is removed no earlier than the air warms up to 5ºС. If there is a real threat of spring back frost, you can make several ventilation holes in the covering material first. Another day or two before the cooling of the vines can be sprayed with Epin's solution. The protective effect lasts about 10 days.

Epin dissolved in cold water helps protect the vines from springtime return frosts

Common Diseases and Pests

Isabella grapes are distinguished by high immunity, it rarely suffers from pathogenic fungi, it is not dangerous for a pest typical of the culture, such as phylloxera. The only exception to the rule is anthracnose.

This disease manifests itself in the form of brick-colored spots with a dark brown border on young leaves (under the age of 25 days) and non-lignified shoots. Gradually, they grow, merge and turn into pressed "ulcers", their surface crackes, begins to rot. The tissues in these places die off, holes form. If nothing is done, the leaves turn brown, dry, the shoots turn black and become fragile, the entire aerial part of the plant dies.

Anthracnose is the only fungal disease that can seriously affect Isabella grapes.

For prevention, young shoots of grapes, reaching a height of 10 cm, are sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate. The treatments are repeated throughout the growing season with a frequency of 12-15 days, using any modern fungicides - Topaz, Abiga-Peak, Skor, Horus, Ordan, Previkur, Ridomil Gold and so on. It is advisable to alternate drugs so that addiction does not develop.

Bordeaux liquid is one of the most popular fungicides, it is easy to purchase or make it yourself

Isabella rarely suffers from a massive invasion of pests. Almost everyone is effectively scared away by the sharp-smelling essential oils contained in the skin. For prevention in spring, blooming leaves can be treated with Nitrofen solution, and during the vegetative season, sprayed with a solution of salt and soda ash every 3-4 weeks (5-7 g / l).

But this feature is not an obstacle for birds. Therefore, to protect the crop, the vines are covered with a dense fine-mesh net. This is the only truly effective way of protection. Others (scarecrows, rattles, shiny and rustling ribbons, and so on) have the desired effect on birds for a maximum of several days. Birds very quickly realize that scary and dangerous-looking objects do no real harm to them and then do not pay any attention to them.

Robust mesh - the only reliable bird protection

Video: grape care and crop recommendations

Gardeners reviews

Isabella to plant unambiguously! It does not freeze, does not get sick, is unpretentious to the soil, always a wonderful harvest! And compote is lovely.



To all the advantages of simple cultivation, one, but fatty minus processing - in the process of fermentation a lot of methyl alcohol is formed due to the "mucous" pulp. From this, Isabella and other Labrusca (including Lydia) are banned for use in the alcohol industry in Europe and the States.



Varieties of the Isabella group are very unpretentious and resistant to fungal diseases (mildew and oidium), as well as to phylloxera. It tolerates high humidity, but not drought tolerant. It grows freely in the Black Earth Region, Moscow Region and Siberia, a non-covering variety. In the country, Lydia and Isabella grew up in my country, made wine, and it would be possible to distill. But the households ate badly. I removed them, planted the cultural ones, now I don’t get it, they eat everything, and I’ll hide for the winter. Now I scratch turnip? either it is necessary to plant even more, but there is not enough space, or return Isabella and Lydia.



I have a vine of Isabella for seven years and I’m not overjoyed. It withstands frosts up to -35ºС without shelter, does not require special care. He grew up in a jar of cuttings cut by a friend, grows according to the wall method, or, more simply put, put it on the arch. I saw the first bunch already in the fourth year of growth and now I collect up to 50 kg from the bush. Very tasty grapes, excellent home-made wine is obtained. This year I’ll try to keep several clusters of grapes until the New Year according to the method on green ridges, so far it’s standing well.

Valentin Shatov


I have been making wine from Isabella for several years. Very tasty, and compote too. Elite varieties (over forty) have nowhere to plant, but the wife does not order to clean Isabella.

Vladimir Kuznetsov


I have about 60 table grape varieties; Isabella is my favorite. This is a non-covering bush of grapes that grows under the foundation of a barn, what kind of grape variety would grow under such conditions and at the same time not only decorate the wall, but also give a good harvest? I make delicious and fragrant compotes from only one grape variety, of course, this variety is Isabella. For some time, she began to make marshmallows herself (raspberry, strawberry, currant, banana, apple, cherry, grape, cranberry); guess which one is the most delicious and fragrant, with an unforgettable bouquet and aftertaste? the final grape, and the variety is Isabella. For this reason, our family was left without grape compote in the winter, the whole Isabella went to the preparation of mashed potatoes for marshmallows. We don’t use Isabella fresh, her taste is very rich. In October we eat table varieties. I’m starting to shoot Isabella in late November or early December (depending on the weather).

Irina Kiseleva


In the 90s of the last century in the grape books I met in the description of the Isabella variety one feature that distinguishes the variety from all other grape varieties. Isabella grows three antennae, then an empty internode, then again three antennae and an internode, and so on. The rest of the grapes have two antennae, and then an empty internode. Therefore, it is impossible to confuse Isabella with other varieties.

Vladimir 63


My natural Isabella has never matured - even in the abnormally hot 2007. We are suitable only for re-grafting. Taiga is well kept on it - excellent splicing and vines per year of grafting under 4 m.

Alexander Zelenograd


My Isabella ripened in the first ten days of September, usually this happens later, but no later than October 5th. Vines grow 8-10 m per year. It is not at all susceptible to diseases (only spiders love clusters). Even when everything around is white with powdery mildew, this does not affect it in any way. A neighbor has a bush for about 20 years - completely braided two apple trees and two walls of the house (no pruning) - there are so many grapes that no apples are visible, I think no less than 100 kg.



Isabella is a grape variety ideal for the novice gardener. The taste of berries, of course, is not liked by everyone, but the culture has a host of other advantages. Caring for Isabella will not take much time and effort, especially if the climate is suitable. But even in conditions that cannot be called ideal, this variety stably and abundantly bears fruit, standing out by its consistently high quality berries.


Watch the video: 12 Fruit Trees that Thrive in the Desert with Little Care (October 2024).