Clove Travianka or Dianthus (Diantos): care and cultivation


Clove grass is a perennial groundcover. The name comes from two Latin words - "dios" and "antos", which means "divine flower". Belongs to the herbaceous genus Carnation, clove family. The method of growing from seeds is one of the methods of reproduction at home.

Description and features of the type of carnation Travyanka

Flowers are characteristic for cloves - they expand smoothly from the bed to the serrated edges. The box where the seeds are formed is located between the petals. This type of plant is easily rooted on slopes and elevated surfaces due to the structural features of the root system. The grass grows in all directions, which makes it possible to stay on the soils of such a plan. It is found in India, on the territory of Europe, and it can also be seen near rivers and in the steppes.

The advantage is that the plant is quite resistant to disease, but sometimes young bushes suffer from insects and rodents.

Varieties of carnations Travianka: characteristics of varieties

The table presents data describing the features of each type of Carnation grass:

ViewHeight cmDescriptionFlowers, flowering period
Wild growing
European20-40.The leaves have a dark green color. Life expectancy is approximately 6-9 years. It tolerates low temperatures up to -40 ° C. The method of reproduction is seeds and layering. Resistant to pests and diseases.Five petals that grow from the beginning, the edges have a rugged shape. Coloring is red, bright pink and lilac. Flowers, in the center of which many seeds are formed, are always collected in inflorescences.
DiamondAbout 15.It has a pillow shape. Fast growing plant. The leaves are oblong, narrow, dark green in color, have a white coating. He likes open, moderately moist, sunny places. Clove grass is a variety resistant to temperatures down to -35 ° C.

The flowers are cherry red.

Mid June - early October.

TorontoCompact bush up to 15.Prefers non-acidic soils, poorly tolerates too wet places. The ideal temperature for seed germination is + 14 ... +15 ° C. It is unstable to cold weather. Removing wilted flowers favorably affects further growth.

Five white cirrus petals expand smoothly from the middle to the outer part of the flower, inside there is a raspberry-red rim, which is characteristic of some varieties of Carnation grass.

June August.

Motley lawnAround 17.The ideal temperature for good growth is + 15 ... +19 ° C. The soil is non-acidic drained, in which water does not stagnate for a long time, but flows out through holes in the pot.The color is white-pink and red.

June August.

Allegory20-25.One of the perennial species of Carnation grass. Has knotty stems that often branch at the top. Almost the entire part of the plant is covered with plaque. They are grown by sowing in open ground, after the 7th day the first seedlings are already observed.

Carmine red flowers in a diameter of 1.0-1.5 cm.

June - August, after it is recommended to cut flower stalks.

Flash light40.The stems along the entire length, like the leaves, are covered with small hairs. Prefers loamy garden soil containing clay and sand in its composition.Sharp-toothed petals, dark pink.

June - September.

Kanta LibraLow - from 10 to 15.Fast breeding. Resistant to subzero temperatures. It grows well on sandy, moderately moist soils.

Elegant and large flowers of dark red hues.

The beginning of June - the end of September.

SparkleUp to 25.Unpretentious plant, grows well in open areas with lots of light. The leaves are narrow, covered with a gray coating.Flowers of a pale pink hue. It does not require special care

Mid July - end of September.

Arctic Fire20-25.Age is one year. The plant is photophilous, drought tolerant, tolerates severe frosts. Quite often, this grade of Carnation is used in landscape design, planting it under coniferous trees.

The flowers are large, have a pleasant aroma. White-red color

June and September.

Dolly doll18-20.Annual grade. Cold-resistant plant, prefers sunny areas and non-acidic soils.

Diameter of white-red flowers is 4-6 cm.

July - early October.

Features of caring for grass

Plant care is not burdensome and difficult. Considering the fact that clove grass is rather unpretentious, it consists in preventing the flower from growing in waterlogged soil (otherwise the roots will begin to rot, and this, in turn, will develop fungal diseases). It is also very important to apply phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen and calcium fertilizers depending on the time of year.

Planting Carnations

Planting is one of the most important stages in the process of growing a flower. Despite the fact that most varieties of Carnation are herbaceous perennials for open ground and do not require special care (an example of this variety is Allegory), it must be replanted every 3-4 years.

This is necessary in order to preserve the decorative properties of the flower, namely: a presentable appearance of the plant, since the bush grows randomly and the decorative role disappears.

This plant loves dry non-acidic soils. Before planting, the soil should be cleaned of weeds, seedlings must be soaked in a chemical solution that protects against pests and diseases. If the gardener decides to plant Clove grass in the watery soil - it is worth adding limestone and sand.

Growing grass from seeds and seedlings

Annual and biennial varieties are grown from seeds. Since the plant is frost-resistant, seeds can be planted in the winter, as a result of which the grass will rise already in mid-March. If we are talking about sowing in the warm season, the period is from April to the end of May. Cloves completely take root only in loose soil at a small elevation - this is due to the fact that water in such soils never stagnates, and this very favorably affects the vital activity of the plant.

When planting cloves of grass, you should consider some of the disadvantages of growing from seeds:

  • The size of the seeds is too small to be able to maintain uniformity of sowing.
  • In the spring, due to constant temperature changes, weeds grow very quickly, which from the soil absorb everything necessary for growth.

Grass seedlings are very fragile and delicate, so in no case should it be planted under frost - the bushes simply will not survive. Usually seedlings are planted in long grooves or holes.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in groups in open ground for 6-8 pieces. The distance between them should be from 15 to 30 cm.

Vegetative propagation of a plant

Division of the bush - one of the types of propagation Carnations of grass. The flower grows, while exposing the center, after which it must be dug up and divided into small bushes. The next action, which will provide Clove grass with good conditions, is the placement of seedlings in the ground, on their further habitat. They do not require special care, it is only necessary to water and loosen the earth around the bushes, enriching the soil with oxygen.

Pest and Disease Control

Disease / pestManifestationsRemedial measures
AlternariosisThe formation of brown spots and dark green plaque on leaves and stems.The plant dies, as this disease is not treatable.
FusariumBrown color on the stem. Yellow spots appear on the leaves, as a result of which they begin to dry.It is recommended to pour lime into the hole. It is worth considering that the plant will be saved, but the flowers on it will not bloom.
RustRed-brown swellings on the leaves.The affected parts must be cut off and then the clove is treated with fungicides (chemicals for combating fungal diseases).
Thrips, BearsDeformation of the leaves, the appearance of brown or brown dots.Too damaged areas must be cut. Change the topsoil, as there may be thrips larvae. The next step in salvation is spraying the plant with chemicals.
Cockchafer, scoop, rodentsTraces on leaves and stems of a plant.In the case when the carnation has caused minor damage to the grass, treat with fungicides. If the plant is damaged by more than 50%, it will not be possible to save it.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: medicinal properties of cloves of Travianka

The most common method of applying Clove grassy is a hemostatic agent (hemostatic). There are two main methods of using this plant for medicinal purposes - internal and external use.

It is an excellent folk remedy for:

  • high temperature (as an antipyretic);
  • burns;
  • pain in the heart and migraines;
  • internal bleeding;
  • swelling (as a diuretic).

External use is recommended for:

  • bruises;
  • joint pain;
  • scratches, wounds (as a healing);
  • skin diseases, including on the face (acne, dermatitis, etc.).


Watch the video: Growth rate, care and cultivation of Astrophytum cactus. (October 2024).